Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

04 Jan 2016, 2:40am
Ziva Tevar
XeknosWhat's happening with the Khajit situation is out of my hands now. However, I just want to apologize.

...what have I done?

Maybe a refresher of the lore is in order?

"Jo,Baccaroo, thank you for coming, please have a seat. Mr. Baccaroo, we have bad news. There are no Khajit in Elite: Dangerous. We are very sorry."
04 Jan 2016, 5:58am
Maybe he's a surgically modded superfan of a 1,000-plus year old Earth video game
04 Jan 2016, 6:32am
His old Steam account shows well over a million hours of gameplay. And the Nexus is still churning out mods for the PC version!
04 Jan 2016, 6:38am
What a twist!
04 Jan 2016, 6:38am
hey skyrim is a great game, that i still play......
04 Jan 2016, 6:39am
MetZwerghey skyrim is a great game, that i still play......

Meeeeeee too!
04 Jan 2016, 9:52am
MetZwerghey skyrim is a great game, that i still play......

I practically lived in Tamriel for 4 months after it came out
04 Jan 2016, 10:39am
given what we may expect from the advances of bioengineering and cosmetic surgery and prosthetics. I don't believe it's out of the ordinary to have people who've chosen to look differently in the 3300s. Just take a look at who we have now.

What would be interesting if deciding whether this is common place or if like today they represent a select portion of what must be hundreds of billions of people living in the bubble. I don't know if there's any canon stance on body modding by any of the major or minor factions.

Yes the avatar demo shown had not shown any cat looking people. but hey that's also development catered towards most people who more relate to human avatars over the weird, different and possibly grotesque. That's why I believe some of us look more machine than human in our avatars, or are completely scorched and blistered. We don't fit the norm.
04 Jan 2016, 11:00am
If it will get even weirder, the bar waitress will apologize for the drugs which were leaking to air conditioning by mistake...
04 Jan 2016, 2:56pm
There's bound to be people in the Elite universe that dress up as whatever in their daily lives or have a bunch of body mods but they're still just, well, human.
04 Jan 2016, 3:34pm
It has nothing to do whatsoever with the conversation but all the khajit talk made me think of this.

04 Jan 2016, 3:52pm
MetZwerghey skyrim is a great game, that i still play......

I practically lived in Tamriel for 4 months after it came out

Who didnt?
04 Jan 2016, 10:22pm
does anyone know what's the life expectancy in the year 3302? I'm working on my bio currently and don't want to die in the next 50 years

Zemina Torval for example is 124 already... (must have seen some shit.. damn)
04 Jan 2016, 10:47pm
Mahon is 114, and looks far better than Torval does, so it's hard to say (unless aging rapidly increases when you reach your 120's.) I'd assume a safe upper limit is 150.
04 Jan 2016, 11:39pm
AreZeedoes anyone know what's the life expectancy in the year 3302? I'm working on my bio currently and don't want to die in the next 50 years

Zemina Torval for example is 124 already... (must have seen some shit.. damn)
XeknosMahon is 114, and looks far better than Torval does, so it's hard to say (unless aging rapidly increases when you reach your 120's.) I'd assume a safe upper limit is 150.

The in-game description for progenitor cells say they can greatly increase  a users life expectancy, but not by how much.

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