Elite: Odyssey

24 Jan 2024, 4:42pm
Ok thanks
24 Jan 2024, 5:05pm

It does actually.

High wake is not affected by mass lock but takes longer than a low wake
24 Jan 2024, 5:45pm

It does actually.

High wake is not affected by mass lock but takes longer than a low wake

i meant smt else, I don't know how many seconds exactly it takes. Lets just say 20 seconds for example. But it wont take longer by any mass lock or after getting interdicted and submitted by another player. There is small fsd cooldown which takes a few seconds.

This guy was wondering whether mass lock would have an effect and high wake would take longer to charge up and jump into a different system than usual high wake.

Last edit: 24 Jan 2024, 5:51pm
24 Jan 2024, 8:45pm
Charging time is affected only by nearby mass. You may be far enough to not be mass locked by a ship but it will affect your charging time.

Else high wake / low wake times are equal (example: empty instance without ships, assets or bodies)

Very old and well know video for the mechanics of escaping player interdictions.
24 Jan 2024, 9:30pm
EpisparhCharging time is affected only by nearby mass. You may be far enough to not be mass locked by a ship but it will affect your charging time.

Else high wake / low wake times are equal (example: empty instance without ships, assets or bodies)

Very old and well know video for the mechanics of escaping player interdictions.

25 Jan 2024, 5:21pm
Just gonna drop numbers for anyone interested.

Normal drop/submission 5 seconds FSD cooldown.
Forced drop/full intrediction 45 seconds fsd cooldown.

Supercruise FSD chargeup (low wake) 5s assuming youre not being mass locked (bigger ship in the instance)
Hyperspace Charge jump time (High wake) 15 seconds, cannot be mass locked at all. (unless youre too close to a station/megaship/carrier/your mom)

Thats why you want to always submit and jump out as all in all you need about 20s to do so. So, inbetween the actual drop/time it takes to deploy hardpoints/aim by whomever youre being pulled by, its virtually impossible to get you unless your being pulled by a very dedicated full wing that wants you dead, or your ship is made of aerogel. If you seriously cant survive 20s...well, time to review your build, especially if you play in open.

Only writing this incase someone is too lazy to watch the video posted by Episparh.
(Also, wow didn't expect to see a rinzler video being linked in 2024, the absolute legend lmao)
25 Jan 2024, 7:29pm
-Sajuuk- Supercruise FSD chargeup (low wake) 5s assuming youre not being mass locked (bigger ship in the instance)
Hyperspace Charge jump time (High wake) 15 seconds, cannot be mass locked at all. (unless youre too close to a station/megaship/carrier/your mom)

Ah, a case of your mom so fat she mass locks better than a space station.
26 Jan 2024, 9:17am
-Sajuuk-Thats why you want to always submit and jump out as all in all you need about 20s to do so.

It depends on the ship. I have four gank-proof ships, and I almost always low-wake. Cutters are too heavy to be mass-locked by anything but another Cutter or a Type-10. Adder and Courier can escape mass lock easily because they are fast. The Krait Phantom is somewhere in between: faster than a Cutter, higher mass lock factor than FDL and Mamba, the #1 ganker ships.

Gank-proof ships are engineered to survive chain interdictions, i.e. multiple submit/low-wake cycles. For this they need strong shields that either regenerate quickly in supercruise or can tank so much damage that it takes forever to take them down. My Adder uses bi-weaves that recover completely between interdictions. A ship that has to high-wake to survive a gank isn't gank-proof because it can effectively be prevented from reaching its destination. High-wake means back to square one, try again.
26 Jan 2024, 11:08am
The Krait Phantom is somewhere in between: faster than a Cutter, higher mass lock factor than FDL and Mamba, the #1 ganker ships.

I like my shieldless, cold running Phantom a lot. It can silent run for a very long duration. And it has huge total jump range without scooping.
27 Jan 2024, 5:04am
Adam 'The detective' Štefánik
MeowersPvP interdictions have always been way more difficult than PvE, most people think it's even easier to submit and then hit the boosters while the interdicting ship is spinning too.

Correct, in pve who cares, unless you fly something mr bad to the bone desinged.

pvp, you always submit, then highwake out as you dont get the long fsd cooldown. again, unless youre flying something mr bad to the bone designed and you explode in 2 PA volleys.

And what if high wake is not possible due mass lock? Cutter can masslock Krait on some distance and Cutter is not so slow as it looks (Krait neither but still)

Cutters corner like a log, so unless you are piloting same or similar, boost FA off and change direction. Just getting their nose pointed back at you will take them time.
27 Jan 2024, 5:50am
Cutters are good for trading or mining which is quite a waste for a luxury vessel and not just a little absurd if you ask me. Ahhh the good ole panther clipper why we can't have it back? At least it was looked and flied like a proper trading ship instead of a yacht. You know? Seems like a brick, flies like a brick.
27 Jan 2024, 1:55pm
Saludos distinguidos Comandantes de Élite,

Es un placer encontrarnos en este vasto universo, un espacio lleno de comandantes hispanohablantes. Este es un lugar de encuentro donde esperamos no encontrar discusiones, sino un intercambio de ideas en nuestro idioma.

Esperamos ver plasmadas aquí sus valiosas ideas, los desafíos que enfrentan y las sugerencias que puedan tener.

Reciban un cordial saludo.
27 Jan 2024, 5:01pm
MinonianCutters are good for trading or mining which is quite a waste for a luxury vessel and not just a little absurd if you ask me. Ahhh the good ole panther clipper why we can't have it back? At least it was looked and flied like a proper trading ship instead of a yacht. You know? Seems like a brick, flies like a brick.

Yup, aerodynamic design on a space ship has no other purpose than to symbolize luxury. It makes sense on the Beluga but not on the Cutter.

But you can still make the Cutter look like a flying trashcan. Just put a cheap tactical graphite or ice paint job on it and never repair it. With scratches all over the place and grime collecting in the crevices, it will look like a proper freighter.
27 Jan 2024, 6:10pm
Well, there's a place for aero(atmo-)dynamics along the general sci-fi spacecraft building guidelines, it could improve reentry and flight through dense atmospheres... But ED has none of these, lol.
27 Jan 2024, 7:39pm
MeowersWell, there's a place for aero(atmo-)dynamics along the general sci-fi spacecraft building guidelines, it could improve reentry and flight through dense atmospheres... But ED has none of these, lol.

Could you elaborate what kind of aerodynamics you imagine and how it will help with a hull mass of 1100t?

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