Elite: Odyssey

02 Apr 2021, 2:51pm
SakashiroI wonder if it will be possible to harvest on foot the raw materials that we previously harvested with SRVs. I'd love to reduce my Courier's weight by another 6t.

WHAT WE ACTUALLY NEED IS DAMN SRV CATEGORIES, explo, cargo/harvester and COMBAT srv (fuk yes to last one please)
02 Apr 2021, 2:52pm
SakashiroI wonder if it will be possible to harvest on foot the raw materials that we previously harvested with SRVs. I'd love to reduce my Courier's weight by another 6t.

WHAT WE ACTUALLY NEED IS DAMN SRV CATEGORIES, explo, cargo/harvester and COMBAT srv (fuk yes to last one please)

I second this need for the SRV.
02 Apr 2021, 2:59pm
in 3307 with so many makers you would think... i mean you would think right? NOBODY HAS EVEN TRIED DESIGNING THESE THINGS? like...come on bro is common sense, we need an srv with more than two tons, and an srv with higer fire power too...leaving the regular srv in the happy medium...example...cargo srv, requires more space in your hangar so get less amount, they take 6 tons and have one laser...explo srv remains the one we have 2 tons dual reapeating cannon, then combat srv would have 3-4 harpoints maybe 1 ton cargo. BUT NOOOOOOOOO, that would require actual work not copy paste, it would require modeling of new srv's which they can probably copy paste new models with the assets they already have, its just pure lazyness to implement. everyone has always pointed at the damn elephant in the exploration glass room, and that is we need MORE CARGO in our srv's, also for those of us who are combat oriented, we want more firepower lower profile type of vehicle, a damn gokart with a kinetic gattling gun would do man, but nooooooooooo thou shall have 38 ships, but only 1 srv.
02 Apr 2021, 3:03pm
If you've got a copy or can find the information on line from E.D.R.P.G. you'll find a lot of ground vehicles. That also includes at least three other SRV types. The table top game books are also were I get a lot of the lore not in the video game itself, or novels.
02 Apr 2021, 3:04pm
Also you guys so yamiks in virtual chat walking around the conda right? why is this STILL NOT a thing in the actual game, the entire insides of the ships have been designed add the door, code the funtionality and animation of getting in your ship and interacting with the pilot seat and you are done BOOM ( abit more complicated than that both modules must be linked the ship level and the fps level but still).
02 Apr 2021, 3:06pm
Knightwolf 1785If you've got a copy or can find the information on line from E.D.R.P.G. you'll find a lot of ground vehicles. That also includes at least three other SRV types. The table top game books are also were I get a lot of the lore not in the video game itself, or novels.

then more power to my statements WE WANT SRVS for much longer than we wanted the spacelegs. I mean the need for spacelegs is real but still...srv's came with horizons at that time there should have been all three categories already
02 Apr 2021, 3:40pm
CMDR.CephalosBTW I still CANNOT play in ultra, There must be something wrong with my machine, i have people telling they are playing in ultra quality with lower specs than me and i cannot squeeze more than 20-25 fps on environments with npcs loaded, i can do up to 30fps when alone in a room, that's about it, the rest its a slide show. Thus i cant even report bugs until I unfuck myself here with this tincan of a machine, i hate gpu tweeking. don't like to mess with it but guess im gonna have too...or stop watching porn. Can some of you tell me easy things you have done to improve performance. DO NOT SAY stop watching porn....its not happening.

The lowest I've seen in Ultra on my 1070 was 35fps in Hopkins lounge in open mode with 22 NPCs/players on screen.

Are you using fullscreen or windowed mode? Try switching modes and see if it makes a difference. Did you set a frame rate limit? I'm using 60fps fullscreen mode with the limit also set to 60fps. I found that the limit keeps the framerate more stable and prevents stutter. I don't do any tweaking on the GPU driver itself. The last time I've updated the driver was before the launch of Cyberpunk 2077.
02 Apr 2021, 3:45pm
CMDR.Cephalos then more power to my statements WE WANT SRVS for much longer than we wanted the spacelegs. I mean the need for spacelegs is real but still...srv's came with horizons at that time there should have been all three categories already

If you don't agree with the game direction or you want other features or you have a critique to express, complain on the official forum then. Here it has no effect.
02 Apr 2021, 4:17pm
CMDR.Cephalos then more power to my statements WE WANT SRVS for much longer than we wanted the spacelegs. I mean the need for spacelegs is real but still...srv's came with horizons at that time there should have been all three categories already

If you don't agree with the game direction or you want other features or you have a critique to express, complain on the official forum then. Here it has no effect.

Artie please, is a conversation...just hop onto open play and come die at the community goal in the bubble...come on i gotta make a video of you. have you seen the gallery, im your favorite uploader dude, nobody puts more kills there than i except...im missint "killing Artie in open play" video.
02 Apr 2021, 5:01pm
Lol, i took a taxi to a mission and that taxi got blown up!...appearently pilot (or me??) where criminal in that Adder

PS. Appearently it was not me, since when i got "re-deployed" i was not on a prison base
02 Apr 2021, 5:19pm
Draxxa KirethLol, i took a taxi to a mission and that taxi got blown up!...appearently pilot (or me??) where criminal in that Adder

PS. Appearently it was not me, since when i got "re-deployed" i was not on a prison base

dude you got busted for giving money to illegal immigrant. he was working the taxi on a fake social security number from a dead person. now you foot the bill
02 Apr 2021, 5:20pm
So having thermal rifle and kinetic sidearms is the meta. ..far easier than kinetic rifle and thermal sidearms.
02 Apr 2021, 5:23pm
EpisparhSo having thermal rifle and kinetic sidearms is the meta. ..far easier than kinetic rifle and thermal sidearms.

That's my current loadout.
02 Apr 2021, 5:36pm
Artie please, is a conversation...just hop onto open play and come die at the community goal in the bubble...come on i gotta make a video of you. have you seen the gallery, im your favorite uploader dude, nobody puts more kills there than i except...im missint "killing Artie in open play" video.

Exactly. And thus I told you as a part of the conversation that you will have more success on the official forum. Nobody can do anything with your complaints here, but FDev may consider the feedback and change stuff in the game. Don't forget to add some bragging about your PvP kills nobody care about, to add some extra weight.
02 Apr 2021, 6:11pm
Artie please, is a conversation...just hop onto open play and come die at the community goal in the bubble...come on i gotta make a video of you. have you seen the gallery, im your favorite uploader dude, nobody puts more kills there than i except...im missint "killing Artie in open play" video.

Exactly. And thus I told you as a part of the conversation that you will have more success on the official forum. Nobody can do anything with your complaints here, but FDev may consider the feedback and change stuff in the game. Don't forget to add some bragging about your PvP kills nobody care about, to add some extra weight.

let me know when you get itchy...the rest is blah blah blah fdev blah blah blah.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.