Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

22 Jun 2016, 8:20pm
Terra Sheer
Xeknos [...] whatever he is, he certainly does not deserve our continued derision.

Er ... now. Let's not go off all half-cocked here! It's the very basis of my RP shtick to deride *everyone's* character concepts!

Why you gotta go and crap all over my RP?

(Also, how come nobody has brought Trump/Merkel/Cameron into this Hitler/Clinton love-fest? We gotta be equal opportunity offenders here! It's just not an Internet argument unless somebody cries!)

Ahh, so you subscribe to the 'Dirty Harry' school of thought in that if you hate everyone equally, then it isn't prejudice. I have no arguement with that. And...well...*giggles* Trump hasn't tried to censor anything yet that I'm aware of, although he does have plans for the southern border should he be elected...

I tried to cry...I really did...*sniff-sniff*. best I could do... o7!
22 Jun 2016, 8:21pm
Terra Sheer
Xeknos [...] whatever he is, he certainly does not deserve our continued derision.

Er ... now. Let's not go off all half-cocked here! It's the very basis of my RP shtick to deride *everyone's* character concepts!

Why you gotta go and crap all over my RP?

(Also, how come nobody has brought Trump/Merkel/Cameron into this Hitler/Clinton love-fest? We gotta be equal opportunity offenders here! It's just not an Internet argument unless somebody cries!)

You've been very kind to my characters so far and they all deserve a shooting or spacing
22 Jun 2016, 8:38pm
Terra Sheer
Xeknos [...] whatever he is, he certainly does not deserve our continued derision.

Er ... now. Let's not go off all half-cocked here! It's the very basis of my RP shtick to deride *everyone's* character concepts!

Why you gotta go and crap all over my RP?

(Also, how come nobody has brought Trump/Merkel/Cameron into this Hitler/Clinton love-fest? We gotta be equal opportunity offenders here! It's just not an Internet argument unless somebody cries!)

Perhaps, but in this new PC culture, I didn't feel like dying on that particular hill today.
22 Jun 2016, 8:42pm
XeknosPerhaps, but in this new PC culture, I didn't feel like dying on that particular hill today.

Eyes you narrowly.... And why not? You got something against hills?
22 Jun 2016, 9:25pm
Hills are evil. The steepness is bad for lungs. I should know, I walk up them every day.
22 Jun 2016, 9:49pm
And I live in Colorado. The hills are deadly here.
22 Jun 2016, 10:39pm
Pardon the response- I went out.


Thanks mate. Clean slate from here on out.
22 Jun 2016, 10:53pm
XeknosAnd I live in Colorado. The hills are deadly here.

I live on/near a major faultline... Fuck hills.
26 Jun 2016, 10:21am
Hey Artie, I think I've come up with a look for your barkeep character.

01 Jul 2016, 2:01am
How do you create a character bio here ?
01 Jul 2016, 7:04am
Silverdrake220How do you create a character bio here ?

Go to logbooks/diary, create logbook, and theres a box at the bottom with multi choice that says logbook, click on that and create bio
01 Jul 2016, 1:05pm
Silverdrake220How do you create a character bio here ?

Go to logbooks/diary, create logbook, and theres a box at the bottom with multi choice that says logbook, click on that and create bio

very very cool thank you.
07 Jul 2016, 5:30pm
I kinda wanna get into the whole roleplay universe and I see a bunch of you with the awesome profile pics, where are you getting them from?
07 Jul 2016, 6:25pm
Derpstep55I kinda wanna get into the whole roleplay universe and I see a bunch of you with the awesome profile pics, where are you getting them from?

Some use EVE, some use devianart, some even pay 200 dollars for a painting. up to you
07 Jul 2016, 6:50pm
Derpstep55I kinda wanna get into the whole roleplay universe and I see a bunch of you with the awesome profile pics, where are you getting them from?

Some use EVE, some use devianart, some even pay 200 dollars for a painting. up to you

Thanks for the reply, don't have access to any of them so think I'll just use a picture of my ship for now

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