Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

28 Sep 2016, 6:41pm
... I RP here simply because I enjoy escaping reality.

I RP for two reasons. 1) because I enjoy it and 2) placing my character into an environment that I cannot control (really, semi-control) forces me to think like him, so that when I do write my stories I have a better feel for who he is, and how he would respond to situations.
28 Sep 2016, 6:43pm
I appreciate it fellas, but I meant what I said about it being very hard to put myself in the mind of a sadistic villain - I think it's time to let someone else to step up to the role
28 Sep 2016, 6:46pm
Marra MorganI appreciate it fellas, but I meant what I said about it being very hard to put myself in the mind of a sadistic villain - I think it's time to let someone else to step up to the role

I didn't understand. Now I do. Maybe Stryker might take that on, as he continues to fall into that abyss of villainy.
28 Sep 2016, 6:48pm
Um, now that the color thing has run its course, I just would like to know: do I fall in the category of lore breaking? I'm not challenging it or anything, I just would like to know so I could bring it back a notch. I can assure you making overpowered characters was the opposite of my intention.
28 Sep 2016, 7:05pm
Marra Morgan

I understand that you might have a personal preference for colouring your dialogue and that is fine. But you're putting your writing on a public forum, which tells me that you must also want others to appreciate your work. I believe you when you say it's not your intent to patronise the reader, but you don't get to say how your readers feel about that. It's nice that you've had positive feedback about it, but there's been feedback to the contrary too.

Indeed, there have been millions of books written without coloured dialogue and I honestly can't see that ever changing. I've never seen anything outside of amatuer writing to adopt such a convention. Have you? Details, please...

Just because something has been established and seems rock solid doesn't mean that it's here to stay forever. The only constant in life is change as it always has been. And a few generations from now people will be looking back at our times and marvel how we actually got things working with the ancient things we had. But I digress.

I never aimed to be a professional writer of anything. It's a hobby, nothing else. But for the sake of resting the argument I'll try to go back to the known ways without too much coloring. Though I do admit I'll miss it. Final verdict will be when seeing how much pro vs. contra PM's I'll receive. So, don't cheer just yet.

And yes, Marra Morgan leaving the scene is a sad thing, but it's as it should be - your creations, your decisions.
28 Sep 2016, 7:07pm
Cartlidge1000Um, now that the color thing has run its course, I just would like to know: do I fall in the category of lore breaking? I'm not challenging it or anything, I just would like to know so I could bring it back a notch. I can assure you making overpowered characters was the opposite of my intention.

The coloring never had anything to do with breaking the lore, or did I misunderstand the subject now entirely?
28 Sep 2016, 7:09pm
The original issue started because a couple of guys were moving towards breaking a fairly big rule (lore-breaking) by seemingly having a planet in an important system explode. This lead to a list of issues being brought up, including the color thing. I was just checking in terms of the lore breaking itself.
28 Sep 2016, 7:22pm
Cartlidge1000Um, now that the color thing has run its course, I just would like to know: do I fall in the category of lore breaking? I'm not challenging it or anything, I just would like to know so I could bring it back a notch. I can assure you making overpowered characters was the opposite of my intention.

The coloring never had anything to do with breaking the lore, or did I misunderstand the subject now entirely?

The coloring wasn't a matter of breaking lore, so much as irritating the reader and being unnecessary.

Cartlidge1000The original issue started because a couple of guys were moving towards breaking a fairly big rule (lore-breaking) by seemingly having a planet in an important system explode. This lead to a list of issues being brought up, including the color thing. I was just checking in terms of the lore breaking itself.

Pretty much this. Even if the planet in question isn't exploding, per se, it's still an awfully cataclysmic event to just shoehorn into the shared lore.
28 Sep 2016, 7:59pm
Throwing my penny in? I juggle two characters, and you can differiciat (cant spell on phone) between them by how it is written. I may reserve colouring for comms.
28 Sep 2016, 10:06pm
Wow.... ok alot has gone on since I've been able to read up. As to the colored text. I don't think its necessary but it doesn't piss me off either.
@Mara you're right about google. How do you think I figured out you were RPing some of your dialog in Welsh?

As to my character?? I don't know. I have a very hard time trying to think like others. My RPing is basically a way to take myself and put me into another environment. Something to have fun with. I have a TON of story ideas floating around in my head. Several I think would make for good beginnings of a story. I'm actually in the process of writing one up now I'm planning to propose.
29 Sep 2016, 9:36am
I'm only able to get around here for a while, I'd like to say I'm a fan of Marra, and a few of the other writers stuff. If you're retiring the Marra character, I hope you can hang out with another. The colored text didn't bother me too much, it was just hard to see at times for me. Of course I'm reaaaaly late to this discussion.
29 Sep 2016, 9:39am
Also, why the hell didn't I notice 2 new official areas?
01 Oct 2016, 9:07pm
They're quite recent additions.
02 Oct 2016, 4:23am
I'm genuinely beginning to question if Kurama is actually participating or just typing random crap into the forum.
02 Oct 2016, 9:47am
Trying to figure out how to reinsert myself after the mess that was Off Station....

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