Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

12 Oct 2016, 1:01am

I've e-mailed them just in case and I'll wait for a reply before I publish anything referencing them, although I have once already, I think. Yes, I have.

If you're reading this, Radio Sidewinder, you have mail.
12 Oct 2016, 7:10am
Reverend TZWTY.

I've e-mailed them just in case and I'll wait for a reply before I publish anything referencing them, although I have once already, I think. Yes, I have.

If you're reading this, Radio Sidewinder, you have mail.

You'll be fine for using names, eg

"As I dropped down into normal space, Radio Sidewinder began to play "Are You Lonesome Tonight", an ancient classic by someone called Elvis Presley. "

Just don't quite the lyrics!
12 Oct 2016, 7:12am
Yeah I think you're thinking a little hard over this.

"I turned on Radio Sidewinder, the music sucked," isn't the same as:
Crawling in my skin
These wound they will not heal
and then publishing it.

You'll be fine matey.

Another thing to perhaps be weary of would be something like:
"I spoke to the top dog of [someone else's player faction], we're best buddies" without the group's permission would get a few frowns.
12 Oct 2016, 9:04am
Simon DaturaAnother thing to perhaps be weary of would be something like:
"I spoke to the top dog of [someone else's player faction], we're best buddies" without the group's permission would get a few frowns.

12 Oct 2016, 9:22am
Simon DaturaYeah I think you're thinking a little hard over this.

"I turned on Radio Sidewinder, the music sucked," isn't the same as:
Crawling in my skin
These wound they will not heal
and then publishing it.

You'll be fine matey.

Another thing to perhaps be weary of would be something like:
"I spoke to the top dog of [someone else's player faction], we're best buddies" without the group's permission would get a few frowns.

No, that's not me, not me at all.

I don't have any friends. Or buddies. Let alone a 'Best' one.

That's why I logon here.

12 Oct 2016, 10:05pm
Apologies if editing an RP post is frowned upon or whatever, but after posting it and rereading a few things I concluded I'd made Lilith into less a Villian, and more of just a straight up bitch. Which was completely off kilter to what I was aiming for, so I rewrote a few minor details.

That said, it doesn't really appear as though anybody actually noticed or cared so...
15 Oct 2016, 4:26pm
Me again. Looking for more help.

I have concluded that I would like my two characters to know each other, and I have an idea for a running narrative between the two that I will put into a logbook story but I need an idea to how it occured.

Lilith is indebted to Luke and has offered a 3 strike system to him. So if Luke needs to, he can call on her and she will help him out with whatever is required (yes, very Aladdin and his three wishes from the genie, sue me) but the catch is that after the third one, she intends to kill him, something that Luke is very aware of.

So, the question I have, and that I'm stuck with, is can anyone help out with ideas on how such a situation might happen? Feel free to either suggest them here or PM me. I am looking to steer clear of a simple "He found an outnumbered ship under attack and swooped in to save the day" type thing but it's the only idea I have for now unfortunately.
15 Oct 2016, 5:04pm
Well, considering the contrast between your characters personalities, I'd think the relationship should be a little more reluctant and forced, meaning if it weren't for REASON A or REASON B Lilith would've offed Luke by now or something.
That's all I can offer at the moment.
15 Oct 2016, 5:19pm
That was my feeling. A simple case of "I saved you, you owe me" was far too bland and easy for a suituation like that to occur, hence my being stuck lol =)

I was thinking that Lilith would have her own personal "Honour System" that makes her feel obliged to repay a debt. Although I am still stuck with the circumstances that lead to such a situation.
15 Oct 2016, 5:29pm
How about an exchange of information? One of them knows where to find it, the other knows how to decode it.
15 Oct 2016, 5:36pm
Jemine CaesarHow about an exchange of information? One of them knows where to find it, the other knows how to decode it.
That could work. Would make sense for Lilith to be the one searching for something, just need to think what that could be.
18 Oct 2016, 6:57am
Here's a puzzler for you all.

In the middle of writing my Lilith/ Luke story (although still puzzling over what the heck Lilith could be searching for, props to Jemine for the idea). Long story short I was about to use the line "You'd be amazed what you pick up from playing paintball/laser tag". Of course, that led me to think....

Would such sports still exist in the 3300s? If so, any ideas what changes might have been made?

They details aren't particularly important, but it was a question that I figured could do with an answer one way or another.
18 Oct 2016, 7:03am
I'd imagine it would be something very similar to Unreal Tournament.

Last edit: 18 Oct 2016, 7:29am
18 Oct 2016, 7:26am
Would such sports still exist in the 3300s? If so, any ideas what changes might have been made?

Yes, they've evolved into CQC
18 Oct 2016, 7:37am
I'd imagine they'd have some death match type settings in the shadier areas of Human space as well.

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