Elite roleplay: Q&A and OOC

31 Oct 2016, 3:10pm
You could always abandon the rocks...
31 Oct 2016, 3:39pm
Or play it in "Ironman" mode. If you die, reset your save game.
31 Oct 2016, 7:29pm
I apologize for not having taken my turn in the scene yet. My internet went down over the weekend and I'm still trying to find an opportune moment to sit down and write my post.
31 Oct 2016, 7:30pm
Luke3107Or play it in "Ironman" mode. If you die, reset your save game.

Did they put that in the game, "Ironman Mode"?

I agree J.Tringali, as I used to build F-16's for real. And how about all those "escape pods" left in space, as illegal or stolen, once you get them back to civilization?

Or, all the unanswered "distress calls" no one bothers to investigate. Left to die in the cold vacuum of space, where no one hears you scream, if you screamed at all.

I actually think ironman mode would work for this game? At least we would be rid of the gankers.
31 Oct 2016, 7:58pm
Richard Daystrom
I actually think ironman mode would work for this game? At least we would be rid of the gankers.

Ironman mode is there if you want it - it's all down to your own self-discipline

And no, it won't get rid of gankers - they don't care about their game. They care about ruining yours!
31 Oct 2016, 8:15pm
Marra Morgan
Richard Daystrom
I actually think ironman mode would work for this game? At least we would be rid of the gankers.

Ironman mode is there if you want it - it's all down to your own self-discipline

And no, it won't get rid of gankers - they don't care about their game. They care about ruining yours!

Haha I'd argue that ganking would actually become even more of an issue if such a thing was implemented. Just take games like DayZ for example.
02 Nov 2016, 11:41pm
It might help get rid of some ganking because of the risk. Once I was flying to Farseer and some FDL just started pummeling me as I got ready to land, but I fired of some SCBs, pumped up the shields and blasted him. Then, a few minutes later, he's back because he didn't lose his entire career, just a few mil for a rebuy and likely respawned right there as her base. If he'd been sent back to a Sidewinder in Eravate..... maybe? Harry Potter wouldn't be around for sure.
03 Nov 2016, 12:29am
Ganking is not even near the top ten of problems this game has.
03 Nov 2016, 2:10am
The issue with ganking is that often people are quick to just jump in and shout "GANKER!!" Whenever another CMDR kills them. Ignoring the fact that there are players who pirate and, if there's no threat of death, there's no reason to give into them.

It's feel it's widely accepted that on a scale of 1-10 (1 being Ganking, 10 being legitimate PvP)A Federal Corvette interdicting and destroying an unarmed Asp Explorer is a stone cold 1, whereas two pilots in opposing factions in a Combat Zone is a steadfast 10. It's the area in between that causes the issue.

If we want to get rid of ganking, there needs to be an established and very clear line drawn between what IS and ISN'T ganking. Of course, I can already hear the cries of "Oh but I RP as a serial killer who just wants to murder everyone" so then we have THAT to deal with too.

If there were harsher punishments for PvP related kills, it would deter a lot of them. The harsher punishmebt, the more people are deterred. But there will ALWAYS be those who just don't give a shit and at some point it's just going to deter legitimate PvPers (which in my experience are already fairly scarce). So it circles back again, to finding the line that separates Gankers from Legitimate PvP.

The solution? It's obvious really, I suggest we have a system where those willing to tolerate the possibility of being attacked and destroyed for no reason, can play in Open. Those who aren't, play in Solo. Those wanting to play with their friends can play in Private Servers. Oh wait....
03 Nov 2016, 2:54am
They need to run in like UO in the 90s if you murder/gank a specific number of times you are perma wanted (even after death). This would also give life to pirate dens etc but would also make specific area safe havens as these "reds" wouldn't be able to enter the area without getting ganked by galcop. Also when you die as a red you can only Rez in specific spots so this stops issues like the pilot mention in his previous post. The "chaos" shrine was the only place they could Rez and it was 200 miles north of the Antarctic compared to civilization. The only ones who will enjoy this play will be true pirates and all the bankers will spend all day posting on Reddit how unfair and crappy a game ED is. Of course you will want to give those that want to clear their name a very long mission so that it takes days or weeks to drop the red.
03 Nov 2016, 2:56am
Sorry gankers or bankers really the same thread to be honest.
03 Nov 2016, 5:13am
Just so we're clear here, the spat between Jemine and I in the Introduction thread is completely in-character, and I can see in the request thread that it has been requested for a new forum so that our spat can continue.

So, people can chill now.

Last edit: 03 Nov 2016, 8:42am
03 Nov 2016, 9:33am
Just to echo what Kyla has said, our spat is purely IC. There's absolutely no OOC animosity between us whatsoever.

It's all good.
03 Nov 2016, 9:40am
See, she's got my back, even though she doesn't approve of my main source of income!
03 Nov 2016, 11:13am
Kyla EmmerichSee, she's got my back, even though she doesn't approve of my main source of income!

My blubber was also ment IC and yes I agree that we need a forum were we can do so without giving the crowd the wrong idea about our intentions.

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