Kasumi Goto(not that I would ever want to play Elite with a mouse and keyboard voluntarily, the horror).Yep, another reason why I can't be bothered with on-foot stuff. I play a spaceship game with two flight sticks and a keyboard between them. When I want to play a spaceship game, I move the mouse away, place the sticks in front of me and that's fine. On-foot stuff and even SRV driving requires me to physically move the sticks somewhere else, so that I could play with keyboard and mouse again, and then, I need them back for flying. My desk doesn't have unlimited space and damn those stupid cables because wireless sticks are almost non-existent. Too much fuss over something not so important for me personally.
Elite: Odyssey
27 Apr 2024, 8:23pm
27 Apr 2024, 11:10pm
28 Apr 2024, 2:45pm
MeowersYep, another reason why I can't be bothered with on-foot stuff. I play a spaceship game with two flight sticks and a keyboard between them. When I want to play a spaceship game, I move the mouse away, place the sticks in front of me and that's fine. On-foot stuff and even SRV driving requires me to physically move the sticks somewhere else, so that I could play with keyboard and mouse again, and then, I need them back for flying. My desk doesn't have unlimited space and damn those stupid cables because wireless sticks are almost non-existent. Too much fuss over something not so important for me personally.
Well, I don’t recall ever using mouse for on-foot stuff*; two sticks work pretty fine for me. Keyboard is occasionally useful, but hardly essential.
* Or, really, for anything other than galaxy/system map navigation, or occasionally working around focus problems in the UI.
SRV is another matter; it pretty much requires either a throttle (which I do have) or pedals (which I don’t). I can’t imagine driving an SRV with a mouse.
BTW, there’s a reason wireless sticks are rare: wireless HIDs tend to have low bandwidth and high latency, which is much more of a problem for a joystick than for a keyboard.
28 Apr 2024, 10:07pm
28 Apr 2024, 10:10pm
Sampi OgonekBTW, there’s a reason wireless sticks are rare: wireless HIDs tend to have low bandwidth and high latency, which is much more of a problem for a joystick than for a keyboard.Yeah, I know that, sticks have to update their position constantly etc. Though, I have no latency/input lag issues with wireless keyboard and mouse: can't say they're super high-end, but certainly not some generic noname office crap. A couple of years ago I stumbled upon a noname Bluetooth module with a USB port, to 'convert' wired mice and keyboards into wireless, yet it didn't seem to work with sticks at all, and I haven't seen those things produced by manufacturers I can trust.
I just irrationally hate cables strewn all over and under the desk, lol. So I have wireless everything that can be wireless.
Last edit: 28 Apr 2024, 10:43pm
04 May 2024, 12:29am
Is this another Odyssey bug?
04 May 2024, 1:21am
Happened to me a few times when I had disconnections/crashes during the battle. I get back, I see NPCs blasting each other, but no CZ progress interface.
04 May 2024, 8:34am
Thanks as always. o7
Also, is there a trick to accurately lobbing the crazy bouncing grenades? It's like trying to throw a rubber ball and expecting it to land perfectly at someone's feet.
04 May 2024, 12:04pm
Bainsey7I'll try getting a Vulture-combat-taxi to the next one and see if that works if it persists when I try next. I haven't actually done that yet since getting Odyssey I've just been landing at any I see, picking a side and getting stuck in.
The only time I visit Frontline Solutions is to determine where the High Intensity conflicts are. That way I can do exactly what you are talking about. Fly there, fight, fly away to reset the conflict, and return to fight again.
Bainsey7I think only AI bots know how to perfectly throw grenades. I only chuck them into enclosed spaces.
Also, is there a trick to accurately lobbing the crazy bouncing grenades? It's like trying to throw a rubber ball and expecting it to land perfectly at someone's feet.
Bainsey7 I've just been landing at any I see, picking a side and getting stuck in.
Ya aint really fightin' unless yer getting stuck in wit da boyz! WAAAAGH!
07 May 2024, 2:53pm
I know they have to have an atmosphere but is there a way to know whether a system is worth trying and which ones aren't worth doing a full system FSS?
07 May 2024, 3:17pm
07 May 2024, 3:41pm
Under the first option, click on Route Planner "Expressway to Exomastery".
07 May 2024, 4:48pm
07 May 2024, 5:44pm
Bainsey7Is there a trick to finding planets with organic life on them? I'm doing lots of FSS's but I have hardly found anything so far snd I'm quite a bit out.
I know they have to have an atmosphere but is there a way to know whether a system is worth trying and which ones aren't worth doing a full system FSS?
In the past, I have found that FSS did not always report organic or geological findings. Maybe things have changed since my last mapping and gene stealing trip many months ago. However, detailed Surface Scans always reveal findings but that requires visiting the planet and mapping it. I don't mind doing that since I tend to map systems where I am the first discoverer, anyway.
07 May 2024, 6:50pm
Bainsey7If I don't care about getting "first discovered" can I just go to the codex, discoveries, organic structures and fly to wherever they've been reported?
You sure can, but that’s going to be a lot of flying, as the Codex lists only the first report per galactic sector! I’d rather use an external tool as suggested by others.
Anyway, biologicals are fairly frequent; you’re bound to hit a good system eventually if you take care to do a complete FSS of every system you visit