Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

03 Mar 2024, 5:22am
I might have some spares, but maybe people want to keep said cat media for themselves. That’s really why I have some on my character(s) even though the item technically has no gameplay value.

At least Elite gets that right… cat nonsense will always be a timeless classic. As long as they exist, and I dare say cats may possibly outlast us humans.

(Or we should make sure they survive if we have to leave the planet because we totally messed it up in our idiocy.)
03 Mar 2024, 6:30am
Blame Wellington Beck. Apparently that dude loves cats.
03 Mar 2024, 7:12pm
I got the lions share of cat-dat on my carrier. There is enough to burry you up to ya eyeballs, even if you're on ya new super tall tippy toes.

If I dropped it all, it would ba a Catalanche of Catastrophic kittyquences.

You still need it? Let me know, and I'll fly on over and drop it off. Got a bunch of the other hard to get stuff if you're doing the Odyssey stuff.. . for some reason. Didn't think you were in to it.
03 Mar 2024, 7:13pm
Yeah, I'd be happy, thank you. The carrier is in the same place, orbiting Njorog 6. Caution: angry bugs are nearby and they do bite. Though, it's my usual place to be, lol.
03 Mar 2024, 7:20pm
Huh, better not take my paper taxi then. I'll get loaded up in .. .. about an hour (Food and housework right now) and fly on over.

Send me a list of what ya need, and I'll see what I got in the stores for you
03 Mar 2024, 7:26pm
Ah, just the cat media, the only open Buy position for that Odyssey stuff I have. Because you can't just buy those moronic synth materials. Thank you.
03 Mar 2024, 7:47pm
You looking to upgrade some on foot gear?


Looks like I sold a load, only got 10 left. It's on the way.

Last edit: 03 Mar 2024, 8:29pm
03 Mar 2024, 8:48pm
Looking pretty good against the pole.

I got about 10 of each Classic Entertainment & Multimedia Entertainment, if you need more for the unlock.

Last edit: 03 Mar 2024, 9:06pm
03 Mar 2024, 9:47pm
Thank you :3
Currently telling two Hydras to leave the settlement alone or else. Much likely else. Some high-octane madness I like. :p

upd: 2/16 but hells I'm rusty lol. :p

Last edit: 03 Mar 2024, 10:19pm
03 Mar 2024, 10:32pm
It took me at least as long as soloing a CZ by myself, to clear out both Hydras around a planetary port with only NPC support. As long as you beat that(which might’ve been at least three, four hours total), you have nothing to be ashamed of.
04 Mar 2024, 12:53am
Yeah, just ended them. And, because 'Easy' is not for me, the thing spawned a heckload of Cyclopes when I was like on the 5th or 6th heart of the first Hydra (and, kind of, 'refreshed' the message on the left side of the HUD, I guess chasing them for 15km isn't a good idea). So, there was a moment when I was attacking a Hydra, having a second one on me too, and a couple of Cyclopes, not to mention the Scouts. Lol. Soo.... Kinda, slow one. But, two Hydras in the first day of anti-Interceptor combat after being away for almost two years?.. I guess, not too shabby.

Creamy Goodness IIII got about 10 of each Classic Entertainment & Multimedia Entertainment, if you need more for the unlock.
Thank you, I'm just buying lots of Cat Media. No Odyssey suit crap involved. Simply having my weird kind of fun.

(OOC: the carrier 'doesn't exist' in the story and for story-wise Meowers, it's a game asset I use to haul my lazy arse and store stuff)

Last edit: 04 Mar 2024, 2:22am
04 Mar 2024, 6:14pm
Weird kind of fun is a good alter to sacrifice some unlock data on.

Have fun weirding it up.
04 Mar 2024, 9:00pm
Thank you. I'm so 'excited' by Elite on-foot (or, more correctly, non-spaceship) content that I didn't even know that those are a kind of a quest item used to unlock another layer of grind. Tried to find them on sale, failed miserably, and now... I think, I'd get the cat pics the most AX way possible, by rescuing those items from abandoned settlements in the invaded systems lol. If that's possible, maybe they don't even drop there, I've no idea. In a non-obsessive low-key approach, I still have settlements to defend and Titans to bomb.

And, I should say, I defended the shit out of that settlement, with 2 fully completed scenarios and 2 more ending with my connection going woo somewhere halfway.
04 Mar 2024, 10:36pm
Now you know how I feel when my carrier assigns me a medium pad on the opposite side of it to my approach.
05 Mar 2024, 1:25pm
You may get lucky if the abandoned settlements are tourist locations, and you turn the power back on.

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