Elite: Game talk

15 Nov 2016, 11:19am
hello people a bit of a stupid question but i want to start mining, ive got my ship all kitted out with lazer blah blah blah.
How do i find out where i can get the material thats being asked for in the mission? ive gone to the galaxy map but i havent a clue what to look at?

15 Nov 2016, 11:23am
15 Nov 2016, 11:33am
15 Nov 2016, 10:56pm
Are salvage missions bugged? I picked up a few black box recovery missions, go updates for planets near which the uss's are supposed to be, but I'm just NOT finding any signal sources in the vicinity. I've not done one of these since before 2.2 dropped, so has the mechanic changed somehow?
16 Nov 2016, 2:53am
James HussarAre salvage missions bugged? I picked up a few black box recovery missions, go updates for planets near which the uss's are supposed to be, but I'm just NOT finding any signal sources in the vicinity. I've not done one of these since before 2.2 dropped, so has the mechanic changed somehow?

I've done four or five since 2.2. They've all gone fine, no problems.
16 Nov 2016, 5:46am
Reverend TZW
James HussarAre salvage missions bugged? I picked up a few black box recovery missions, go updates for planets near which the uss's are supposed to be, but I'm just NOT finding any signal sources in the vicinity. I've not done one of these since before 2.2 dropped, so has the mechanic changed somehow?

I've done four or five since 2.2. They've all gone fine, no problems.

Is there a trick to finding the signal sources? I'm out at Colonia so I would expect there to be fewer than in the bubble, but there seem to be none around the planets where the salvage is supposed to be. Am I too close to the planets? Not close enough? Feels like I'm missing something other than patience.
16 Nov 2016, 4:10pm
Ok... so now that passenger missions have been bludgeoned to death with the nerf bat, anyone have a good suggestion for building up credits to outfit an Imperial Cutter?
16 Nov 2016, 4:16pm
Ryan256Ok... so now that passenger missions have been bludgeoned to death with the nerf bat, anyone have a good suggestion for building up credits to outfit an Imperial Cutter?

Cyber for Cr ?
16 Nov 2016, 4:37pm
Marra Morgan
Ryan256Ok... so now that passenger missions have been bludgeoned to death with the nerf bat, anyone have a good suggestion for building up credits to outfit an Imperial Cutter?

Cyber for Cr ?

16 Nov 2016, 10:49pm
Ryan256Ok... so now that passenger missions have been bludgeoned to death with the nerf bat, anyone have a good suggestion for building up credits to outfit an Imperial Cutter?

Bounty hunting mein freund... seems to be the only one that's immune to the nerf hammer.

Suggestion: go to large enough empire aligned systems like Hu Jini (5'th planet is a T dwarf with huge rings and right
nearby in orbit is another gas giant, each have 2 high res areas, but i suggest you stick with the dwarf anyway) or you
can try Karo (close by, large pop, empire aligned same as Hu Jini, but only one planet to speak of. has just a single
high RES on it's rings, the rest are hazardous so not recommended). Been to other cool places aswell, both fed and
alliance aligned but that's a story for another time. After you pick a location, equip a ship (preferably one with an SLF)
and then go inside the RES area of your choice and wait for ships to spawn. Don't bother staying in unless you see
FAS, Python, FDL or above (that's how you know the spawn will be mostly large bounty ships) and then attack one or
two, until cops show up (they're important, as they will most of the time help out by drawing enemy fire and support with
the tougher enemies. also, when i mentioned SLF i ment you to be the one flying it. your main ship acts as a tank and
you play the support. recommend condor with gimbal beams, but the others work well too, just don't pick something
that doesn't do any damage at all, you'll just end up being a liability). That's it. Then all you have to do is stay there and
farm for as long as you can. Usually, after an hour or so you should be able to get about 5-8 mil in bounty. Possibly more,
but i don't stress too much about it. 5 is pretty good anyway, and if you get the spawn rate right (pretty easy to get that
one, if you see at least a FDL or a conda at the beginning then you're golden) then you've nothing to worry about; i've
rarely witnessed a drop in spawn rate in Hu Jini, that system is crazy (once i've even had a team of 3 condas showing
So that's that. All that's left to do is just kill kill kill... Ferry missions just went out the window, long range trading before
that, empire farming before 2.2 (or after, don't remember what's what anymore) so yea... what's left is the combat. What
we can do now is hope they don't think about capping the max bounty per ship to 50k or something...
16 Nov 2016, 10:50pm
Ps: sry for the seemingly long message... i had to... i just had to!

17 Nov 2016, 12:29am
Ryan Murdoc
Marra Morgan
Ryan256Ok... so now that passenger missions have been bludgeoned to death with the nerf bat, anyone have a good suggestion for building up credits to outfit an Imperial Cutter?

Cyber for Cr ?

Hahahaha! I guess that's the bright side. Can't nerf the world's oldest profession.
17 Nov 2016, 12:44am
Marra Morgan
Ryan256Ok... so now that passenger missions have been bludgeoned to death with the nerf bat, anyone have a good suggestion for building up credits to outfit an Imperial Cutter?

Cyber for Cr ?

I love your sass, Marra.
17 Nov 2016, 1:01am
Ryan256Ok... so now that passenger missions have been bludgeoned to death with the nerf bat, anyone have a good suggestion for building up credits to outfit an Imperial Cutter?

Well, you could bounty hunt. Or find a profitable trade route. Or mine an asteroid belt and sell the refined metals. Or scavenge. Or smuggle.  Or participate in CGs. Or pirate.

In Elite, it's virtually impossible to play the game and not get money for your efforts.

Last edit: 17 Nov 2016, 1:36am
17 Nov 2016, 9:29am
Anyone out there thats on xbox one want to join a couple of nobheads in bounty missions or whatever of an evening as were looking to start a crew of misfits? were hoping to grow in numbers? As of yet were are a massive crew of 2!! lol the more we get in the quicker we can make a WING?


if this sounds like a plan for you message me on xbox GT DeanoBadman or Benzon R

Sweet!!!!!! See you soon

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