Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

12 Jan 2016, 6:22am
Jo'Baccaroo ... I hate to add more verse to a saturated thread.
Listen, what I suggest is you find a new avatar and start from scratch.
Then, when you get a personal encounter with someone in the bar you may reveal your big secret to the other that "you know, I'm a Khajiiti but I had to undergo total facial reconstruction as to be accepted to the Pilot's Federation". Try that guy for a start. The cleft lip will always be an evidence of you being Khajiiti inside

Joining a mature Role Playng thread for a newbie is as hard as for a mature writer to repent from his lifetime reputation and become an author under a new name. A truly valued one will always surface. An average one will be buried within mediocrity.
Don't rely on your reputation to add value to your person. A valuable thinker should shine under any circumstances.

It's important to realize that unless E:D remains easy to immerse into, and newbie friendly, the project will be bankrupt. Adding all lore and folklore would make the spiritual essence of the game implode.

I suppose Smaotønk has already reached an outpost in Federation and has his accounts back online. I assume he'll be back within the Empire to preach liberty and emancipation. He will always be grateful to that strange feline creature, even though he had to eat friskies along the journey.
Los geht's!
12 Jan 2016, 10:23am
Xeknos, accepted.  

Wan't trying to be oppositional; rather, was trying to find some kind of viable solution to be inclusive...

Ultimately, though, if he's dead set on his Khajit -- and I played Skyrim, enough to like the race as well (though I played Bosmer for the Archery) -- AND he's "more comfortable" RPing in German within a community who'll allow him his cross-worlds transfer, then of course he's welcome to it..

Only a shame to lose a willing RolePlay participant, that's all.   :/

IRL, I'm a stickler for Tradition, and I like things to be Done Right and Done Well; I am happy to Compromise where it may be acceptable, as long as people don't take advantage or take the piss... so I appreciate the "special snowflake" comment, esp if you've seen situations before where ppl seriously take the piss -- I can see how that wouldn't be enjoyable.

Since there's more LORE out there than most will realise -- and I will include myself here -- do you happen to have a link to a handy place where a good bit of it is referenced enough to be used as a "guide" for general elements etc?
ie so we as RPers can be sure we don't tread on any "significant" pieces of Lore that others may already take for granted as "given"?

e.g.  I only JUST learned about Oresrians the other day, when I was looking up more info on the Thargoids; they (O's) were mentioned lower down on the Th's page, so I linked through, and was pleasantly surprised.....

Last edit: 12 Jan 2016, 9:39pm
12 Jan 2016, 8:31pm
The last thing I want to do is to drive him away from RP. I absolutely want him to participate - I just think he'd enjoy it more of he created a character that came in line with lore. That was all I was saying.
12 Jan 2016, 8:48pm
I never want to spoil anyone's fun, but the character isn't really appropriate. It's not a genetic sci-fi setting where any race could be explained by 'aliens!', it's an already established setting; Elite: Dangerous. Khajiit's just aren't in Elite: Dangerous. I didn't make my android character instead of Nova for that reason.

Last edit: 13 Jan 2016, 8:38am
12 Jan 2016, 9:41pm
Cheers for the clarification, Xeknos; all's good!

Nova, appreciated; I've edited out my secondary suggestion, though it was to deviate away from specifically using Elder Scrolls material.

Your Android is well .. fabricated! A good read.
You seem to select your art quite well, too; Nova's avatar is neat, I esp like the hex tatts(?) on her cheekbone..
12 Jan 2016, 10:24pm
I'm in love with Nova's Avatar as well
12 Jan 2016, 10:25pm
Isn't everyone?
12 Jan 2016, 10:30pm
XeknosIsn't everyone?

That sounds like the beginning of a wonderful RP....with lots of lasers, multi-cannons and what not trying to prove that "Nova's MY girl !" by multiple male competitors
13 Jan 2016, 1:34am
XeknosIsn't everyone?

That sounds like the beginning of a wonderful RP....with lots of lasers, multi-cannons and what not trying to prove that "Nova's MY girl !" by multiple male competitors

If the Supernova series is any indication, Nova isn't any man's girl!

(RL note: Part 5 is on the way! The RL writing job plopped an emergency assignment in my lap to observe David Bowie's passing. After that, it's energy drinks, the rough draft, Nova's input, the re-write, the proofreading... and hopefully something up tomorrow!)

Last edit: 13 Jan 2016, 1:52am
13 Jan 2016, 1:56am
M. Lehman
XeknosIsn't everyone?

That sounds like the beginning of a wonderful RP....with lots of lasers, multi-cannons and what not trying to prove that "Nova's MY girl !" by multiple male competitors

If the Supernova series is any indication, Nova isn't any man's girl!

(RL note: Part 5 is on the way! The RL writing job plopped an emergency assignment in my lap to observe David Bowie's passing. After that, it's energy drinks, the rough draft, Nova's input, the re-write, the proofreading... and hopefully something up tomorrow!)

That's good. I tend to really enjoy your logs.
13 Jan 2016, 8:40am
XeknosIsn't everyone?

That sounds like the beginning of a wonderful RP....with lots of lasers, multi-cannons and what not trying to prove that "Nova's MY girl !" by multiple male competitors

Fight for my amusement! Muahaha!
13 Jan 2016, 4:43pm
RP / Imagination-Aid discussion time..?
So, does anyone have any proposals for, say, the "Potential 'Outside View" of the InGaBa..?

Just something "visual" we might be able to RP to..? .. to help "augment" everyone's RPing, perhaps?

That is to say... surely, a fab hotspot like the InGaBa has WINDOWS from which to survey the beauty that is the galaxy beyond, whilst sipping cocktails and/or enjoying a meal.  ;)
(Think of all the galactically-romantic dates happening at "Reserved" window-side tables/booths!)  :D

Considering the RP description:
"Welcome to the swankiest bar and most popular bar on station. Located in the Pilot's market and due to its close proximity to the docks is heavily frequented by pilots and all manner of crew, tourists, and layover passengers. Dark, smokey and trimmed in neon lights and .."

I take "Located in the .. market" as not necessarily being "enclosed", but rather as meaning "within the same section of station as.." the market, being the main feature of a station subsection or block (or module).
Further (potentially) "corroborated" by being in "close proximity to the docks", which it would be by connecting walkway/bridge-tube/tunnel-thing.. ( )

Anyway, here's a pic I took, where there's a "decently-sized" (ie not toooo big) bank of windows on a conveniently-located "lower corner" of a station...

So, witness:-
+ (top, left of centre), "tower" overlooking landing bays of "the docks" == "close proximity";
+ (central "module" ) -- could be the "market" module, vis multi-storey marketplace windows;
+ (lower corner, at Adder's nose) -- lower windows look out "below" the station extension;
++ left side window has a yellow neon bar, perhaps the "club" side (where the DJ plays)?
++ central corner window, a bit bright, maybe the Restaurant (& bar) == drinks & dining
(( The way I imagine it, the place is a bit grand, so "high ceiling" & "full height windows"! ))
++ right side, you can see a "downward angle" viewport from a "darker" (VIP/booths?) side
--- so the two sides (Club & VIP/booths) is where the "Dark, smokey" comes in..?

Whaddy'all think?  
Constructive criticisms and outright rejections invited, but preferably other images for alternate suggestions.

Cheers, everyone!

Last edit: 13 Jan 2016, 4:49pm
13 Jan 2016, 9:18pm
Acen ONYX[...]

I'm up for any discussion of any art for The Docks and the INGABA. Maybe we have an artist around our ranks? Your screenshot isn't that bad, but I don't like the ship on it. Maybe we can use an ingame station like you did and photoshop the name "Ingaba" with a floating holo-tv like contraption on the outside of it. We might as well use assets of the game and photoshop them together to create our own version of the dockyards + Ingaba.
13 Jan 2016, 9:26pm
Sorry about the ship -- I took that for me, but afterwards thought the station view might be useful for RP..

can happily go back to the station and park the ship off camera for a re-take.
13 Jan 2016, 10:42pm
Acen ONYXSorry about the ship -- I took that for me, but afterwards thought the station view might be useful for RP..

can happily go back to the station and park the ship off camera for a re-take.

what kind of station was it? I would prefer a high quality screenshot aswell. (ALT + F10 in either private group or solo mode makes high res screenshots)

I think my minor skills in photo manipulation should be enough to add decently made hologram billboards at certain spots etc.

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