Starfield: General talk

22 Sep 2023, 4:56am
A.G.DuranStarfield is Fallout in space with smaaal grain of spacesim. Just because there is no real flights besides arcade battles in orbit.

I've swallowed the arcadey space battles just so I could create, modify, walk in, eat, sleep, live, and have a crew in my B-Class ship.

Trying to maximize Piloting and Building so I can spend the next 100 hours designing a C-Class Capital ship from scratch.
27 Sep 2023, 7:59pm
Aleksander Majjam
A.G.DuranStarfield is Fallout in space with smaaal grain of spacesim. Just because there is no real flights besides arcade battles in orbit.

I've swallowed the arcadey space battles just so I could create, modify, walk in, eat, sleep, live, and have a crew in my B-Class ship.

Trying to maximize Piloting and Building so I can spend the next 100 hours designing a C-Class Capital ship from scratch.

There is a ship fight simulator in MAST you just need to join the UC Vanguard to get easy ship kills
28 Sep 2023, 12:11am
CMDR Lord Nyrox
Aleksander Majjam
A.G.DuranStarfield is Fallout in space with smaaal grain of spacesim. Just because there is no real flights besides arcade battles in orbit.

I've swallowed the arcadey space battles just so I could create, modify, walk in, eat, sleep, live, and have a crew in my B-Class ship.

Trying to maximize Piloting and Building so I can spend the next 100 hours designing a C-Class Capital ship from scratch.

There is a ship fight simulator in MAST you just need to join the UC Vanguard to get easy ship kills

Thanks for the heads up! That was going to be my next quest.
07 Oct 2023, 12:10pm
CMDR Lord NyroxThere is a ship fight simulator in MAST you just need to join the UC Vanguard to get easy ship kills

You don't have to join the Vanguard for this. The usage of the simulator is a pre-condition to join the Vanguard. So you can use it as often as you want without committing to the UC. The simulator can be used to train every skill which requires space combat (destroying ships, boosting during combat, taking shield damage, ...) and even the Security skill can be trained here by hacking the simulation computer every time.

In my second game play I challenged myself to stay on Jemison until level 60, making a lot of money and XP by crafting and selling Amp on Jemison. Because there is no way to level up piloting when not leaving Jemison the simulator was very useful for this. So when I finally left Jemison it did this in my very own class C ship
17 Oct 2023, 11:57am

07 Nov 2023, 8:12am

I'm becoming more and more happy I didn't buy it yet, lol.
07 Nov 2023, 6:27pm
not yet, but at all.
10 Nov 2023, 1:10am
Can't stay that I'm paying attention to how the gun operates in terms of as close to "real life" as can be when I'm shooting in first person, but I think the gunplay feels great. Better than FO4 for sure.
21 Nov 2023, 1:21pm
I have been running Nexus mods with Starfield on the PC.

I am only a few months into my modding journey for this game and found the video below which could help other Captains get started. (E.g. Mods that tidy menu screens and don’t cheat).

Please note mods can break things - use at own risk.

Hope it helps.
25 Nov 2023, 10:51am
26 Nov 2023, 10:05am
That is an interesting viewpoint on Starfield exploration.

I have spent many hours on both Elite Dangerous and the ESO Online, and really enjoy all three games.
Starfield is an awesome space focused RPG, and Elite is a dedicated space simulator that captures a sense of space travel across the actual Milky Way with a few friendly Thargoids too. These games will get compared but they are not trying to be the same. I am not sure that comparing Starfield to ESO/Skyrim was the best idea but it would be interesting to hear other Captains views.

To me space travel is the first part of the puzzle that leads into exploration. A little update in the future would be nice to stop Captains enabling their gravity drive when their ship is facing a solid object such as a planet, other ships, asteroids, space stations, and space debris - it seems a more logical place to begin.

The linking of lore and history to the randomly generated settlements would be a nice update one day, and I suspect this is not impossible.
Many new games have bugs in the 1st year but once these have reduced I hope there will be scope for some tweaks and additions to the exploration experience.

Happy exploring.
26 Nov 2023, 11:47pm
SquirtyThat is an interesting viewpoint on Starfield exploration.

I have spent many hours on both Elite Dangerous and the ESO Online, and really enjoy all three games.
Starfield is an awesome space focused RPG, and Elite is a dedicated space simulator that captures a sense of space travel across the actual Milky Way with a few friendly Thargoids too. These games will get compared but they are not trying to be the same. I am not sure that comparing Starfield to ESO/Skyrim was the best idea but it would be interesting to hear other Captains views.

To me space travel is the first part of the puzzle that leads into exploration. A little update in the future would be nice to stop Captains enabling their gravity drive when their ship is facing a solid object such as a planet, other ships, asteroids, space stations, and space debris - it seems a more logical place to begin.

The linking of lore and history to the randomly generated settlements would be a nice update one day, and I suspect this is not impossible.
Many new games have bugs in the 1st year but once these have reduced I hope there will be scope for some tweaks and additions to the exploration experience.

Happy exploring.

27 Nov 2023, 7:40am
ObsidianAnt probably isn't entirely correct when he says that the POIs were placed randomly for him to discover and did not exist before that. Procedural generation is pseudo-random and deterministic, so the same algorithm will place the same POIs at the same locations every time. Whether they are generic or play a role in the game's lore is a separate question.

The argument about an open world's past is a valid one. Skyrim and Fallout 4 are full of locations that allow a glimpse into the past. Fallout 4 in particular begins in the past and later allows the player to put various puzzle pieces (terminal entries, holotapes) together to get an idea of what happened on the day the bombs fell and later. Pre-war military installations have a particular theme, and the Institute has its own one, so when you notice a pre-war-style door in the Institute's modern teleporter room, you'll instantly know that whatever is behind that door will give you an insight into the Institute's past. Another example is the hidden section of Vault 81.

Cyberpunk 2077 lets the player experience a key event of Night City's history through the eyes of the character Johnny Silverhand, 50 years in the past.

Even ED has some POIs from the past: Jameson's crash site featuring an older version of the Cobra Mk III, various abandoned settlements with a distinctly older look than the modern ones, generation ships, ancient Guardian installations, etc. These details make a game world feel rich and lived-in. If Starfield lacks these elements, it would be a major omission and very atypical for a Bethesda game. It could (and should) be fixed later of course.
01 Dec 2023, 11:42am
LOL, Bethesda is now responding to negative Starfield reviews on Steam, apparently via A.I. Check it out, it's hilarious!
01 Dec 2023, 11:44am
SakashiroLOL, Bethesda is now responding to negative Starfield reviews on Steam, apparently via A.I. Check it out, it's hilarious!

Could it be the same AI some modder took to make Skyrim NPCs talk more?

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Anything related to Starfield, but doesn't exactly fit the Game talk thread.