Elite: Odyssey

26 Sep 2024, 5:58pm
Wait a bit. That famous Simguru still haven't been through the mandatory 'porn simulators for basement dwellers' phase yet, which means his products are far from being even beta-worthy.
26 Sep 2024, 6:09pm
MeowersHardly anything can be more goofy than the cowboy hat in space, in my opinion. I even understand those pumpkins and snowman heads, they're there for celebrations and stuff, but people wear space cowboy hats for serious.

It's a hat tip (pun intended) to the forum dads who already played Elite when this song was new.
27 Sep 2024, 5:57am
My ultimate pet peeve with on-foot missions is the g'damn scanning process by guards. If you move one cm, even if you gently walk to towards them because they slowly walk up a stairway, they start shooting. I understand if this happens if you run towards them or move away. But c'mon, this is just stupid.
28 Sep 2024, 6:09am
watch guards and learn their patterns
take them out with the stun setting on the power coupler in secret one by one
no issues if there are no witnesses.
28 Sep 2024, 6:19am
Miseriwatch guards and learn their patterns
take them out with the stun setting on the power coupler in secret one by one
no issues if there are no witnesses.

You see, the funny thing is, I don't want to kill them if I don't need to. Odd habbit, I know
28 Sep 2024, 6:22am
nah totally understandable, i dont kill people if I can avoid it too

there are others who will point out the irony of this statement coming from the woman who assisted in blowing up the bubble
28 Sep 2024, 7:54am
Miseriwatch guards and learn their patterns
take them out with the stun setting on the power coupler in secret one by one
no issues if there are no witnesses.

You see, the funny thing is, I don't want to kill them if I don't need to. Odd habbit, I know

I can give you following advise:
1. First go to the roofs and scan as many settlement inhabitants as you can. This will let you track them more easily on radar.
2. Never run or drop from jump this will alert the NPCs and they will turn to your location.
3. Crouch more and stay out of sight.
4. Disable alarms ASAP as some actions, like downloading data, can alert NPCs and point them to your location.
5. If you trigger scan with cloned ID, just remove it ASAP. There is hot key for that in settings. (unfortunately that will not save you if you have bounty, stollen or illigal items. Note: stollen materials do not count)
28 Sep 2024, 2:39pm
MeowersHardly anything can be more goofy than the cowboy hat in space, in my opinion. I even understand those pumpkins and snowman heads, they're there for celebrations and stuff, but people wear space cowboy hats for serious.

Now I want a cowboy hat!
28 Sep 2024, 4:34pm
I can give you following advise:

Appreciated, but I know all that. Sometimes I just want to deliver something without needing to stealth. And sometimes the guard scans me, which is ok. But it sometimes takes the guard forever to reach my position, so -again- sometimes my finger twitches and I move my commander a bit closer to them to shorten the time which is regarded as an attack. That is a stupid game mechanic.
28 Sep 2024, 7:57pm
MeowersHardly anything can be more goofy than the cowboy hat in space, in my opinion. I even understand those pumpkins and snowman heads, they're there for celebrations and stuff, but people wear space cowboy hats for serious.

It's a hat tip (pun intended) to the forum dads who already played Elite when this song was new.

I have never been into vid games. Last game I attempted to play was Tomb Rider something.
Anyway, I started to play ED few weeks ago because I had to sit around and wait in front of my PC. It just felt such a waste of time so I added something - a vid game - the ultimate waste of time. LOL.

In this game, at some point, I decided to see what the asteroid drilling is all about and I realized suddenly, me and my kid have actually played this game before. Long time ago but completely forgot all about it.
IIRC, someone told her about it in school, we got it but it turned out to be really boring grind-grind-get-your-$$$$-buy-a-better-boat so we dumped it and that was it.
How is this related to a space cowboy... I have no idea. Oh, something something long long time ago...
29 Sep 2024, 3:41am
Well, I was joking. The original game is from 1984, but that song is even older.
30 Sep 2024, 2:04pm
Who teleported that damn hose to every stations floor (at hangar entrance)?
08 Oct 2024, 12:40pm
I really wish there was some engineering option for the genetic sampler of the Artemis suit. Talking about the Artemis, did you engineer that suit? I did (g5) with night vision, increased jump and battery, as well as the increased sprint duration.

Last edit: 08 Oct 2024, 3:03pm
08 Oct 2024, 2:49pm
RawnuI really wish there was some engineering option for the generic sampler of the Artemis suit...

Have to agree. It's ridiculous. We can do FTL but cant sample several life forms at the same time.
And that SRV.. LOL. It has worst turning radius than a 16 wheeler, transmission/acceleration cant adjust to G.
08 Oct 2024, 2:51pm
Whoever designed the suspension (or the lack of) for the SRV, certainly resides on the plane of existence where they invent ways for us simple schmucks to suffer.

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Anything about the Elite:Odyssey release version.