Elite: Odyssey

27 Jan 2024, 8:59pm
BOLIVAR CLAUDIOSaludos distinguidos Comandantes de Élite,

Es un placer encontrarnos en este vasto universo, un espacio lleno de comandantes hispanohablantes. Este es un lugar de encuentro donde esperamos no encontrar discusiones, sino un intercambio de ideas en nuestro idioma.

Esperamos ver plasmadas aquí sus valiosas ideas, los desafíos que enfrentan y las sugerencias que puedan tener.

Reciban un cordial saludo.

Emm, can you write in English? This is english writting forum
27 Jan 2024, 9:40pm
EpisparhCould you elaborate what kind of aerodynamics you imagine and how it will help with a hull mass of 1100t?
Aerodynamic factors such as drag and friction. Of course I don't fancy putting wings on a 1100t hull (and a spoiler, like T10) trying to make it fly like a plane, generating lift force etc. But imagine making a steep reentry into the dense atmosphere on a flat-faced brick vs. doing the same on something more sleek. Or moving through the atmosphere, accelerating after a take-off.
27 Jan 2024, 9:43pm
SakashiroYup, aerodynamic design on a space ship has no other purpose than to symbolize luxury. It makes sense on the Beluga but not on the Cutter.

Have you ever had to deal with an Imperial(or at least, a high noble Imperial, who we all know throw the switches over there)? Pompous design and luxury is what they are all about. Just look at their Majestics, and the fact that they’ve got a nice centrifugal gravity ring in the middle of their warship. The Feds didn’t bother with that when they made the Farragut.
27 Jan 2024, 10:08pm
MeowersWell, there's a place for aero(atmo-)dynamics along the general sci-fi spacecraft building guidelines, it could improve reentry and flight through dense atmospheres... But ED has none of these, lol.

Could you elaborate what kind of aerodynamics you imagine and how it will help with a hull mass of 1100t?

I imagine mostly conventional aero but as a supplement/backup to more advanced technology. . The main reason for spaceship aero is because humans like flying badass-looking machines, not cigars, saucers or orbs, like the aliens who troll us by turning our cows inside out.

Granted, most of these examples are less than half of 1100T, but they are conventional aircraft and they fly just fine. Though, if the primary propulsion fails, they will still fall like a brick.
The AN-25 Mirya had a max take-off weight of about 650T
The A380 can handle roughly 550T
Ther 747 can handle 350-450T depending on the variant.

But yeah, no matter how much aero you add to your Nissan, it is still not going to beat a F1 racecar, which, in theory, could drive upside down in a tunnel because it can produce more downforce than the racecar actually weighs.

Last edit: 27 Jan 2024, 10:16pm
28 Jan 2024, 9:26pm
-Sajuuk-Thats why you want to always submit and jump out as all in all you need about 20s to do so.

It depends on the ship. I have four gank-proof ships, and I almost always low-wake. Cutters are too heavy to be mass-locked by anything but another Cutter or a Type-10. Adder and Courier can escape mass lock easily because they are fast. The Krait Phantom is somewhere in between: faster than a Cutter, higher mass lock factor than FDL and Mamba, the #1 ganker ships.

Gank-proof ships are engineered to survive chain interdictions, i.e. multiple submit/low-wake cycles. For this they need strong shields that either regenerate quickly in supercruise or can tank so much damage that it takes forever to take them down. My Adder uses bi-weaves that recover completely between interdictions. A ship that has to high-wake to survive a gank isn't gank-proof because it can effectively be prevented from reaching its destination. High-wake means back to square one, try again.

All fun and games untill you get a wing of not shit tier career ganker NPCs, and get a full wing of dedicated people who run groms have a cutter and will simply chain pull and grom your ass till you piss yourself and wake out, or fucking die.

Had my fair shair of cocky "gank proof people" ending up on youtube cringe comps, blowing up and eating a 30m + rebuy.
Like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DetAttJGV1w (case and point example in first minute of the video)

If you werent blown up yet constantly low waking on people, id say you eventually would, but the games community in that sector is mostly dead nowadays.

No such thing as being "gank proof", anyone reading, dont listen to clowns, and dont end up being one, submit, high wake, and return. People that gank that see you doing that will usually leave you alone after you comeback, as thats a good sign youre not a brainlet.

Or keep getting chainpulled for half an hour and call yourself "gank proof".

Last edit: 28 Jan 2024, 9:34pm
28 Jan 2024, 9:52pm
Vasil Vasilescu
MeowersWell, there's a place for aero(atmo-)dynamics along the general sci-fi spacecraft building guidelines, it could improve reentry and flight through dense atmospheres... But ED has none of these, lol.

Could you elaborate what kind of aerodynamics you imagine and how it will help with a hull mass of 1100t?

I imagine mostly conventional aero but as a supplement/backup to more advanced technology. . The main reason for spaceship aero is because humans like flying badass-looking machines, not cigars, saucers or orbs, like the aliens who troll us by turning our cows inside out.

Granted, most of these examples are less than half of 1100T, but they are conventional aircraft and they fly just fine. Though, if the primary propulsion fails, they will still fall like a brick.
The AN-25 Mirya had a max take-off weight of about 650T
The A380 can handle roughly 550T
Ther 747 can handle 350-450T depending on the variant.

But yeah, no matter how much aero you add to your Nissan, it is still not going to beat a F1 racecar, which, in theory, could drive upside down in a tunnel because it can produce more downforce than the racecar actually weighs.

Before odyssey i was really coping that, all of the lagrange clouds were a precursor to atmospheres...id love to fly through a god damned storm in my conda.
Man, almost makes me want to rekindle my hope that fdev would ever deliver on something like this.
29 Jan 2024, 11:28am
So, can someone remind me where to find a settlements to put out the fires? Reactivation doesn't work for me, but I remember it was related to restore. Inara doesn't help much with these. Any other site that looks to restore missions only? 3 years have passed since I finished the odyssey grind fest thing.

Because I'm making a Samaritan medal.

29 Jan 2024, 11:34am
Rayman.So, can someone remind me where to find a settlements to put out the fires? Reactivation doesn't work for me, but I remember it was related to restore. Inara doesn't help much with these. Any other site that looks to restore missions only? 3 years have passed since I finished the odyssey grind fest thing.

Because I'm making a Samaritan medal.

Civil unrest systems will offer settlements with fires to put out. And AX reactivations in Thargoid-controlled space if you fancy a more thrilling experience(where fighting the fires is more an optional step to make your work there more convenient, rather than required as part of the objective… but I believe the journal tracks those nonetheless).
29 Jan 2024, 2:28pm
What does "Items rescued" mean in the Samaritan medal?
29 Jan 2024, 2:42pm
Kasumi Goto
Rayman.So, can someone remind me where to find a settlements to put out the fires? Reactivation doesn't work for me, but I remember it was related to restore. Inara doesn't help much with these. Any other site that looks to restore missions only? 3 years have passed since I finished the odyssey grind fest thing.

Because I'm making a Samaritan medal.

Civil unrest systems will offer settlements with fires to put out. And AX reactivations in Thargoid-controlled space if you fancy a more thrilling experience(where fighting the fires is more an optional step to make your work there more convenient, rather than required as part of the objective… but I believe the journal tracks those nonetheless).

thanks i found those.

SirthegoatWhat does "Items rescued" mean in the Samaritan medal?

im not 100% but i think items rescued are like escaped pods, black boxes, anything related when u go to contacts > search and rescue contact. i've been just grinding refugees adn getting snored by thargoids too much
29 Jan 2024, 3:21pm
Kasumi Goto
Rayman.So, can someone remind me where to find a settlements to put out the fires?

Civil unrest systems will offer settlements with fires to put out. And AX reactivations in Thargoid-controlled space if you fancy a more thrilling experience(where fighting the fires is more an optional step to make your work there more convenient, rather than required as part of the objective… but I believe the journal tracks those nonetheless).

I've found that civil unrest tends to be best for fire/reboot missions since the mission is often to put out the fires AND restart the power generator.
AX reactivations rarely have any fires, but systems in recovery from Thargoid attack tend to have a huge percentage of settlements needing reactivation/reboot.

My method using Inara to find the best reboot/fire loctions:
  • I search for systems where the controlling faction is in Civil Unrest. I sometimes look for systems with multiple states just in case more than one faction is in civil unrest but, generally, the controlling faction is the best since they will control more settlements.
  • I take a look at the factions in the system, see which factions are experiencing civil unrest, and then look to see how many settlements they control. More settlements means more chance they will be on fire. If there are 10 settlements and 3 are on fire, then you can take 3 reboot missions at a time from the same faction. I tend to focus only on systems where the faction in civil unrest owns 15+ settlements.

As for AX restore power missions:
Unlike other restore missions, you are often required to find a power regulator, so you need to bring some with you to get started. However, there will be missions where power regulators are a reward choice (usually 3-5). In effect, you can keep getting more regulators to do more missions. Consequently, this is also good for farming regulators needed for upgrading suits.
29 Jan 2024, 3:31pm
AX reactivations rarely have any fires, but systems in recovery from Thargoid attack tend to have a huge percentage of settlements needing reactivation/reboot.

All of them do(until someone runs one/several missions at one of those settlements before a server maintenance… I think, at least). I was not referring to post-Thargoid recovery, though - rather, the systems under Thargoid control. I’ve run a bunch of those reactivation/recovery missions and the settlements there are lit. Quite literally.

Putting those fires out should count even if you don’t have it as part of your mission objective(but obviously a lot more dangerous and time consuming so not exactly a recommended way if your primary goal is the badge).
29 Jan 2024, 4:07pm
SirthegoatWhat does "Items rescued" mean in the Samaritan medal?

im not 100% but i think items rescued are like escaped pods, black boxes, anything related when u go to contacts > search and rescue contact. i've been just grinding refugees adn getting snored by thargoids too much

Yes, it's that plus rescued items from burning stations (rescue/salvage missions, not related to the Search and rescue contact).
29 Jan 2024, 5:16pm
Allright, thanks for advice and such. Now that i know how it works currectly instead of the past, i can get that tier 5 badge pretty quick now.
29 Jan 2024, 6:17pm
Kasumi Goto
AX reactivations rarely have any fires, but systems in recovery from Thargoid attack tend to have a huge percentage of settlements needing reactivation/reboot.

All of them do(until someone runs one/several missions at one of those settlements before a server maintenance… I think, at least). I was not referring to post-Thargoid recovery, though - rather, the systems under Thargoid control. I’ve run a bunch of those reactivation/recovery missions and the settlements there are lit. Quite literally.

Ah, that might explain why I see no fires. I go in post-Thargy recovery rather than when an invasion is active. And I am only there to farm components from AX reactivation missions to abandoned settlements. The only fires I see are in ground stations recovering from previous attacks.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.