Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

27 Jul 2024, 1:14pm
Brain - “This entry might end up being a little shorter than others”

The end result - giant block of text

… and I don’t know where it’s coming from. And now I’m going to throw myself back on the pillow for a nap.
27 Jul 2024, 1:16pm
Kasumi GotoBrain - “This entry might end up being a little shorter than others”

The end result - giant block of text

… and I don’t know where it’s coming from. And now I’m going to throw myself back on the pillow for a nap.

I would need that-my third log is just stump and nothing more. And it looks like first log was Bingo with Jackpot and second quite standard
27 Jul 2024, 3:07pm
The only thing I can say is that you really just have to wait for the motivation to strike. Or get your brain to throw itself into gear about it (but still pay attention to when it tells you that it’s time to do something else).

The third thing is just the ideas. But, usually, once the motivation problem is solved that part just rolls along as you write. I find it preferable for my writing to not have to think too much about what I am writing down, or I get pulled out of the ‘rhythm’, so to say.
27 Jul 2024, 8:45pm
Kasumi GotoThe only thing I can say is that you really just have to wait for the motivation to strike. Or get your brain to throw itself into gear about it (but still pay attention to when it tells you that it’s time to do something else).

The third thing is just the ideas. But, usually, once the motivation problem is solved that part just rolls along as you write. I find it preferable for my writing to not have to think too much about what I am writing down, or I get pulled out of the ‘rhythm’, so to say.

Yes but mine "trouble" is that I particulary must not break original storyline (from novels) but at same time I must do something. And first novel, Status Quo, doesnt have many empty spaces (thanks Drew, perfectly written). So it is not easy-I will read partialy chapter in which I want locate my character, then write something and check it with novel to not break anything. I probably picked up too big piece of cake to chew
27 Jul 2024, 8:45pm
Also looks like our pianist is partialy back
04 Aug 2024, 3:31pm
Boohoo, Azimuth are annoyed. Because they totally didn’t ask for it or anything.
04 Aug 2024, 6:28pm
Dunking on Azimuth has been an entertaining pastime for a long time already. :p
05 Aug 2024, 4:42am
05 Aug 2024, 4:53am

(options like 'stick it up your navcomputer' are welcome)
05 Aug 2024, 5:00am
Well mostly you should purchase some of the amazing Mod Shard cannons at our vendors there,
but on the level with you i wouldnt buy any of our premodded rails , they are just really not hitting the spot in terms of raw firepower
That and I kind of have to admit Ram Tah Refuses to work on anything from our company... that was not really an issue til recently.
05 Aug 2024, 5:18am
Ah. I already have those. I'm more into... sightseeing. Yet I guess your security would think otherwise.


Last edit: 05 Aug 2024, 5:56am
06 Aug 2024, 3:17pm
I don't think their security forces were too happy with me a few days ago when I went "sightseeing" either... I may also be seen as slightly unfriendly to them now.

(My faction status did demote to hostile after the little escapade into their settlements in LHS 1163, because it was right on the lower border of 'Unfriendly'. Though I am, rather, more inclined to see it as a... promotion, of standing, with them.)
07 Aug 2024, 6:46pm
Crap, I totaly forgot on my 3rd log. I even didnt start. But rught now is IRL weather cold enough to not boil up in metal hangar on airfield after sone time. That means lot work to do as we are one of few aircraft repair workshops here. But I am looking for Type 8
15 Aug 2024, 10:28am
15 Aug 2024, 10:35am
They also have Asp Scouts there. The perfect stupidity.

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