Elite: Game talk

10 Nov 2016, 7:52pm
"Red" the Pirate
"Red" the PirateDoes anyone know how to get to the alien crash site in HIP 17403? The coordinates are supposed to be -34 / -141, but the second number only goes to -90 on the planet. Am I missing something? Or is this the space-Bermuda triangle?

Coordinates are backwards on Xbox

If that's the case, then how did I find the barnacles, ruins, etc... all in just a few minutes?

Not sure. Was looking for the new crash site a few days ago and somebody told me coordinates were backwards on Xbox. Had to flip the coordinates for the ruins too.

Last edit: 10 Nov 2016, 8:48pm
10 Nov 2016, 9:45pm
LiebsBit of a basic question, but while I know that bounties are divided between wing members on a kill, is the combat rating experience split as well?

As I know, no. Combat rating increase not splitting. Kill is a kill. It counts towards everyone in wing who took a shot within 15 seconds before ship blowed up.
11 Nov 2016, 12:29am
has anyone noticed that the CGs in maia seem bugged? it seems that the progression rate of the Combat CG was too high and that the progression rate of the trade one is too low.
11 Nov 2016, 7:08am
That can be easily explained through the remote location of the CG.

In short: The Feds don't have to fly 300 lys everyone they deliver some combat bonds.
11 Nov 2016, 3:43pm
Nathanc213has anyone noticed that the CGs in maia seem bugged? it seems that the progression rate of the Combat CG was too high and that the progression rate of the trade one is too low.

Rebecca HailThat can be easily explained through the remote location of the CG.

In short: The Feds don't have to fly 300 lys everyone they deliver some combat bonds.

actually that can be explained as the FD accidentally used the wrong templates when making the Trade & Combat Zone CGs (basically they swapped them)...that resulted in the Combat Zone CG finishing early & the Trade one progressing so slowly.

FD now have made a Bounty Hunting CG to replace the Combat ZOne CG in Maia...we'll se how that goes.
11 Nov 2016, 3:54pm
Nathanc213has anyone noticed that the CGs in maia seem bugged? it seems that the progression rate of the Combat CG was too high and that the progression rate of the trade one is too low.

Rebecca HailThat can be easily explained through the remote location of the CG.

In short: The Feds don't have to fly 300 lys everyone they deliver some combat bonds.

actually that can be explained as the FD accidentally used the wrong templates when making the Trade & Combat Zone CGs (basically they swapped them)...that resulted in the Combat Zone CG finishing early & the Trade one progressing so slowly.

FD now have made a Bounty Hunting CG to replace the Combat ZOne CG in Maia...we'll se how that goes.

Oh well

I also noticed that both trade and combat CG were for Ant Hill mob ._. BH is for the Feds though.
11 Nov 2016, 4:12pm
Rebecca Hail
Nathanc213has anyone noticed that the CGs in maia seem bugged? it seems that the progression rate of the Combat CG was too high and that the progression rate of the trade one is too low.

Rebecca HailThat can be easily explained through the remote location of the CG.

In short: The Feds don't have to fly 300 lys everyone they deliver some combat bonds.

actually that can be explained as the FD accidentally used the wrong templates when making the Trade & Combat Zone CGs (basically they swapped them)...that resulted in the Combat Zone CG finishing early & the Trade one progressing so slowly.

FD now have made a Bounty Hunting CG to replace the Combat ZOne CG in Maia...we'll se how that goes.

Oh well

I also noticed that both trade and combat CG were for Ant Hill mob ._. BH is for the Feds though.

lol I'm figuring they were scrambling to fix the their goof.
11 Nov 2016, 8:22pm
as we are growing nicely, I have to ask about organising the wing... It says as a wing commander I can do everything the other ranks can do. Yet I can't set myself up as a squadron leader?
12 Nov 2016, 12:24am
anyone into flying a drone? Been watching drone races and the have a site for time trials. The download's free! DRLTRYOUTS.COM
13 Nov 2016, 12:46pm
Is there a good federal rank grinding system out there?????
13 Nov 2016, 1:35pm
Kurama10Is there a good federal rank grinding system out there?????

Maybe Sothis-Ceos passenger ferry? Dunno, i've never tried that yet, but i'm gonna soon.
Have a theory i need checked (as in, the new passenger transport added feature cannibalized
the mission system. it does seem so from where i'm standing. rng got messed with and now
you barely get any missions from the Sothis fed faction. instead, you get a sh!t ton of economy
class passenger ferry missions most at the same place, so... idea. didn't get to test it tho)
13 Nov 2016, 7:20pm
Kurama10Is there a good federal rank grinding system out there?????

Thunderbird -  Made Admiral before I knew what it meant. But that was a while ago and things may have changed.
13 Nov 2016, 8:59pm
can anyone tell me a good spot for the Maia CG i cant seem to find any place to get bounties
14 Nov 2016, 9:38am
Lestat Sinjikocan anyone tell me a good spot for the Maia CG i cant seem to find any place to get bounties
I'm not familiar with the system unfortunately but I recommed either checking for a Nav Beacon (usually located near the main star of the system). Failing that, ringed worlds often have Resource Extraction Sites (In one of three forms, Low/High/Hazardous. Low containing few to no pirates and a high security presence, hazardous containing lots of pirates but no security).
14 Nov 2016, 11:17am
Lestat Sinjikocan anyone tell me a good spot for the Maia CG i cant seem to find any place to get bounties

Pleiades Sector IH-V C2-5 2 has a Res Site and is close by, otherwise just hang at the maia beacon, bear in mind that if you're in an Anarchy system you'll need a kill warrant scanner to get bounties

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