Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

16 Aug 2024, 3:30am
...'and you aren't an aeroplane', I guess.

Shit, that's hard.
16 Aug 2024, 3:34am
Sounds… fun. (Don’t know what else to say)

I don’t think I’d ever go jumping with a wingsuit or anything, not that I know if that’s what you did, of course. Just came to mind… might not mind the experience of a paraglider(if it is what I think it is), though, that’d be a bit less extreme.

I do know I will be doing some “stand-up paddling” this Friday because my mother asked if I wanted to come along, and I figured I might as well give it a try. Hopefully, I won’t embarrass myself too much by falling into the water.
16 Aug 2024, 3:44am
Shortly after my departure here I was cutoff on my motorcycle. I was rocking out to barbie girl flipping through the air. Last thing I heard was "Let's go Barbie. Ooo-ah-oooo"
16 Aug 2024, 3:48am
Ouch. Yeah, I never did ride on a motorcycle(not even as passenger)… but I’ve heard it’s… not exactly great when reality decides to spontaneously separate you from it.

I’ll just avoid asking for the specifics. Hope all is, well, at least better now, though.
16 Aug 2024, 3:53am
Spontaneous is exactly how I would describe it. I also realize I fat fingered the speed it was 75kph about 45mph. Shouldn't have any long term injuries.

(I just want to make it known I am not looking for sympathy. Just felt like talking about it lol.)
16 Aug 2024, 3:59am
Right. Well, I can’t help it but to offer some empathy (within the limits that my social skills allow). Anyway, it was nice catching up, but I should try to get some sleep as I need to be up in about 6 to 6 and a half hours for that once-in-a-while family activity.

(Just ignore that it is already 6 AM, I probably won’t actually be asleep for another 30 minutes or not sleep those full 6 hours, but… *waves* details)
16 Aug 2024, 5:03am
Kasumi Gotois not feeling tempted to write a strongly worded message to the log poster dumping 20+ small entries that were already posted once all at the same time, not at all

I havent had a chance to go thru them all, but i damn well seen some mention of Azimuth and you know that is gonna garner my interest

Who are you good sir to be connected with the madness around this formerly grand corporation.
Oh yes who are you Eric Vonsa I wait to see
16 Aug 2024, 11:18am
Miserisome mention of Azimuth
"Homeless man claims he's a son of Salvation" and other yellow press kind of crap, lol :p
16 Aug 2024, 7:00pm
Miserisome mention of Azimuth

"Homeless man claims he's a son of Salvation" and other yellow press kind of crap, lol :p

OH ... good luck with that son
o7 Dad hasnt talked to me since the proteus wave

Just so its clear I welcome all the disparate children of Azimuth that are floating out in the void
Come forth and claim your birthright

Last edit: 16 Aug 2024, 7:16pm
16 Aug 2024, 7:26pm
I suppose he generally has some trouble with speaking since the Proteus Wave Flop, and, for some of his children, 'floating in the void' is the most correct phrase one could possibly come up with.
16 Aug 2024, 8:15pm
If he wants to claim me as one - though there is not even the slightest parental link - he’ll lose at least one robotic limb in the process.

And apparently a Meowers 2.5 has started to draw attention from a certain party. Or singular individual, anyway. Between that, me and someone else who may not be quite perfectly human at the biological level… it’s starting to be a real party around here. Or will be if they ever happen to find themselves around the same place… (arranged or otherwise, though the latter possibility is much more implausible)

Oh, and I didn’t make an embarrassment of myself today. The only time I got into the water was when I did so on purpose to cool off a little.
19 Aug 2024, 4:18am
Its also probably very clear now that Im not actually the daughter I said I was....
Unfortunately the truth is far far worse aint it...
For the record though, going to keep going along with this doting daughter act in character until more folks are aware of that truth in character
I mean what would be more fitting then to play the role of the child while building a powerful cult like following for his return

And he is going to return, mark my words
19 Aug 2024, 7:29am
Oh he’ll return, I’m sure. But I ask myself under what circumstances, since Frontier’s recent (“recent”) dog-quality writing and handling of the war arc has led to 6 Titans exploding while doing a grand total of fuck all.
19 Aug 2024, 7:33am
Well, there was one Aegis article about their behaviour, and also FDev did change payoffs to discourage Orthrus-clubbing...

(irony. bitter, bitter irony, lol)
19 Aug 2024, 7:45am
Sure, and what proceeded to follow is more Titans sitting there waiting to get bashed with no meaningful things done to prevent said bashing. Woohoo. Whatever stopped them from moving Titans 6-8 into the superpower capitals and just tearing them to the ground to make things actually interesting for once (and for the people that hate the Feds and Imps to observe with delight… well, at the expense of the politicians, not so great for the civilians dragged into this war by greedy leaders).

… and somehow I am not so sure the boring “Orthrus clubbers” have stopped picking on the easiest target which could possibly exist because it was turned into less of an excessive money farm. Frankly, I would argue 15 million for a glorified transport truck using an extremely underpowered engine and magical Guardian melter field is still too high (in terms of the game balance) when even a Cyclops takes more effort to kill.

Unless you’re flying one of those boring shard-a-Conda builds whose main specialty it is to shove itself into the enemy’s face and cause as much damage to itself as it does whatever it’s shooting at. Does seem to be half-decent at taking on Hydras at the planetary ports, though… for what that’s worth.

Aanyway, in case the writers find their “We should make something happen” button, and push it to see what it does, I might move to a slightly higher distance than “System right next to active Titan front” before the Thursday reset.

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