Elite: Game talk

06 Sep 2016, 11:54pm
Kurama10I need CR'S quick guy's im very low and NO SOTHIS AND CEO'S RUN'S

Fastest rout may depend on your current ships/load outs and usual activities as well as what you mean by "very low". Not much I know of will make you CR the likes of Sothis LRM stacking (not that I've tried), but if you are allied to any minor faction their best missions become available to you. If you have a big hold and know a few routs you can make a pretty penny as well and if you are combat oriented, slap on a warrant scanner and have at it in res sites (or carry around a single ton of cam composits and have them come to you (but don't try that in the res sites unless you have a monster ship).

i now of those but i mean like very quick

Ah, then I guess your only choices are to rethink you aversion to Sothis style LRMs or get lucky with the next CG. Sorry I can't help further. Curious to see if anyone can.

i've just started on power play yesterday im already have 1,622 merits

Been a long time since I've done powerplay. Are you in it for special equipment or do you feel an affinity with the power?
07 Sep 2016, 6:40am
Kurama10I need CR'S quick guy's im very low and NO SOTHIS AND CEO'S RUN'S

Why not Sothis or Ceos?
07 Sep 2016, 6:53am
Kurama10I need CR'S quick guy's im very low and NO SOTHIS AND CEO'S RUN'S

A- B runs

use the below link to find good trade routes near you


07 Sep 2016, 3:02pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Kurama10I need CR'S quick guy's im very low and NO SOTHIS AND CEO'S RUN'S

Why not Sothis or Ceos?

Sorry, but, this sounds a lot like "I want a lot of money but don't want to work hard or do anything illegal". AFAIK there is no Lottery system in ED, except maybe a few of the recent community goals.
07 Sep 2016, 5:16pm
Heads up for all: Frontier are running an official poll if ship and module transfers will be instant or with a time delay. So if you have an opinion about this, go vote !
07 Sep 2016, 5:36pm
NumaHeads up for all: Frontier are running an official poll if ship and module transfers will be instant or with a time delay. So if you have an opinion about this, go vote !

Thanks! Would've missed this had you not posted here. I'm excited to see what the results will be, regardless of my opinion on the matter.
07 Sep 2016, 9:28pm
NumaHeads up for all: Frontier are running an official poll if ship and module transfers will be instant or with a time delay. So if you have an opinion about this, go vote !

Thanks! Would've missed this had you not posted here. I'm excited to see what the results will be, regardless of my opinion on the matter.


So peeps, only vote if you are against instant. Otherwise refrain. Thank you kindly.

Last edit: 07 Sep 2016, 10:00pm
07 Sep 2016, 11:15pm
Voted... instant is stupid.
Ship transfer should take ages and be wildly expensive.

AND carry a percentage chance that your ship could be pirated in transit, with a higher chance for long hauls and expensive ships.

Can you imagine if it was instant? It would ruin the game I believe. One exploration/long range ship, get to destination, magically teleport your combat ship instantly... boring.

It doesn't work on any level, especially lore. If it's possible to teleport ships instantly, then why not everything? Why not be able to teleport yourself to Jaques or anywhere?
It's stupid and I am 100% against.

Last edit: 08 Sep 2016, 12:05am
08 Sep 2016, 12:26am
Other than on discord where do I warn about a player pirate?
08 Sep 2016, 2:34am
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Exquisite Focus Crystals
08 Sep 2016, 8:02am
I've just realised, after eighteen months, that different starports in the same system can be controlled by different minor factions. I'd always assumed that the faction with the highest influence controlled the entire system.

Can anyone please tell me how it's decided who controls where?
08 Sep 2016, 8:25am
Jemine CaesarI've just realised, after eighteen months, that different starports in the same system can be controlled by different minor factions. I'd always assumed that the faction with the highest influence controlled the entire system.

Can anyone please tell me how it's decided who controls where?

Hi Jemine

I'm not sure exactly how it's decided from the start, but one of the stations - usually the one with the biggest population - will be the controlling station - whichever faction controls this will "own" the system.

Wars, Civil Wars and Elections can trigger changes in ownership of individual stations. Generally, these can be triggered by bringing the influence scores of two factions roughly equal. To challenge for control of a system (ie - take over the controlling station), the challenging faction needs to have an influence of around 60 - 65% to trigger a conflict state with the current system owner.

Hope that makes sense! Feel free to ask me more if it doesn't
08 Sep 2016, 8:52am
Thank you, Marra, that makes perfect sense to me now. I have no head for politics, as anyone who know me will tell you!

Would I be correct in thinking, then, that trading and selling exploration data at a starport will help the faction which controls that starport? And that black market trading would have a negative effect?
08 Sep 2016, 9:15am
Jemine Caesar
Would I be correct in thinking, then, that trading and selling exploration data at a starport will help the faction which controls that starport? And that black market trading would have a negative effect?

Yes, that's right
08 Sep 2016, 10:12am
no new CG's today or will they come later this day?

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