Elite: Odyssey

11 Oct 2024, 8:32am

Absolutely awesome. Thanks for the laugh.
11 Oct 2024, 9:18am
Talking about Odyssey and on-foot stuff (@Meowers mentioned something about the emptiness of the settlements), let's talk about it:

(1) What do you really like about your space legs?
(2) What Odyssey content is your favorite?
(3) What would you love to see improved?

For me it's:
(1) After playing for long years on console, coming to Odyssey on PC (ok, SteamDeck) made me feel like a real person. Being able to walk around, to see myself as a person, really added to the immersion of the whole Elite experience. Also: fancy suits.
(2) Stealthing and sniping, I love to sneak into stuff and kill people silently from afar.
(3) Settlements are too empty and not varied enough. I want more NPCs doing every day stuff, I want shopping malls and schools and stuff, turning them into real little towns. It would also be cool to have missions combining several vehicle activites, like dogfights with your spaceships, SRV battles, SRV exploring, on-foot exploring etc. And I would love to have more Concourse stuff (see the other post of mine about Carriers). Or to frame it better: something else in a station or a port than a concourse.
11 Oct 2024, 1:51pm
RawnuTalking about Odyssey and on-foot stuff (@Meowers mentioned something about the emptiness of the settlements), let's talk about it:

(1) What do you really like about your space legs?

It completes the experience for me. I can BE in the game. I love the ground options for missions and visits.

Rawnu (2) What Odyssey content is your favorite?

Two answers tied for first: ExoBio and Ground CZs.
Restore missions are a close second and covert missions get third place.

Rawnu (3) What would you love to see improved?

I... WANT... GROUND... AX... COMBAT!!!
Saying it again for those in the back: I want to fight thargoids on ground with new special suits and weapons. I want the combat to be brutal in difficulty.
My suggestion: AX Ground Low = Human Ground Med/High, etc.
11 Oct 2024, 2:55pm
There's a lot of stuff I can write about how undercooked, half-arsed on-foot content is, and most of it is public knowledge. But I'd like to stress out how awful the gunplay is. Those gun-shaped objects are much likely made by people who think a gun is a magic box bullets come out of. Performance is way worse than even low-quality modern day weapons. No diversity at all, just one gun of every type. Even the models are made without any regard to real firearm functioning and sometimes ergonomics. This is just a piece of crap.

Those plasma weapon 'magazines', glass jars with purple goop inside, are better grenades than ammo storage lol, imagine dropping one while reloading.

p.s. And Ody doesn't have machineguns.

Last edit: 11 Oct 2024, 7:07pm
11 Oct 2024, 6:56pm
I can enjoy the on foot stuff , and even love the exo bio, but i concur with meowers in the sense that the on foot combat is not a highlight of the ODY content, it is enjoyable in doses for ground combat, and i do actually enjoy trying to STEALTH my way thru settlements more then fight my way thru them and I think there is something to that, we arent supposed to be the reavers of space most of the time we shouldnt be fighting on the ground outside of controlled CZ's
I do not hate the ground combat but I also dont go out of my way to engage in it often.
11 Oct 2024, 7:24pm

Absolutely awesome. Thanks for the laugh.

11 Oct 2024, 7:46pm
To each their own, I guess. Most, if not all, content in the game is "easy" once you know how it works and/or have the right gear/setup. As far as engagement and story, I think it's fair not to do the activities that don't fit with one's character (both in-game and player). For example, I don't do a lot of theft and illegal killing; yes, it's just a game, but I don't like simulating that kind of thought-process. Contrary to that example is the fact that my in-game persona is a mercenary and explorer, so contracts for criminals is fair game.

The constant influx of new soldiers at a CZ for countless engagements is a stretch, but suspension of disbelief is necessary in a small dose to be able to actually enjoy the game as a game. Basically, I can understand that when I crash my ship and respawn somewhere, I can choose to accept that "respawn" as reality or to pretend the crash never happened.

The reality of the CZs is certainly a stretch, but so is it for other games like Halo where a capital could just glass a whole continent rather than sending hordes of enemies to die. Same is true for Elite, so I just kinda take what I can with the "fun of it" and enjoy life outside the game for the rest of it.

One thing I like most about this game is the diversity in the opinions, approaches, and playerbase. Which is why I admire the tenacity and combat acumen of Meowers and others, especially when it comes to ships, while maybe not sharing the opinion on Ody stuff. I still have a LOT to learn and achieve in Elite and I'm glad to have so many guides here (on Inara) for it all.

Circling back to the start of this long reply: To each their own.
11 Oct 2024, 8:55pm
I guess I'd just chime in to say I totes feel you Indy. I think the ability to switch between flyin time, to on foot time makes the game sustainable. I love elite and have played it off and on for the better part of a decade now, but what burns me out is nothing varying up. I hate stuff like having to JUST trade for money or JUST mine, or JUST do bh missions. I like getting out and experiencing the world. I think the further the ground games get expanded with more stuff, especially if it integrates the space stuff, the more the game becomes surviveable.

Also omg ground AX fight let's go. I know it's a big ask, but if the option of a flamethrower equipped exosuit comes up, I will arrive when a child is in danger and in a loud, clear, and assertive tone, will unkindly ask the alien to remove one's presence from said child.
11 Oct 2024, 9:42pm
Emily Valefor Also omg ground AX fight let's go. I know it's a big ask, but if the option of a flamethrower equipped exosuit comes up, I will arrive when a child is in danger and in a loud, clear, and assertive tone, will unkindly ask the alien to remove one's presence from said child.

I am now reminded of a line from the movie Space Zombie Bingo when the general is explaining how one of the many an alien attacks on Earth was thwarted.

“No Earthian female was safe from their outer space lust! But an atomic rain of destruction stopped their disgusting plan. Our degraded women were redeemed by the purity of cleansing atomic fire”
11 Oct 2024, 9:54pm
That just sounds gross and sexist
Vasil Vasilescu
Emily Valefor Also omg ground AX fight let's go. I know it's a big ask, but if the option of a flamethrower equipped exosuit comes up, I will arrive when a child is in danger and in a loud, clear, and assertive tone, will unkindly ask the alien to remove one's presence from said child.

I am now reminded of a line from the movie Space Zombie Bingo when the general is explaining how one of the many an alien attacks on Earth was thwarted.

“No Earthian female was safe from their outer space lust! But an atomic rain of destruction stopped their disgusting plan. Our degraded women were redeemed by the purity of cleansing atomic fire”
11 Oct 2024, 10:04pm
The aliens had to step up their game. Before that, the aliens raised the dead and turned them into telephone solicitors to scare humans off the planet, but an atomic one-two punch incinerated them and put an end to their diabolical plan.

Hooray atom bombs. They make any problem go away.

But yeah, AX ground combat might be nice if it was not just Far God cultists in place of the current mercenaries.
11 Oct 2024, 10:18pm

I replied here because I saw a lot of good points from all over and frankly it seemed pretty cool as a discussion. I think a lot of people got elite because, flight space sim, but I think many others got the game because it was a cool Scifi setting they want to be part of. I'm pretty sure there's a healthy way to do both.

Frankly I think they're off to a great start with station interiors and fleet carrier interiors, I just wish there was more there. Being able to negotiate for missions was really neat and I'd like to see that for the space game too, or perhaps a more robust system, or chained missions that go space/ground and vice versa.

Odyssey was rough at the start but just coming back now I'm really having fun with both elements ground and space, I just hope this new development and new powerplay brings life to the game, and I look forward to where it's going.
12 Oct 2024, 1:03am
For the most part I enjoy Odyssey. The more things there are to do, the less monotonous other things become as you switch between activities. While not disappointed in Odessey I, like I am sure some others, had hopes that it would have more MMORPG elements and be more condusive to in-game interaction between players.
12 Oct 2024, 6:35am
IndyOne thing I like most about this game is the diversity in the opinions, approaches, and playerbase. Which is why I admire the tenacity and combat acumen of Meowers and others, especially when it comes to ships, while maybe not sharing the opinion on Ody stuff. I still have a LOT to learn and achieve in Elite and I'm glad to have so many guides here (on Inara) for it all.

Just wanted to say that Indy has the best and most relaxed attitude to the game and its players o7

And yes, AX ground combat would be a fantastic and also logical step. One step further would be to explore where the Thargoids originate, maybe with underground settings etc. I'm not sure if the proprietary game engine FDev uses could manage that though. We should probably also manage our expectations, those things we talk about are hard to implement. And this game already contains so many options to play it, if you think about it, it's a real miracle than any of it works, not to speak of how you can move from one activity to the next within the same game world. Elite also has its limitations, it won't ever have something like traditional RPGs have e.g. more scripted stories, more varied player-NPC interactions, "quests" etc. (it does have stuff like CGs and of course the war, but that's as close as it gets). One way forward here maybe could be to truly have social hubs (as Kira called them) where player-player interaction can take place (talking about space legs, not dogfights).
12 Oct 2024, 2:07pm
RawnuJust wanted to say that Indy has the best and most relaxed attitude to the game and its players o7

Thanks! o7

I think it's important to keep a balanced perspective with most/all games. The purpose, at least for me, is fun. There's plenty in life to spend time on, especially if you enjoy what you do. And variety is the spice of life!

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.