Elite: Odyssey

03 Jul 2024, 12:54pm
Bainsey7 How come when I've powered up a station to loot it (abandoned due to Thargoid attack etc) I can't then take back my power regulator once I've finished? They're often worth way more than anything I find in the settlements and it's really annoying when it's sitting right there in the regulator housing saying "take" but there's no option to do so.

Are you doing restore missions, or just going to a location and looting?

If you are taking missions to restore power, you cannot remove the regulator once it is in place because as soon as you place the regulator, the mission is marked as completed.

However, if you go to a location without taking a mission, you can use a regulator to power things up, then take it back once you are done looting. I suggest doing that at locations where there are corpses. That way, you can copy a dead person's security level and not have to either cut your way into things, or hack data terminals
03 Jul 2024, 2:52pm
That's what I've been doing and sometimes it just won't let me take the regulator back.
03 Jul 2024, 2:57pm
That is odd. Are you able to shut down the power but not take the regulator out?
03 Jul 2024, 3:15pm
Exactly. Once it's powered down it says "take" but won't let me take it.
04 Jul 2024, 6:39pm
Is the suit 'damage resistance' mod for armour strength when your shield goes down or does it strengthen shields?
05 Jul 2024, 7:21am
Bainsey7Is the suit 'damage resistance' mod for armour strength when your shield goes down or does it strengthen shields?

As far as i know it is the resistances when the shields are down / off.

it doesnt contribute to shield resistances.
06 Jul 2024, 12:49pm
Bainsey7Is there any point in taking non-glowing power regulators besides trading them?

At the moment, no. Whether it’s worth it is a matter of personal opinion

Bainsey7Did they reduce the notoriety waiting penalty?

Not recently, AFAIK.

Bainsey7How come it won't show Hero Ferrari's engineering location in Siris? I've done the 10 conflict zones and it shows that I have access but I can't bring the settlement defence plans there as there's no "Nevermore Terrace" in the Siris system to take them.

If re-logging does not fix it then you ought to report it to Frontier’s customer service.

Bainsey7How come when I've powered up a station to loot it (abandoned due to Thargoid attack etc) I can't then take back my power regulator once I've finished? They're often worth way more than anything I find in the settlements and it's really annoying when it's sitting right there in the regulator housing saying "take" but there's no option to do so.

What does exactly happen? Is the “take” option greyed out, or is it normal orange but nothing happens when you press the relevant key/button?
09 Jul 2024, 9:05am
It's greyed out (I think. It hasn't happened the last couple of times).
It was suggested earlier that my pack was full and, although I didn't think it was that, it's possible that it was that.
I'm fairly sure I'd checked that but it hasn't happened since so who knows.
Thanks for answering CMDRs o7
10 Jul 2024, 5:29pm
Any tips for finding Financial Projections?
10 Jul 2024, 5:55pm
Financial Projections are usually found on the dataports of HAB buildings, AGRI buildings, IND buildings. However, since everything is completely random there is no guarantee that you will find any specific item on a dataport.

Honestly, the easiest way to get them is to see if anyone is selling them.
10 Jul 2024, 6:25pm
Vasil VasilescuFinancial Projections are usually found on the dataports of HAB buildings, AGRI buildings, IND buildings. However, since everything is completely random there is no guarantee that you will find any specific item on a dataport.

Honestly, the easiest way to get them is to see if anyone is selling them.

... you can buy them? Where?
10 Jul 2024, 6:36pm
Bainsey7 ... you can buy them? Where?

People will sometimes sell them through the bartender on their carrier. You can search form them in Components Trading, here on Inara. https://inara.cz/elite/market-materials/

However, items required for engineer access tend to sell fast becuase of how few are looted, as I am sure you have discovered while trying to find them.
10 Jul 2024, 6:40pm
Vasil Vasilescu
Bainsey7 ... you can buy them? Where?

People will sometimes sell them through the bartender on their carrier. You can search form them in Components Trading, here on Inara. https://inara.cz/elite/market-materials/

However, items required for engineer access tend to sell fast becuase of how few are looted, as I am sure you have discovered while trying to find them.

... even so, that is extremely helpful.

Thank you CMDR. o7
13 Jul 2024, 9:12am
So, the 20 biological samples, employee genetic data and genetic research that I have to sell to bar tenders to unlock Oden Geiger:

is that 20 of each?
13 Jul 2024, 1:14pm
"Sell a total of 20 Biological sample, Employee genetic data and Genetic research to bartenders."

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.