Elite: Odyssey

08 Sep 2023, 11:51am
Do Glaives show up only in systems that melt Guardian tech? I'd like to find out if my Adder can survive them.
08 Sep 2023, 2:47pm
Anywhere that’s Thargoid controlled, and of course the location of the Titan itself.

Glaives themselves still melt your Guardian tech(except for the shield and hull reinforcement) regardless of where you look for them, though.
08 Sep 2023, 4:17pm
They leave shield reinforcements alone? Has this been changed, or is it specific to the Glaives?

I always hated it that SRPs were not exempt from melting. My Adder relies on them.
18 Oct 2023, 7:45pm
can somebody give me some Matrix sites to go visit? Please.
18 Oct 2023, 8:12pm
Sir Sprockettcan somebody give me some Matrix sites to go visit? Please.

I guess you mean the Thargoid barnacle matrix sites, the ones that have grown into Spire sites?
If so there's one on planet 3b in Hip 19870, and another in COL 285 Sector YT-F B12-2 on planet 2.

Enjoy the sights and sounds, don't fly without rebuy
21 Oct 2023, 6:08am
What some peoples has to understand, at this point after things got steamy after which my suspicions was verified, anything they can do is nothing more but spit up to the sky while they standing beneath it. It's simply just going to fall back to their heads. A drop of saliva, answered with a hailstorm.

- M
21 Oct 2023, 10:15am
Hey, everybody.
Heard the news in Galnet that there was an election in the federation, and here I realized that as a citizen of the federation I did not participate in it. That doesn't seem very democratic. Did someone vote for Winters? It's a joke of course, but I think it would be more immersive if frontiers made such a feature. What do you think? )))
21 Oct 2023, 3:24pm
Pilot's Federation Announcement:

Election day!
Vote for the candidate we want to see as the new president and get yourself a new shiny Ultra Blaster 5000 and 50 M Credits!
Vote for that another loser and get yourself a brown Hauler paintjob!
21 Oct 2023, 5:42pm
Meowers... get yourself a brown Hauler paintjob!

That sounds like something you have to pay extra for when in Amsterdam's De Wallen. And you probably need a shower afterwards.
21 Oct 2023, 8:20pm
SnapStrHey, everybody.
Heard the news in Galnet that there was an election in the federation, and here I realized that as a citizen of the federation I did not participate in it. That doesn't seem very democratic.

You're citizen of PF, not Federation itself.
22 Oct 2023, 9:59am
SnapStrHey, everybody.
Heard the news in Galnet that there was an election in the federation, and here I realized that as a citizen of the federation I did not participate in it. That doesn't seem very democratic.

You're citizen of PF, not Federation itself.

Shame that, I reckon LCU NoFoolLikeOne would have won hands down if the PF were included in the ballot
09 Nov 2023, 8:19am
Looking for a little help {So below seem right to people)

[I've tried looking for someone who posted value behind the Handheld Weapons.
Especially for Hip Fire Accuracy, Stability and Handling.
But without any luck, I decided to do it myself.
As they only show a bar line for the value, I measured it and created some values.

Now I rounded them off to the closest half-centimetre then divided it by the full length to get a percentage.
I ended up this this

Weapon Hip Accuracy Stability Handling
Karma AR-50 78% 83% 44%
Karma C-44 89% 61% 67%
Karma L-6 72% 56% 22%
Karma P-15 83% 22% 72%
Executioner 39% 50% 33%
Intimidator 17% 39% 50%
Oppressor 78% 72% 44%
Tormentor 61% 22% 72%
TK Aphelion 83% 89% 44%
TK Eclipse 83% 39% 50%
TK Zenith 78% 72% 83%

I run into problems when adding the Upgrade bonuses, especially HFA (currently only have one weapon with this)
Karma weapons are meant to add 10% & TK weapons 15%, and Manticore 30%

Base Modified
Karma AR-50 78% 86% (only weapon I have with HFA, but from the measure test its off by 2-3%)
Karma C-44 89% 98%
Karma L-6 72% 79%
Karma P-15 83% 92%
Executioner 39% 51%
Intimidator 17% 22%
Oppressor 78% 101% (Over 100%, but this could be due to rounding issues)
Tormentor 61% 79%
TK Aphelion 83% 96%
TK Eclipse 83% 96%
TK Zenith 78% 89%

Stability seems to calculate at 11%

Base Modified
Karma AR-50 83% 94%
Karma C-44 61% 72%
Karma L-6 56% 67%
Karma P-15 22% 33%
Executioner 50% 61%
Intimidator 39% 50%
Oppressor 72% 83%
Tormentor 22% 33%
TK Aphelion 89% 100%
TK Eclipse 39% 50%
TK Zenith 72% 83%

As I have No Fast Handling Weapons yet not been about to calculate them.

I'm looking at playing with the Damage & Rate / Second but missing all the G5 damage for weapons

Mostly I'm looking to see if people think these numbers look right or is my maths off. (as I only play infrequently)

09 Nov 2023, 10:50am
Plaz weapons have a bad accuracy but they make up this with all around damage and stupendous firepower. The tormentor is not a side arm but a pocket held cannon. If you go after hit ratio? I suggest las.

As a side note what modification i suggest to every weapon except pistol & specialized stealth set is range mod it also improves accuracy by reducing jitter at given range. Which you don't need to a pistol since it's better at interiors from close and unshielded targets.

Last edit: 09 Nov 2023, 10:56am
09 Nov 2023, 5:26pm

Are you trying to make a chart for a reason?
Good on you, but....Why?
.I would say the numbers for the stability, accuracy of manticore show as far worse than they really are.
I will also say fdev did not make these, a contractor that had no info on the other part of the game did.
Fdev is still adding code to make it work as intended, still fixing missing variable that communicate between glove 1 and glove 2(the actual 2 cobra engine variation of what was ONCE Horizons , which now is Odyssey).
meaning they did not add useful stats because they had no clue the game has some accurate specs for many many things.
And the reason why nothing will get fixed or changed is because they are too busy making stuff work that they were told does work.
And trying to finish the ED Story, there is no time for anything else.
IF the method you use to get the numbers was done in Legacy, I can say good job. I did this same thing to see the changes on the status screen for conflicts, where the % is locked, but the lines and pointers DO still move and can be measured.
So my prg always can see the difference in a day to day Locked non changing screen for a conflict.
fwiw, you might want to test the picture/screencapture for optimal reading/measuring.
It can change, depending on resolution,where you view it from, how you capture it. Mostly, it is not as simple as it sounds.
In EDO, From what you show, I can say...not going to work. Fdev could add the specs, but there is no reason to.
The EDO upgrade, then engineer - is 1 level of effort more than legacy, then the actual engineering is also not comparable. zero fine tuning in edo.
IMO any accuracy was gone when they ran EDO for the first time and will never change.
Long ago in the forums a dude whined about the plasma shotgun...it is a piece of crap on paper..but in hand it can be impressive.
no one really cared..
by the end of the thread most of us had made it clear,
Why bother with what does not work for you?
Use what works , for you.
change will not happen.
Unless it is to nerf something that is too powerful.
Plasma weapons and KarmA Rocket Launcher are the only weapons I use.
All the rest are mere toys by comparison. and imo totally useless unless you enjoy a handicap.
every player needs to go find these -
g3 karma Rocket Launcher,
G3 Manticore Long Range Rifle
G3 Manticore Pistol.
you can easily kill everything with any of these. the Pistol being my preferred choice

do not hip fire with these unless you have the hip fire accuracy mod - because they will miss more often than hit
DO USE the Scope, this usually means you will actually hit what you aim at. nothing more.they are not actually scopes, just sights.
or use in BERZERKER STYLE, as I do.
Run up to target blow face off whilst gun is jammed in nose.
the damage they can do you in your G3 anysuit is so minimal(is a direct run,shootface), but a tormentor(Pistol) in the face is an END.
I expect others will have their opinion.
As in my ships, I do it my way.
My fav ship is a 7 rail conda. NOTHING Kills faster.
Do NOT use G2 or G1, there is no reason EVER to do so. G3 arms & suits are everywhere, ride a taxi till you find them.

Last edit: 09 Nov 2023, 5:44pm
09 Nov 2023, 11:20pm
Actually, I did six measurements in total for each weapon, & off of two different screens/monitors (3 each one), both from my inventory weapons & store weapons. the numbers were consistent.

Mostly did the number to satisfy my interest, not that it changes my weapons of choice.

As also think weapons come down to play style and personal choice. I personally find Plasma weapons too slow, but that's because I'm a terrible shot.
I usually burn down their shields with Thermal and then switch to Kinetic or shoot them in the back of the head with my silenced P-15 when their shields are down.

Although I am looking at the idea of running to M-shotguns with stowed reload just for fun & chaos, not that it suits my normal play style..

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.