Elite: Game talk

25 Oct 2016, 1:42pm
Trippy Agent117HEY CMDR's If anyone else who is new is interested in creating an in-game minor faction give me a shout. Im currently scouting out a home. The minior faction will be apart of the empire and we will be responsible for its growth. Once i find the home system im going to come up with the lore for the faction. LOOKING FOR XBOX ONE PLAYERS

Iwould like to join my GT is Deanobadman
25 Oct 2016, 1:44pm
Jemine Caesar
Deanobadmanmorning comms

Can anyone explain in plain english how to get permits for systems like sol and things please??

thanks in advance



You need to keep checking the Mission Boards in starports for Navy promotion jobs. Most of these are straightforward delivery jobs, so you can combine them with other trading missions.

You'll need to rank up several times before you receive your permits. I got mine when I reached Warrant Officer, though I think it's supposed to be given at Midshipman.

The missions will appear depending on your reputation with the superpower (Federation or Empire) and apart less frequently the higher up the promotion ladder you go.

Keep checking the panel on the right pf your cockpit. You'll see your standing with each Superpower. Once the RANK for each one reaches 100% you will need to keep an eye out for Navy Promotion Opportunities.

In order to increase your rank you MUST do missions from factions with the chosen Superpowers logo.

Thamks for the info ill give it a go but as i said im a noob so i may come back with more questions
27 Oct 2016, 3:13am
Alright, kind of a silly question but I'm never good with these kinds of things, what's a good milestone to hit credits/assets wise before one buys their first anaconda?

I'm well over 300 mill in credits/ assets but I'm under the impression that I should have at least half a billion before I even consider it.
27 Oct 2016, 3:53am
Cartlidge1000Alright, kind of a silly question but I'm never good with these kinds of things, what's a good milestone to hit credits/assets wise before one buys their first anaconda?

I'm well over 300 mill in credits/ assets but I'm under the impression that I should have at least half a billion before I even consider it.

looks like a good start for an exploraconda, or a trader- what do you want to do with it?
27 Oct 2016, 5:27am
Cartlidge1000Alright, kind of a silly question but I'm never good with these kinds of things, what's a good milestone to hit credits/assets wise before one buys their first anaconda?

I'm well over 300 mill in credits/ assets but I'm under the impression that I should have at least half a billion before I even consider it.

Personally, I won't take a ship out of the hangar unless I can afford the rebuy three times over.
27 Oct 2016, 6:08am
Well, you can get tradeconda as this with ease. And still have credits to buy stuff and for some rebuys if needed. This is my old fit, just for reference. May be you can use mines instead and ordinary shield. But I heard NPCs with 2.2/1.7 is updated and now easily avoiding dropped mines so this may be not actually useful for traders anymore..

Last edit: 27 Oct 2016, 6:14am
27 Oct 2016, 7:06am
I am currently running an Anaconda build that cost me 189 million or so, thanks to a really good roll on an Engineered Power Plant (and FSD). I can take it into conflict zones and do bounty hunting just fine as well as trade, mine, do passenger runs, and explore.

What I can't do is PvP or long, extended fights with highly ranked Anacondas in the conflict zones. All of my internals are "D" rated (aside from my FSD, of course) but I still have a full compliment of weapons (burst lasers and multicannons) and fighters (two slots; Taipan). Is this build as good as a 500,000,000 'Conda? Of course not. But it works just fine for me as a trade first, explore second, engage with combat as a last resort type of player.

I think that kind of is the brilliance of the Anaconda. You can build it to be effective for so many play styles.
27 Oct 2016, 11:52am
Cartlidge1000Alright, kind of a silly question but I'm never good with these kinds of things, what's a good milestone to hit credits/assets wise before one buys their first anaconda?

I'm well over 300 mill in credits/ assets but I'm under the impression that I should have at least half a billion before I even consider it.

Seems like a good spot to me, or close enough. I waited until half billion myself, and Robigo, Sothis, etc helped me get there fast. I've not been prescriptive about it but I've been building up a balance adequate to buy and A rate my most expensive ship, whenever possible. That's held in reserve, so anything I intend to spend on the next ship is in addition. Probably overly conservative now that I am flying a Conda and eyeing a Cutter, but this way even a rebuy is just an emotional event, not really a logistical one.
27 Oct 2016, 12:16pm
Thanks for the replies guys, you're all awesome. I do already have a build in mind (I've messed around with Coriolis as much as I have Inara), specifically a trade/ combat multi-role. I haven't done much in the way of exploring yet, so for now my asp suits me just fine.

If I'm reading everything right, basically, its best to get the conda when you feel comfortable buying it and don't risk bankruptcy in doing so. If that's the case, I may stick to my original plan and continue up the ladder normally (the type 9 is next on my list), and save the conda for a later day.

I'm always tempted to sell off a ship so I can boost myself along but I can't bring myself to part with any of them either.
27 Oct 2016, 3:43pm
Speaking of coriolis, I'm kind of sad it got abandoned.
27 Oct 2016, 3:47pm
There's another group of people who have been working hard to keep a clone of the site up to date. Currently it has all the new stuff but not the prices just yet.
27 Oct 2016, 3:47pm
XeknosSpeaking of coriolis, I'm kind of sad it got abandoned.

Not entirely. An up to date clone exists at EDCD Coriolis
27 Oct 2016, 7:34pm
can we use inara to see if there are any playerfactions nearby? Or do we have to do it all manually?
27 Oct 2016, 8:06pm
How do you make creds with pure tradeship now? All the coin seem to have migrated into the passenger trade?
27 Oct 2016, 8:52pm
The payout numbers will probably ballance out later. FD wants players to run passengers now to work out any bugs.
There was one last night for 45m to the core. That would take care of part of the unlock for Prof. Palin, make some coin and keep you busy for a while.

Last edit: 27 Oct 2016, 9:11pm

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