Aleksander MajjamJonny WendtThe incredible massive thing that Elite put you in, is unique.. Star Citizen also put you in something like that..
No Man's Sky is an Arcade Space Game (you can't even use propulsion on all directions!!!) but is also ok, massive..
The REAL thing is, play what you like.. if you like to play using Fast Travel, so do it! I've played Fallout 4 many times, all of them on Survival mode, where Fast Travels where completely disabled .. and it's ok! It's my playing style, MY OWN, the game is mine, is on my computer, I got plenty of time to play it and I will do it as I like it!.. I'll not enjoy to play something because someone told it's good.. I have my OWN oppinion on EVERY SECOND played on a game, driving a car or any other thing I do on my life.. nobody sees the world as I see.. and I got MY oppinion, for everything!
Good games may come, live and die ... we'll be here to judge them good or not to OUR OWN ways!
Elite, Star Citizen, No Man's Sky are all MMO Space based games, and Starfield will not be an MMO.. it'll be a Single Player experience.. cannot even be compared to Elite!.. for those who play space games, to walk on planets, ok, but and for those who play FOR THE EXPERIENCE OF FLIGHT? I'm one of those!
I like to fly on space, and on planets with no Atmosphere, FA OFF, feel the diference betwin High G planets, and low ones, fight the Thargoids on a High G planet, it's an interesting experience, land on that 45G beast, with a friend, was another cool experience..
Something that you'll not have on other game!
Each title has it's pros and cons, so ... play what you want, and don't think because a lot of nerdy guys says that the landing time is odd.. EVERYBODY doesn't like it!
you may be not talking to the right people!
Enjoy it while it lasts my friend. With Elite having the lowest PC numbers ever, while Horizon console players are even smaller, this game is on its last legs.
A lot of folk need to get it into their heads that Elite is a ten year old game with a dwindling playerbase.
A ten year old game with a decreasing number of active players is not a game that many developers will go *too* crazy with. (BTW, unless anyone can provide a more inclusive metric, then yes: Steam Charts are the only player count metric that we have access to, which is why they get used so much)
Thargoids? Honestly, not a big ask in themselves. That's all just variation of what is already in the game, and a new spaceship model is not a massive ask compared to the tripe I see some of the forumites still begging FD for, as follows:
Stuff like earth like worlds, water worlds, life (No, JWE and Planet Zoo aren't and never were "testbeds" for "big game hunting" in Elite, and anyone who actually thinks this is an idiot), etc? Please... The game struggles enough with a base that is smaller than the Anaconda parked next to it, and people want entire bloody cities? They're insane, or on hard copium. One of those two.
Yeah, people do need to enjoy what they have as this really is probably it for Elite. If I were one of FD's stockholders I sure as heck wouldn't want them to be putting too much into this game at all, not with what we do know from the little data we common gamers have access to.
This isn't me saying the servers are about to close. I don't think that'll happen any time soon. It is me saying that people need to consider that Elite might not be receiving new stuff for much longer, relatively speaking. And it's quite plain to see that what is being done now is a lot less than it used to be. I'm wholly expecting it to dry up entirely next year around the ten year mark of its life.
That's not the same as a game closing. It just means that what you have is what you get, no more no less, from that point onwards.
As for Starfield? Well, as I've said before: I find people's obsession with needing to "replace" things a bit weird. I don't think it'll be "replacing" anything, and I think anyone who simply thinks that game with space setting = Elite Dangerous competitor is a bit simple-minded. Or easy to drag into a cult. Actually, there's a lot of overlap between the two.