Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

08 Oct 2016, 9:34pm
Jemine Caesar
Luke3107I'm contemplating RPing with a second character... Should I make a second profile to help differentiate between the characters?

I think a second profile would be very useful. A few others do it already.

It's true. I have a second profile for a second character.
08 Oct 2016, 9:35pm
Don't listen to him. I'm my own man god damn it.
08 Oct 2016, 9:49pm
Nickolas CalhounDon't listen to him. I'm my own man god damn it.
And we believe you... *pats head* =P
09 Oct 2016, 7:44pm
I am still looking for any feedback on Lilith. I've made a few additions since I mentioned her last.

Critisism or Compliments, I want to hear from you guys as I very rarely, if ever, play the bad guy in anything. In Elite I actively avoid things that may gain me a bounty or even in Fable I was always the Benevolent Leader. It really is a new venture for me so any constructive feedback is welcome.


Last edit: 10 Oct 2016, 1:06am
10 Oct 2016, 12:49am
First bit of feedback: make the url clickable

A simple copy + paste job can be a pain for people on mobile.

Last edit: 10 Oct 2016, 12:59am
10 Oct 2016, 1:07am
I thought it would be automatically clickable. Sorted now, thanks
10 Oct 2016, 5:52am
That screenshot looked a lot smaller from my phone...
11 Oct 2016, 12:46am
Ok, I tried to make a second profile for my character however it only allows one profile per email, and I only have one email. Plus I can't be bothered with the fuss of making and remembering the details of a second email so I'll just be using this profile.

It will bve easy enough to deal with, but in the event both characters end up in the same locations I will simply seperate the two with subheaders. Unless they end up interacting, (I haven't decided if they know each other or not yet). I hope this doesn't end up being taken as patronism should it occur, but simply a way to minimise confusion.

Simply put it will look like this:

Blah, blah, etc........

Blah, blah, bang, etc.....

This will only occur if they are participating in different stories but in the same section (i.e. The Docks, Citi Gateway, etc)
11 Oct 2016, 5:59pm
Hey guys, is there any sort of disclaimer over names etc. that we have to state somewhere, like 'All persons and names in this narrative are fictitious blah blah and so on'?

Or are we all grown-up and understand that none of it is real, anyway, it's all fictitious.

Just wondering.
11 Oct 2016, 6:04pm
I've never bothered with any disclaimers, nor have I seen anyone use disclaimers, so I think you're fine.
11 Oct 2016, 6:10pm
Cool. Thanks.
11 Oct 2016, 6:58pm
Reverend TZWHey guys, is there any sort of disclaimer over names etc...

Not a disclaimer as such, but don't use actual song lyrics in your stuff. Titles and names are OK, but recording labels have software which scans the net for the unauthorised use of lyrics. You could end up being sued for breach of copyright.
11 Oct 2016, 7:05pm
Yeah, I probably should've mentioned the idea that using anything that's copyrighted is probably a bad idea.
11 Oct 2016, 7:32pm
Jemine Caesar
Reverend TZWHey guys, is there any sort of disclaimer over names etc...

Not a disclaimer as such, but don't use actual song lyrics in your stuff. Titles and names are OK, but recording labels have software which scans the net for the unauthorised use of lyrics. You could end up being sued for breach of copyright.Slowly bangs head on desk, renames two ships and rewrites half his

<Slowly bangs head on desk, renames two ships and commences rewriting half to three-quarters of his output>

How about the stuff on Radio Sidewinder? I'm thinking/hoping most of that's not copyrighted (hopefully) and it's a wonderful source of 'scenery and immersion' for logbooks and stuff. Perhaps I should ask them. I'll do that.

Thanks, both. You've made an old man very unhappy
11 Oct 2016, 11:24pm
I've referenced Radio Sidewinder once or twice in Things. You should be okay.

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