Elite: Game talk

28 Oct 2016, 2:11pm
In terms of whats the best ship for combat it's a matter of opinion.

Look at otger games, for example, Skyrim.
Dual Weild Swords? Great DPS but low defence capabilities.
Ok, add a Shield? Effectively halves your DPS but blocking reduces stamina too.
Ok, Magic and Sword? Now you have two bars to worry about, magic AND stamina.

It goes on,and Elite Dangerous, is in fact No Different. I'll use the Vulture as my basis for example:

Dual Beams:, Great damage output against shields, not so much vs hull. Infinite ammo but overheating is an issue.
Ok, Beam and Multi Cannon, effectively halves your DPS against shields but doubles your hull damage. Also, now there's ammo to worry about.
Dual Multi Cannons? Not great vs shields, but will tear ships to pieces once you have them down.

Obviously there are many other combinations and we can start on ship choice too but we'll be here all day. Ultimately it's up to you.

Out of the more common choices here's what I found.

Anacondas are great, tanky ships, especially when filled with Shield Cell Banks and Shield Boosters. But you lose any hope of keeping smaller ships in front of you.

Fer-De-Lance is a nice middle ground. Not as tanky as a 'Conda but more Manoueverable. Although not as manoueverable as a Vulture but certainly able to take much more of a beating, and has more hardpoints so can hit much harder too.

Vulture is as close as you get to a glass cannon without actually being a glass cannon. It hits hard and fast, but I found that the instant your shields go down, both your hull and canopy get ripped apart very quickly.

There are loads of choices, those are my findings on the common three. But an excellent pilot in a Sidewinder vs a Newbie in a Corvette can still win so play to your strengths. Simple as that...
28 Oct 2016, 2:35pm
Palmer1888Thanks for advice guys, got a lot to do now.

*tosses flight suit helmet into ring*

As others have said, there's no one right answer. All I have to add is regarding wings. Tactical options scale up in a quite satisfying way when you have different ships for different roles. In my opinion, the perfect 1v1 ship is an illusion. You can get a ship that does a lot, but the real victory comes in the strength, intelligence, and discipline of those flying with you.

This is very true. One of the best times I've had in ED was when I winged up with 2 others and went to tear up a combat zone. Each ship had its specialized role. I was the shield smasher in my Python with all beam and pulse lasers. I could drop even an Anaconda's shields in pretty short order. The other 2 were the hull shredders using all kinetic weaponry. I would drop a target's shields then fly off to the next one while my wing mates finished off the previous. We were deadly efficient.

This is what I like to see.  And with Engineers the possibilities are... well... ahem, sorry, exciting.
28 Oct 2016, 5:15pm
i have a question, why in the world would anyone use short range weapon mods on anything when the overcharged mods do it better with less drawbacks? (comparing grade 5 cannons atm)
28 Oct 2016, 5:36pm
Some pilots use short range mods on their turrets to help control when they fire.
28 Oct 2016, 7:51pm
Luke3107In terms of whats the best ship for combat it's a matter of opinion.

Look at otger games, for example, Skyrim.
Dual Weild Swords? Great DPS but low defence capabilities.
Ok, add a Shield? Effectively halves your DPS but blocking reduces stamina too.
Ok, Magic and Sword? Now you have two bars to worry about, magic AND stamina.

It goes on,and Elite Dangerous, is in fact No Different. I'll use the Vulture as my basis for example:

Dual Beams:, Great damage output against shields, not so much vs hull. Infinite ammo but overheating is an issue.
Ok, Beam and Multi Cannon, effectively halves your DPS against shields but doubles your hull damage. Also, now there's ammo to worry about.
Dual Multi Cannons? Not great vs shields, but will tear ships to pieces once you have them down.

Obviously there are many other combinations and we can start on ship choice too but we'll be here all day. Ultimately it's up to you.

Out of the more common choices here's what I found.

Anacondas are great, tanky ships, especially when filled with Shield Cell Banks and Shield Boosters. But you lose any hope of keeping smaller ships in front of you.

Fer-De-Lance is a nice middle ground. Not as tanky as a 'Conda but more Manoueverable. Although not as manoueverable as a Vulture but certainly able to take much more of a beating, and has more hardpoints so can hit much harder too.

Vulture is as close as you get to a glass cannon without actually being a glass cannon. It hits hard and fast, but I found that the instant your shields go down, both your hull and canopy get ripped apart very quickly.

There are loads of choices, those are my findings on the common three. But an excellent pilot in a Sidewinder vs a Newbie in a Corvette can still win so play to your strengths. Simple as that...

it's not a matter of opinion nor up for debate, the FDL is currently the best combat ship.
28 Oct 2016, 8:07pm
As a nigh-career FDL pilot, I don't even share that opinion, so how do you figure?  Serious inquiry.
28 Oct 2016, 8:28pm
it's not a matter of opinion nor up for debate, the FDL is currently the best combat ship.

It's not a matter of opinion nor up for debate, people with beards look like toilet brushes.
28 Oct 2016, 8:35pm

it's not a matter of opinion nor up for debate, the FDL is currently the best combat ship.

It's not a matter of opinion nor up for debate, people with horns, rainbow manes and hooves, are simply the most fantastic people ever.
28 Oct 2016, 8:56pm
Captain Prancy Paws

it's not a matter of opinion nor up for debate, the FDL is currently the best combat ship.

It's not a matter of opinion nor up for debate, people with horns, rainbow manes and hooves, are simply the most fantastic people ever.

Here for this tbh.
28 Oct 2016, 9:31pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
it's not a matter of opinion nor up for debate, the FDL is currently the best combat ship.

It's not a matter of opinion nor up for debate, people with beards look like toilet brushes.

My beard is offended.
29 Oct 2016, 5:22pm
DISPLAYED MAP OF YOUR JOURNEY THROUGH THE GALAXY (someone asked how I did this so I thought I would share it for people that did not know about it)

There are two ways I know of to see a cool map of where you have traveled in the Galaxy. Both are 3D maps of your flight paths. You have to upload your log data from D:\Program Files (x86)\Frontier\EDLaunch\Products\elite-dangerous-64\Logs where D: is you install directory. On both sites you can upload multiple logs at a time I am not sure how many, I did about 10 or 20 at a time as I had done it back to the beginning of when I started. Both sites you need to have a profile and be signed up, I cannot believe with all the data on http://inara.cz/ you cannot do this it must be a fairly easy script. The first is https://www.edsm.net/user/flight-logs/id/9608/cmdr/Pirate+Hell a little ways down the page is a green button "+ Import netLog". When done click "Travel Map" tab and zoom in to see your map(not as pretty). The second site is http://en.ed-board.net/?m=stats a little ways down on the right click the "Upload My Log" button, then scroll dow and click the field that explains where the netLog is located. When done click "MAP" on the left context menu and select data you wish to display (a little prettier and interactive).

Last edit: 29 Oct 2016, 5:32pm
29 Oct 2016, 5:59pm
Is there anywhere for noobs like me to get advice please?
29 Oct 2016, 6:00pm
Jaz BoogerIs there anywhere for noobs like me to get advice please?

You can try the discord chat. A lot of experienced folks haunt it.
30 Oct 2016, 5:30pm
Jaz BoogerIs there anywhere for noobs like me to get advice please?

You need to be a lil more specific than that... like... what sort of help do you need n stuff...
30 Oct 2016, 5:35pm
Btw, totally offtopic... i think. But if i could just take up a minute of every1's time to ask a question.

Has any1 noticed that, while flying your fighter, you get bombarded almost constantly with damaged
powerplant messages almost all the time, even tho your powerplant is a full health and your shields are
up. Is it just me or does this "feature" affects some1 else too? Or is it the ship i'm flying now that's the
problem (that would be the cutter, they rly done fcked up with this patch, nevermind that they lowered
the cabin to put the fckin dot in the middle of the brackets... i meen who the fck even wanted that to
begin with?!... and now, you have the second biggest player ship in the game feeling more claustrophobic
than a python... and to top it all off, you have bugs... yea, i'm switching to corvette tyvm)

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