Elite: Odyssey

22 Jan 2024, 3:12pm
Except this is an all around build i use to scour around, and more than enough to take care anything. H res and H combat included.

Edit Though if i really want to do battle than there will be some changes at it such as throwing out the scarab guardian booster putting in more shield booster and so. Not going to put in prismatic, the dakkas give more than enough surplus weight, if i do that than it will lose too much agility.
22 Jan 2024, 3:32pm
ArtieSimilar for traders - you will put as many cargo racks as possible there and make your ship as light as possible to increase your jump range (with a shield or without), you don't need much other stuff there just to have the ship balanced or versatile, because it doesn't serve the intended purpose.

Yep that's true but if haulin' valuable cargo is better to have some defence. Anyways, for some strange reason, I am still flyin' Krait Mk2 with Modshards and tv beam and doesnt matter which purpose. Most funniest part of this ship's story is that from beginning I didn't wanted to mess with engineers. But somehow I got inside AX circles so G5 dirty thrusters were required, armor-monstered power plant too and distro too. But it didn't lasted long in AX service. I returned to routine. Cargo? 6A shield and other slots are for cargo. Bounty hunting? Swap out cargo racks for shield and hull reinforcements.

I even tried to swap engi modules to Phantom. Hell, that was damn fast ship. But one hardpoint was very missing too. So I left Phantom only for explo and courier stuff, otherwise I am using Mk2. (Yes and I am swappin modules)
22 Jan 2024, 3:45pm
Adam 'The detective' Štefánik
Yep that's true but if haulin' valuable cargo is better to have some defence. Anyways, for some strange reason, I am still flyin' Krait Mk2 with Modshards and tv beam and doesnt matter which purpose. Most funniest part of this ship's story is that from beginning I didn't wanted to mess with engineers. But somehow I got inside AX circles so G5 dirty thrusters were required, armor-monstered power plant too and distro too. But it didn't lasted long in AX service. I returned to routine. Cargo? 6A shield and other slots are for cargo. Bounty hunting? Swap out cargo racks for shield and hull reinforcements.

I even tried to swap engi modules to Phantom. Hell, that was damn fast ship. But one hardpoint was very missing too. So I left Phantom only for explo and courier stuff, otherwise I am using Mk2. (Yes and I am swappin modules)

Yeah, probably depends also on the ship. I have a positive experience with Type 9 utilizing only the class 7 shield (which is pretty weak, but quite sufficient for occasional bumps and applying the brave Sir Robin tactics on interdictions). I briefly experimented with shieldless Cutter but with some hull reinforcement packages and it seemed it may work good enough, too (but no definitive conclusion on this one). I certainly prefer to have at least some passive defence for traders.
22 Jan 2024, 7:01pm
If somebody want me (and I am on cargo run with Krait), I will show him what 4 blue glowin' Guardian sawed off shotguns can do. I am always winner until it is PVP player (and thats reason why I am not in open)
23 Jan 2024, 1:22am
Adam 'The detective' ŠtefánikIf somebody want me (and I am on cargo run with Krait), I will show him what 4 blue glowin' Guardian sawed off shotguns can do. I am always winner until it is PVP player (and thats reason why I am not in open)

Open is almost never a problem. Many PvP interactions can be avoided if you're alert, and many can be escaped if you're prepared. And if you lose a ship ... eh, that sucks, but it's not the worst thing.
23 Jan 2024, 4:09am
I see a difference between "PvP" and shooting a ship that is sitting stationary while landed at a Guardian site(providing you are there in an SRV instead of using the limpet thing). One can be piracy, the other is probably just some guy with too much time looking to waste someone else's for no reason other than to annoy them.

The latter player is why I avoid the most popular locations in open play.
23 Jan 2024, 6:10am
RotwhylrOpen is almost never a problem. Many PvP interactions can be avoided if you're alert, and many can be escaped if you're prepared. And if you lose a ship ... eh, that sucks, but it's not the worst thing.

On other hand, every time when I was interdicted by player, it was in Deciat. And Deciat is like minefield with gankers as mines
23 Jan 2024, 6:12am
But I still dont get player interdictions (player interdicting another): red bar was minimal, but I every time got wrenched out, how it is possible? I should drop from SC when red bar is full, not empty almost right after start of interdiction
23 Jan 2024, 10:35am
um, here is how to get player vs player interdictions. your mini-game is to get max blue bar in a short time period, like 30 seconds

if you cannot max your blue bar in + - 30 seconds, you loose mini-game and get interdicted.

in player vs npc , the mini game lasts 1 minute + -
23 Jan 2024, 11:10am
PvP interdictions have always been way more difficult than PvE, most people think it's even easier to submit and then hit the boosters while the interdicting ship is spinning too.
23 Jan 2024, 7:22pm
MeowersPvP interdictions have always been way more difficult than PvE, most people think it's even easier to submit and then hit the boosters while the interdicting ship is spinning too.

Correct, in pve who cares, unless you fly something mr bad to the bone desinged.

pvp, you always submit, then highwake out as you dont get the long fsd cooldown. again, unless youre flying something mr bad to the bone designed and you explode in 2 PA volleys.

Last edit: 23 Jan 2024, 7:36pm
24 Jan 2024, 6:01am
MeowersPvP interdictions have always been way more difficult than PvE, most people think it's even easier to submit and then hit the boosters while the interdicting ship is spinning too.

Correct, in pve who cares, unless you fly something mr bad to the bone desinged.

pvp, you always submit, then highwake out as you dont get the long fsd cooldown. again, unless youre flying something mr bad to the bone designed and you explode in 2 PA volleys.

And what if high wake is not possible due mass lock? Cutter can masslock Krait on some distance and Cutter is not so slow as it looks (Krait neither but still)
24 Jan 2024, 8:18am
Adam 'The detective' Štefánik
MeowersPvP interdictions have always been way more difficult than PvE, most people think it's even easier to submit and then hit the boosters while the interdicting ship is spinning too.

Correct, in pve who cares, unless you fly something mr bad to the bone desinged.

pvp, you always submit, then highwake out as you dont get the long fsd cooldown. again, unless youre flying something mr bad to the bone designed and you explode in 2 PA volleys.

And what if high wake is not possible due mass lock? Cutter can masslock Krait on some distance and Cutter is not so slow as it looks (Krait neither but still)

mass lock only effects on low wakes. (Jumping into supercruise) High wake does not.
24 Jan 2024, 9:57am
Thanks, I dint know that but charging takes more time, not?
24 Jan 2024, 11:33am

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.