Elite: Game talk

09 Oct 2016, 4:57pm
I know I can work on my reputation with Lei Cheung by selling commodities to Traders Nest but has that ever NOT been the case for anyone? I gave it some time and logged out and in in case my actions weren't being reflected right away but there's been no change in my reputation with him.

EDIT: Nevermind, figured out my problem

Last edit: 09 Oct 2016, 5:16pm
10 Oct 2016, 1:44am
Is anyone else having troubles in the search engine?
10 Oct 2016, 5:48pm
anybody found any Electrochemical Arrays in USS?
10 Oct 2016, 6:44pm
Red Riveranybody found any Electrochemical Arrays in USS?

Nope,got all mine from conflict zones
10 Oct 2016, 6:57pm
Red Riveranybody found any Electrochemical Arrays in USS?

Nope,got all mine from conflict zones

I've never read anybody finding one there.. could be the description is wrong?
so far nothing for me... need more testing, though.
11 Oct 2016, 5:07am
Red River
Red Riveranybody found any Electrochemical Arrays in USS?

Nope,got all mine from conflict zones

I've never read anybody finding one there.. could be the description is wrong?
so far nothing for me... need more testing, though.

Did it in a wing and wait till the big boys are low health .nip in kill them get the bounty and scoop the wreckage,In 1 hour had 21 of them.
11 Oct 2016, 9:41am
Red Riveranybody found any Electrochemical Arrays in USS?

Nope,got all mine from conflict zones

Same here, most ships that I kill in a CZ seems to drop electro arrays, grid resistors and conductive components.
15 Oct 2016, 3:55am

Voting is live!
15 Oct 2016, 4:24am
Rinzler o7o7o7https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/57i74b/elite_dangerous_gank_of_the_year_awards_gotya/

Voting is live!

You should try giving the link button a spin...
15 Oct 2016, 6:23am
You sure want to encourage that sort of behavior, Stryker?
15 Oct 2016, 8:06am
What's wrong with it?
15 Oct 2016, 10:11am
Let's not have that discussion here.
15 Oct 2016, 1:17pm
Rebecca HailLet's not have that discussion here.

15 Oct 2016, 4:19pm
I'mma send Artie a message and see if he won't take those links down.

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