Starfield: Game talk

01 Oct 2024, 8:51pm
Artie, I noticed the Va'ruun Starlash seems to have the qualities and values out of order.
Va'ruun Starlash 96
32.0 8,750 1
Advanced Va'ruun Starlash 144
48.0 13,038 60
Calibrated Va'ruun Starlash 177
59.0 16,100 40
Refined Va'ruun Starlash 217
72.3 19,775 50
Which I assume should be
Va'ruun Starlash 96
32.0 8,750 1
Advanced Va'ruun Starlash 217
48.0 19,775 60
Calibrated Va'ruun Starlash 144
59.0 13,038 40
Refined Va'ruun Starlash 177
72.3 16,100 50
01 Oct 2024, 9:18pm
Ah, thanks! It was fixed.
03 Oct 2024, 8:26am
Hello Artie, I think for Va'ruun'kai, the data giving the fauna count is wrong. It shows 18 in my game (in french) and I have already surveyed 8 of it and still counting.
I think they have split animal variants late in the game release calendar, like the herd animal giving milk (I don't know the name in english). They count as 3 species now for male / femele and babies variants. That would explain how they went from 6 to 18.
03 Oct 2024, 10:54am
Thank you for mentioning it, I've put an exception there. They added creature variants (rocky/sandy/frozen) alongside that male/female/child for the fauna there and that inflates the number. As they technically are the same and drop the same resources, I made it simple and thus the number was lower on Inara.
04 Oct 2024, 2:01am
Brb using any means necessary to turn Tul'Shahk Monastery into my base of operations
04 Oct 2024, 8:45am
FaizaBrb using any means necessary to turn Tul'Shahk Monastery into my base of operations

On PC you can use the console to spawn a beacon inside a restricted area. Steps are :
- save your game... one never knows...
- point your mouse pointer where you want your outpost to be centered
- execute placeThere 260ED4
- go out of console mode to have the beacon appear, return to console mode
- execute pickLastRef to have the beacon instance activated
- execute setOutpostOverlay to have the game compute the beacon's radius of effect
- go out of console mode
- activate your scanner and walk out of the radius until the game let you initiate laying down a new beacon
- walk back in "place beacon mode" and return to the first beacon
- place a normal beacon near the first
- go in console mode (the first beacon should still be the active ref)
- execute markForDelete to have the game remove the first beacon when you go out of console mode
- travel out of area (go into orbit for instance) and come back to have the game compute static objects (rock and trees)

Note that as a side effect the game may add rocks and trees that weren't there to begin with. Placing user decor objects will clean the area around them.
04 Oct 2024, 9:52pm
Lady of Shalott
FaizaBrb using any means necessary to turn Tul'Shahk Monastery into my base of operations

On PC you can use the console to spawn a beacon inside a restricted area. Steps are :
- save your game... one never knows...
- point your mouse pointer where you want your outpost to be centered
- execute placeThere 260ED4
- go out of console mode to have the beacon appear, return to console mode
- execute pickLastRef to have the beacon instance activated
- execute setOutpostOverlay to have the game compute the beacon's radius of effect
- go out of console mode
- activate your scanner and walk out of the radius until the game let you initiate laying down a new beacon
- walk back in "place beacon mode" and return to the first beacon
- place a normal beacon near the first
- go in console mode (the first beacon should still be the active ref)
- execute markForDelete to have the game remove the first beacon when you go out of console mode
- travel out of area (go into orbit for instance) and come back to have the game compute static objects (rock and trees)

Note that as a side effect the game may add rocks and trees that weren't there to begin with. Placing user decor objects will clean the area around them.

:O thank you! i will use this after i finish this first playthrough (I don't wanna lock myself out of achievements for this save)
05 Oct 2024, 2:53am
maybe you guys can help me with this, the key that the children gave me, what does it open?
05 Oct 2024, 11:55pm
My heart.

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