Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC
16 Jun 2016, 10:05pm
CoragonNova CassidyAreZeedoes anyone know what's the life expectancy in the year 3302? I'm working on my bio currently and don't want to die in the next 50 years
Zemina Torval for example is 124 already... (must have seen some shit.. damn)
XeknosMahon is 114, and looks far better than Torval does, so it's hard to say (unless aging rapidly increases when you reach your 120's.) I'd assume a safe upper limit is 150.
The in-game description for progenitor cells say they can greatly increase a users life expectancy, but not by how much.
Well, regardless how long the life expectancy is, i am sure it still can be cut short in a myriad of ways
My understanding is that progenitor cells if used regularly essentially make you like wolverine aging wise, and torval must have started using them later in life.
22 Jun 2016, 4:58pm
HeathenJester84LusciniaSimon DaturaJesus... Some people.
DeoVindice, why don't you be useful instead of being a dick, and try actually make a meaningful contribution?
how so Luscinia?
He, along with a few other people ironically in the same faction that he belongs to, seemingly have taken it upon themselves to degrade my writing "roleplaying" (or whatever you should chose to call it) while in the bar. The first time didn't go over so well, so I changed my account solely for the purpose and; same result. Another member was kind enough to ask them for me to stop, except when I sent in a wing alliance request in the hopes of making peace, their leader said that their group was only for people who wanted to write "non-fiction" ED related stuff, and responded that they would have nothing to do with my kind.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:28pm
22 Jun 2016, 5:03pm
LusciniaHeathenJester84LusciniaSimon DaturaJesus... Some people.
DeoVindice, why don't you be useful instead of being a dick, and try actually make a meaningful contribution?
how so Luscinia?
He, along with a few other people ironically in the same faction that he belongs to, seemingly have taken it upon themselves to degrade my writing "roleplaying" (or whatever you should chose to call it) while in the bar. The first time didn't go over so well, so I changed my account solely for the purpose and; same result. Another member was kind enough to ask them for me to stop, except when I sent in a wing alliance request in the hopes of making peace, their leader said that their group was only for people who wanted to write "non-fiction" ED related stuff, and responded that they would have nothing to do with my kind.
Well not everybody understands role play, but if they tried to insult you in a bar/saloon you should have manage that with your gun.
Just saying

Just ignore them, and role with other role playing gamers.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:29pm
22 Jun 2016, 5:03pm
LusciniaHeathenJester84LusciniaSimon DaturaJesus... Some people.
DeoVindice, why don't you be useful instead of being a dick, and try actually make a meaningful contribution?
how so Luscinia?
He, along with a few other people ironically in the same faction that he belongs to, seemingly have taken it upon themselves to degrade my writing "roleplaying" (or whatever you should chose to call it) while in the bar. The first time didn't go over so well, so I changed my account solely for the purpose and; same result. Another member was kind enough to ask them for me to stop, except when I sent in a wing alliance request in the hopes of making peace, their leader said that their group was only for people who wanted to write "non-fiction" ED related stuff, and responded that they would have nothing to do with my kind.
Not to drudge up drama, but:
1. I don't recall us ever receiving any kind of request to stop anything.
2. My exact response to you was this:
"In the Inara Writers Guild, we care about the lore surrounding the game. We aren't necessarily knocking your attempt at creativity, but in a universe that has a limited number of sentient races. Remember, humanity, for the most part, thinks it's alone in the universe. Thargoids exist, but humanity doesn't really know about them yet - only rumors. We find that the addition of a new, sentient, bird-like race (that is the offshoot of another genetically engineered race) doesn't really fit with Elite's lore. As a result, as long as you choose to play this type of character, we at the Inara Writers Guild will probably have very little to do with you.
If you decide to alter your character's backstory to something that is better represented within Elite's lore, we would be happy to review your request regarding a Wing Coalition again."
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:29pm
22 Jun 2016, 5:03pm
LusciniaHeathenJester84LusciniaSimon DaturaJesus... Some people.
DeoVindice, why don't you be useful instead of being a dick, and try actually make a meaningful contribution?
Your writing does break lore, not bend or twist, break. It's not looked upon lightly amongst writers.
how so Luscinia?
He, along with a few other people ironically in the same faction that he belongs to, seemingly have taken it upon themselves to degrade my writing "roleplaying" (or whatever you should chose to call it) while in the bar. The first time didn't go over so well, so I changed my account solely for the purpose and; same result. Another member was kind enough to ask them for me to stop, except when I sent in a wing alliance request in the hopes of making peace, their leader said that their group was only for people who wanted to write "non-fiction" ED related stuff, and responded that they would have nothing to do with my kind.
Might be something to do with your lore breaking back story
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:29pm
22 Jun 2016, 5:17pm
Look, I don't care about a lot of things. I've dealt with bullies, dismissive parents- I can take pain, punishment- but the second somebody knocks on the one thing I'm actually good at in life? Them there's a problem. If you don't like what I write (and if the response wasn't heard before, here it is now) and don't have anything nice to say: LEAVE MY WRITING AND I ALONE
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:29pm
22 Jun 2016, 5:22pm
Someone, mayhaps several someones, should loosen up and quit telling other people how to be...?
Luscinia, they're called 'fanboys', and you'll not find a nastier breed in the universe...Not even the muck-people out past Sag-A make messes like they do. Try Storywrite.com instead, open minds will change your world.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:28pm
22 Jun 2016, 5:41pm
I think body modifications are perfectly acceptable to some extent, when made "realistic" (such kind of body modification is happening also in the current reality), but also as in a reality there can be expected it may cause curious looks and sneers. Until it will stay in-character, it's OK. Then it is on authors' creativity how to solve the situation in the roleplay. But, please, also respect other authors (not character) wish if something shouldn't be touched and it is applied to both sides. If one side like to play body-modified characters, it should be respected by the other authors. But if the other side want to keep (properly) believable Elite universe, it should be respected too and there shouldn't be something wild brought to the table. The fun from RP should work both ways for all authors/characters participating.

But I must say that appearance of such character insanely increased the activity in the Bar.

Last edit: 22 Jun 2016, 7:26pm
22 Jun 2016, 5:46pm
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:27pm
22 Jun 2016, 5:49pm
LusciniaSpecifically your group continuing to ignore what I'm trying I write- I've said multiple times my backstory and crap, as your group continues to insult me by calling me a penguin and using drugs and, generally disregarding everything that I'm laying down-
Look, I don't care about a lot of things. I've dealt with bullies, dismissive parents- I can take pain, punishment- but the second somebody knocks on the one thing I'm actually good at in life? Them there's a problem. If you don't like what I write (and if the response wasn't heard before, here it is now) and don't have anything nice to say: LEAVE MY WRITING AND I ALONE
We've been more or less leaving you alone - it's why we've been ignoring you.
Krazy ScottSo you can be creative as long as you're not too creative? Or we can make up a fiction within a fiction as long as we're not too fictional about it? I'm not sure, but your whole arguement seems to be on rather shaky and somewhat poorly thought-out ground...what is the purpose of doing it if you're so rigid that you can't, even for a moment, break out of the TINY bit of lore already out there?
Someone, mayhaps several someones, should loosen up and quit telling other people how to be...?
Luscinia, they're called 'fanboys', and you'll not find a nastier breed in the universe...Not even the muck-people out past Sag-A make messes like they do. Try Storywrite.com instead, open minds will change your world.
He asked for a wing coalition, we turned him down. Sorry, but introducing new races into Elite lore when the existence of Thargoids - the only other known race - is such a huge deal feels out of place. And, like I said, we may continue to poke fun at him, but our interaction with him stopped when we denied his wing coalition. There isn't much more beyond that.
(Out of curiosity, have you read his backstory?)
ArtieWell, there is expected that the roleplay in Bar and Docks will fit Elite universe at least partially and will be believable in this settings. So no mixing with StarTrek, StarWars or any other franchise/genre (and I believe I told so earlier in the RP thread and there was also a mutual agreement about it). If roleplay will fit in these boundaries, there should be no problem with it.
I think body modifications are perfectly acceptable to some extent, when made "realistic" (such kind of body modification is happening also in the current reality), but also as in a reality there can be expected it may cause curious looks and sneers. Until it will stay in-character, it's OK. Then it is on authors' creativity how to solve the situation in the roleplay. But, please, also respect other authors (not character) wish if something shouldn't be touched and it is applied to both sides. If one side like to play body-modified characters, it should be respected by the other authors. But if the other side want to keep (properly) believable Elite universe, it should be respected too and there shouldn't be something wild brought to the table. The fun from RP should work both ways for all authors/characters participating.
I think if it were only body modification, we would have been more accepting. As it stands, he's playing a half-human half-Chimera character - something that would have made Galnet explode when it went public. We don't have any interest in forcing him to leave Inara, (nor could we even if we did) but we do reserve the right to not interact with him.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:27pm
22 Jun 2016, 5:56pm
LusciniaSpecifically your group continuing to ignore what I'm trying I write- I've said multiple times my backstory and crap, as your group continues to insult me by calling me a penguin and using drugs and, generally disregarding everything that I'm laying down-
Look, I don't care about a lot of things. I've dealt with bullies, dismissive parents- I can take pain, punishment- but the second somebody knocks on the one thing I'm actually good at in life? Them there's a problem. If you don't like what I write (and if the response wasn't heard before, here it is now) and don't have anything nice to say: LEAVE MY WRITING AND I ALONE
Alright, then please refrain from interrupting our RP too, SOL REPRESENTATIVE. Thankies ^-^
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:27pm
22 Jun 2016, 5:57pm
Shizuka"She may be a witch, but she is OUR witch" XD

I think if it were only body modification, we would have been more accepting. As it stands, he's playing a half-human half-Chimera. We aren't going to force him to leave Inara, but we do reserve the right to not interact with him.
From what I noticed there was no direct character description (except hood, pale hands, spine and sharp teeth), it still may fit. Just the direct speech seemed to be over the edge, but that character may be also just telling false stories to the innocent barkeeper....
...hmmm... as I am thinking about it, I should take a role of the Ingaba barkeeper for good. "No abstaining freaks and cheeky dudes in my bar, I say! Nobody will be putting words into my mouth!"

Last edit: 22 Jun 2016, 7:27pm
22 Jun 2016, 5:59pm
ArtieWell, there is expected that the roleplay in Bar and Docks will fit Elite universe at least partially and will be believable in this settings. So no mixing with StarTrek, StarWars or any other franchise/genre (and I believe I told so earlier in the RP thread and there was also a mutual agreement about it). If roleplay will fit in these boundaries, there should be no problem with it.
I think body modifications are perfectly acceptable to some extent, when made "realistic" (such kind of body modification is happening also in the current reality), but also as in a reality there can be expected it may cause curious looks and sneers. Until it will stay in-character, it's OK. Then it is on authors' creativity how to solve the situation in the roleplay. But, please, also respect other authors (not character) wish if something shouldn't be touched and it is applied to both sides. If one side like to play body-modified characters, it should be respected by the other authors. But if the other side want to keep (properly) believable Elite universe, it should be respected too and there shouldn't be something wild brought to the table. The fun from RP should work both ways for all authors/characters participating.
But I must say that appearance of such character insanely increased the activity in the Bar.
Well said, and exactly. I was just fine with the looks and stuff, it was the lack of their group not wanting to accept me for the character I was attemtping to install.
And Xeknos-
It would be better to say: "not make fun off" rather than ignoring. Because I am all up for y'all ignoring me when I enter the bar next. But I wouldn't prefer it. I would be much happier to have another voice rather than an awkward silence. So let's it give it a few weeks aight? Give it a few weeks- let the steam blow off- I'll finish my little own story- and then I'll come back. And we can see where we stand then. Does that sound fine to you?
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:27pm
22 Jun 2016, 5:59pm
ArtieShizuka"She may be a witch, but she is OUR witch" XD
I think if it were only body modification, we would have been more accepting. As it stands, he's playing a half-human half-Chimera. We aren't going to force him to leave Inara, but we do reserve the right to not interact with him.
From what I noticed there was no direct character description (except hood, pale hands, spine and sharp teeth), it still may fit. Just the direct speech seemed to be over the edge, but that character may be also just telling false stories to the innocent barkeeper....
...hmmm... as I am thinking about it, I should take a role of a Ingaba barkeeper for good. "No abstaining freaks and cheeky dudes in my bar, I say!"
Perfectly fair. If the character is delusional, he's delusional - though that seemed to miff him a little bit.

LusciniaArtieWell, there is expected that the roleplay in Bar and Docks will fit Elite universe at least partially and will be believable in this settings. So no mixing with StarTrek, StarWars or any other franchise/genre (and I believe I told so earlier in the RP thread and there was also a mutual agreement about it). If roleplay will fit in these boundaries, there should be no problem with it.
I think body modifications are perfectly acceptable to some extent, when made "realistic" (such kind of body modification is happening also in the current reality), but also as in a reality there can be expected it may cause curious looks and sneers. Until it will stay in-character, it's OK. Then it is on authors' creativity how to solve the situation in the roleplay. But, please, also respect other authors (not character) wish if something shouldn't be touched and it is applied to both sides. If one side like to play body-modified characters, it should be respected by the other authors. But if the other side want to keep (properly) believable Elite universe, it should be respected too and there shouldn't be something wild brought to the table. The fun from RP should work both ways for all authors/characters participating.
But I must say that appearance of such character insanely increased the activity in the Bar.
Well said, and exactly. I was just fine with the looks and stuff, it was the lack of their group not wanting to accept me for the character I was attemtping to install.
And Xeknos-
It would be better to say: "not make fun off" rather than ignoring. Because I am all up for y'all ignoring me when I enter the bar next. But I wouldn't prefer it. I would be much happier to have another voice rather than an awkward silence. So let's it give it a few weeks aight? Give it a few weeks- let the steam blow off- I'll finish my little own story- and then I'll come back. And we can see where we stand then. Does that sound fine to you?
I don't know where you got I was angry. I'm really not. You're free to do as you wish, it's just that the Inara Writer's Guild has certain opinions about lore. You may also ignore these as you wish - just be prepared that it'll draw a bit of a response from us.
Post edited/moved by: Artie, 22 Jun 2016, 7:27pm