Elite: Game talk

08 Sep 2016, 10:16am
Morwono new CG's today or will they come later this day?

Later buddy!!
08 Sep 2016, 10:36am
Dragon Darko
Morwono new CG's today or will they come later this day?

Later buddy!!

08 Sep 2016, 10:44am
Jemine CaesarThank you, Marra, that makes perfect sense to me now. I have no head for politics, as anyone who know me will tell you!

Would I be correct in thinking, then, that trading and selling exploration data at a starport will help the faction which controls that starport? And that black market trading would have a negative effect?

Mostly, but some states affect how much or whether certain actions contribute.
08 Sep 2016, 11:21am
Ozmundo VasqualezMostly, but some states affect how much or whether certain actions contribute.

Thank you, Ozmundo.
08 Sep 2016, 11:41am
Good morning/evening/afternoon guys. First time throwing a post up here but I need a bit of help getting a Meta Alloy for the engineer. I'd heard before that you could buy them out in the Pleiades sector but I've ALSO heard that players have sent UA's to the only station to buy MA's. So, if anyone has one that they'd like to get rid of (I'd be more than happy to purchase some imp slaves for a fair trade), or if you could just steer me in the general direction I'd greatly appreciate if you could message me on Xbox live. My tag is DoobiesUp420
08 Sep 2016, 12:23pm
Anyone know the best way to get Chemical Manipulators?
08 Sep 2016, 12:27pm
Either go hunt USSs (I think Encoded Emissions and Combat Aftermath have a high chances of rare materials) or you blow up traders in an Anarchy system
08 Sep 2016, 12:34pm
Sweet, was actually near the barnacles and decided to check them out for the first time, mined them and managed to get lucky and grab a meta alloy!
08 Sep 2016, 12:45pm
Rebecca HailEither go hunt USSs (I think Encoded Emissions and Combat Aftermath have a high chances of rare materials) or you blow up traders in an Anarchy system

Cheers man
08 Sep 2016, 2:25pm
HektikTekVoted... instant is stupid.
Ship transfer should take ages and be wildly expensive.

AND carry a percentage chance that your ship could be pirated in transit, with a higher chance for long hauls and expensive ships.

Can you imagine if it was instant? It would ruin the game I believe. One exploration/long range ship, get to destination, magically teleport your combat ship instantly... boring.

It doesn't work on any level, especially lore. If it's possible to teleport ships instantly, then why not everything? Why not be able to teleport yourself to Jaques or anywhere?
It's stupid and I am 100% against.

Just because Brexit happened and a Trump presidency is possible, I've begun mentally preparing for the worst, and have done some thinking about instant ship transfer.

*In my mind* it's something that can only be possible because ships are inert matter and can therefore survive the forces, radiation and general relativistic weirdness of being thrown through witchspace for hundreds and possibly thousands of light years. No ship-based FSD can handle that amount of power so it requires the FSD of a station/platform/planetary base, and a stabilizing "anchor" FSD on the other side of the wormhole through which the inert ship is flung. It takes a tremendous amount of energy, hundreds and possibly thousands of tons of fuel to generate it, and hence it costs a lot to execute such a transfer.

I agree that it would significantly impact the game dynamics. Getting to Jacues' in a 50LY ship and then just calling your T-9 and FDL once you arrive offers you an unfair advantage. Worse, it compromises the entire economy of the game because if a system in a Famine or Plague state can send and receive ships for hundreds of light years in an instant, why don't they just import all the food and medicine they need? Instant FTL travel, even of just hardware makes for a post-scarcity culture and the premise of many game mechanics completely fall apart as a result.

So, Trump and Brexit aside, I'd like to retain some sanity and have it take time - an hour per 500 ly for example - to transfer a ship, and a cost equivalent to what tourist missions would pay for similar distances because your ship needs to be shipped via freighter. Granted, this means there should also be freighters en route that you could sometimes encounter. They could be completely inert in so far as interactivity goes, but should exist to round out the justification for how things work.

I can still call my T-9 and FDL when I arrive at Jacques, but it will take them over a week to get there, so I should go out and do some exploring or otherwise occupy myself while my ships are in transit. AND it should cost me a full rebuy to transfer a ship. It's a massive convenience to have a ship come to you, so it should carry a significant time and money investment in doing so.

Last edit: 08 Sep 2016, 2:32pm
08 Sep 2016, 4:35pm
On a side note, looks like the fighting has started for control of the crash site. It'l like Merope all over again.
08 Sep 2016, 4:56pm
Oh boy, can't wait to hear about the aftermath of that one...
08 Sep 2016, 5:29pm
Looks like a new community goal just opened up at Mu Koji. The Feds and the Imps are at it again...
08 Sep 2016, 5:42pm
CG is bugged, everytime you fly into a convoy signal, game crashes!!!!

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