Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC
24 Nov 2023, 12:03am
Anyway, my plans for her in the relatively near future - once the current arc concludes - might go into what’s going on inside her a little bit more while she’s under observation(as you might guess, I’m not looking to turn her over to the Thargoid side). But the exact forms that will take, I haven’t yet decided on.
27 Nov 2023, 1:42am
(With a few rare exceptions. And yes, that is more of a statement than a question, so no question mark.)
27 Nov 2023, 3:02am
Kasumi GotoHave I mentioned that I think Imperials still suck.
As an Imperial, I feel that everyone is entitled to an opinion, even if it is wrong.

27 Nov 2023, 3:05am
27 Nov 2023, 3:23am
The deaths? Yeah, uh, that’s one of the main reasons I don’t want that to happen, but those superpowers, and other forces in the shadows, pushed it to be shitty like this in the first place. And for the Thargoids to come knocking at the door.
Vasil Vasilescu
As an Imperial, I feel that everyone is entitled to an opinion, even if it is wrong.
I also didn’t say all of them did. But let’s just say, that posturing of a certain someone disguised behind a humanitarian cause would possibly tempt Kira into face punching.
Which is also maaaaybe a reason she spends as little time on Imperial stations as possible and avoids leaving the ship where it can be…
(Which doesn’t mean she’s past rescuing Imperials from an attacked or burning port. Political allegiances matter little to her there.)
Last edit: 27 Nov 2023, 4:08am
27 Nov 2023, 4:39am
MeowersAs an AX fighter who was totally disillusioned in what humanity does and what people do to each other in general, going to AX for exactly that reason, I think humanity sucks and it's full of morons. But those morons deserve a chance to live and a second chance to evolve into something better. :]
forgiveness of the sins of the father and or in this case ancestors seems to be a recurring theme in the game
Also Ms Goto, you might want to burn the bubble...
But given the chance, I did
our characters might have common ground in places
27 Nov 2023, 4:42am
But she never cared about them much except for one, anyway.
Also Ms Goto, you might want to burn the bubble...
But given the chance, I did
our characters might have common ground in places
Only in some. They might also still want to avoid sharing a room together. Or ship. Or a station.
Assuming that execution doesn’t go as planned, of course… I think we all know the trial itself will already end up going there.
27 Nov 2023, 5:00am
I do not think Mr Behind the mask is going to care for my reasons nor will they excuse my actions in his eyes
I have gravely misjudged him as a man, and that will be my undoing.
I am glad we got to meet though, sorry about what youve gone thru at the hands of the company my blood ties me to.
I want to say that you...
Would have made an amazing Ancilla, you are an incredibly talented agent, I hope you find peace from your nightmares.
Ive enjoyed our chats.
27 Nov 2023, 5:02am
Miseriforgiveness of the sins of the father and or in this case ancestors seems to be a recurring theme in the gameEven whilst I fight the green poopers and, as seen, call them funny names from time to time, I don't want to make them go extinct. Just get out and stop hurting people. I don't even mind seeing them flying around if their behaviour would become peaceful, maybe only with some 'drunken bar fights' and self-defence actions, that's perfectly normal. They need ammonia worlds, useless for humans, anyway, so co-existence is possible in theory. But, yeah, they're aggressive. And they attack anyone in the system that they think is 'theirs'. And the emotional impact of the war can't stop people for hating them. Even I hate them, not as a species in whole, but those who attack and abduct people. So, the shrapnel extravaganza and warheads on foreheads show should continue.
MiseriWould have made an amazing Ancilla, you are an incredibly talented agent, I hope you find peace from your nightmares.Once I gave her a pack of my tranquilisers which were prescribed to me exactly for the same reason. But, yeah, in her case, they don't work that well.
27 Nov 2023, 5:10am
You are also good people.
Also a good Ancilla candidate

27 Nov 2023, 5:15am
MeowersAnd they attack anyone in the system that they think is 'theirs'.
Don’t we do that exact same thing over things far more worthless than resource extractors vital to ship construction though. And to ourselves, at that.
And those idiots at Sirius “totally not evil megacorp” Atmospherics have at some point in the last few years decided what we needed was an ammonia world terraformation project. Instead of taking the hundreds or thousands of worlds conveniently placed in the human habitable zone which meet terraforming criteria. No, let’s go and try to ruin ammonia biospheres on planets located outside of the habitability zone for water-based life instead.
Sometimes, I don’t even blame the Thargoids for refusing to share a space with humans. At least this idea failed, unlike immediately pillaging for meta-alloys that we had no practical need for without those corrosive Thargoid items, and shooting back when those who developed the necessary knowledge and technology to create them in the face when they made their opposition to it known. A little more violently than necessary, perhaps, but after Earth’s colonial past, such a reaction could have been expected.
27 Nov 2023, 5:29am
And the whole execution RP deal is something best explained by Miseri, who was caught by Anti-Club Accord players in a Type 9 in LHS 1163.
27 Nov 2023, 5:34am
Kasumi GotoDon’t we do that exact same thing over things far more worthless than resource extractors vital to ship construction though. And to ourselves, at that.Yeah, I have to agree with that since everything points at these words being true. As I said, humans are dumb arseholes, mostly. But I am a human too and I don't want my species to suffer. Though I'd really like to see them acting with more consideration for each other and space stuff. The Galaxy is a giant place with millions of planets we might settle and thrive on, and the space flight is a common activity so there's no problem in getting to places.
27 Nov 2023, 5:43am
Or why Thargoids are seen as “mindless, instinctual bugs” in every piece of propaganda you’ve ever seen about them, only described as an “aggressive menace”… yet you can fly near one without getting so much as looked at if you don’t bother it, or hold some Thargoid item on your cargo. And let’s face it, if you caught someone holding an item valuable to you without your consent(or something in exchange), would you just let them walk off?
And yes, humans also need to stop being idiots about everything just as much as the Thargoids need to learn some moderation. Or we’ll just end up at each other’s throats again in a century’s time.