Elite: Game talk

15 Oct 2016, 4:24pm
There is nothing bad about the link itself, although that reddit thread may rise a very polarized opinions. I hope any further discussion here (if do you want to discuss it, but I personally hope in the opposite) will remain mature, civil and polite. Otherwise, my hammer is always ready to show some love.
15 Oct 2016, 4:29pm
ArtieThere is nothing bad about the link itself, although that reddit thread may rise a very polarized opinions. I hope any further discussion here (if do you want to discuss it, but I personally hope in the opposite) will remain mature, civil and polite. Otherwise, my hammer is always ready to show some love.

All hail the mighty banned hammer lol.

But I agree.
15 Oct 2016, 4:34pm
Rinzler o7o7o7What's wrong with it?
Nothing inherintly wrong with it, but the trouble is it always, ALWAYS leads to the same inevitable discussion on Private/Solo vs Open play and it's a discussion that always follows the same pattern.

There are many people here against that sort of playstyle and also many who participate in that sort of playstyle so it's kind of becone an unwritten rule that the subject needs to be left within group only discussions lest the entire site become a toxic wasteland of a Griefer vs Carebear pissing contest.

Rest assured, this is genuinely just a case of "Let's stop this argument before it starts." Rather than us trying to shun you or your preferences.
15 Oct 2016, 4:38pm
I'd argue that posting a poll which shows SDC ganking people - though in some cases certainly justified - in a community which is largely PvE centric is unnecessarily provocative. While there's nothing wrong with it on its surface, it's classic Rinzler - he posts things that are designed to get a reaction out of people, and he does it while trying to stay within the rules so he knows he can get away with it.
15 Oct 2016, 4:54pm
Deleted the post. I didn't know what that lead to when I suggested the op to make a working link. I was simply suggesting that he use the link option. I will not weigh in on the conversation otherwise.

Last edit: 15 Oct 2016, 5:00pm
16 Oct 2016, 9:15am
XeknosI'd argue that posting a poll which shows SDC ganking people - though in some cases certainly justified - in a community which is largely PvE centric is unnecessarily provocative. While there's nothing wrong with it on its surface, it's classic Rinzler - he posts things that are designed to get a reaction out of people, and he does it while trying to stay within the rules so he knows he can get away with it.

Damn, you know me too well

The majority of entries aren't from SDC members though (an RSM member is currently ahead in the polls)
16 Oct 2016, 10:42am
Rinzler o7o7o7
XeknosI'd argue that posting a poll which shows SDC ganking people - though in some cases certainly justified - in a community which is largely PvE centric is unnecessarily provocative. While there's nothing wrong with it on its surface, it's classic Rinzler - he posts things that are designed to get a reaction out of people, and he does it while trying to stay within the rules so he knows he can get away with it.

Damn, you know me too well

The majority of entries aren't from SDC members though (an RSM member is currently ahead in the polls)

I don't mean any offense by it, but SDC has definitely adopted this passive aggressive message of "Oh, look, here's a thing you all hate that we've turned into a competition, and I'm going to share this here to provoke all of you while playing it off like a normal community activity." You probably have a pretty good idea of the reaction you're going to get when you post tist kind of thing. And, to be perfectly fair, the solo folks are just as guilty of this when they accuse SDC and other people who are interested in PvP of being sociopaths.

This is sort of where my problem with the open vs private/solo discussion lies: we aren't interested in trying to see where the other side is coming from anymore, and the thing is, neither side is entirely wrong. Those who wish to engage in PvP should certainly be allowed to do so, and people who want to play by themselves or with their friends should also be extended the same courtesy.

As of six months ago, there has been 1.4 million copies of Elite Dangerous sold, and that number has assuredly gone up since then. I have to believe that with that kind of player base, there's certainly room for both sides to coexist. My question is: why can't we just leave each other alone?

Last edit: 17 Oct 2016, 3:12am
17 Oct 2016, 5:16pm
Lovely size/scale comparison of the 2.2 fleet.

17 Oct 2016, 5:22pm
James HussarLovely size/scale comparison of the 2.2 fleet.

Heh, it's been popping up in my "recommended" section on youtube for several days now.
17 Oct 2016, 7:25pm
17 Oct 2016, 7:51pm
17 Oct 2016, 8:38pm
James HussarLovely size/scale comparison of the 2.2 fleet.

That is lovely.
19 Oct 2016, 2:33am
James HussarLovely size/scale comparison of the 2.2 fleet.

It truly is wondrous. Sure you get the sense of scale being in a sidey, but after putting several hours of flight in a Conda or just Asp, you kinda forget how small your avatar(That thing clad in black sitting in the pilot chair) is.
19 Oct 2016, 7:37am

Anyplace I can actually buy Modular Terminals? I have casually been grinding missions for my minor faction sort of waiting for these to drop as a reward. A week later, I am kind of growing tired of waiting. The rumor is that there is a place where these can be purchased but I can't seem to find any reliable intel toward that end.

Anyone here know?
19 Oct 2016, 10:53am
Lord HexiasHmmm....

Anyplace I can actually buy Modular Terminals? I have casually been grinding missions for my minor faction sort of waiting for these to drop as a reward. A week later, I am kind of growing tired of waiting. The rumor is that there is a place where these can be purchased but I can't seem to find any reliable intel toward that end.

Anyone here know?

I am in system HEHENG and have 4 if u want them

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