Elite: Game talk

09 Dec 2016, 7:24pm
Can you buy meta alloys anywhere other than Darnielle's Progress in Maia?
09 Dec 2016, 8:14pm
EverintCan you buy meta alloys anywhere other than Darnielle's Progress in Maia?

09 Dec 2016, 8:42pm
Wait you can buy meta alloys?

I feel stupid for saying this but I seriously though they were only located by mining live barnacles
09 Dec 2016, 9:09pm
Nope. You can totally buy them now.
09 Dec 2016, 9:37pm
XeknosThese are all of the worst applications of unrelated memes by non-English speakers that I have ever seen.

I speak a little non-English, but I'm not very fluent.
Ryan Murdoc
XeknosThese are all of the worst applications of unrelated memes by non-English speakers that I have ever seen.

Considering there's only one...

09 Dec 2016, 9:41pm
James Hussar
XeknosThese are all of the worst applications of unrelated memes by non-English speakers that I have ever seen.

So burn... Very hurt... Wow.

You. Stop speaking non-English at us! Alright, everything that's been said is English I give you that, so START speaking non-English at us. I vote for Esperantolandish.
09 Dec 2016, 9:51pm
Kyla EmmerichWhen you've got what, though? You going to shove a Farragut in our faces too, to show how glorious you are?

Makes me wonder what we've done to you ?

Now see, I heard that with a note of expectation, like a long-held fantasy that needs to be satiated.
10 Dec 2016, 12:33am
Yeah you can buy them (cause of idiots like me who only have a couple hours a week to play, sadly...) at Darnielle's Progress in Maia. but apparently there and only there. (you can link up with players in game too to space trade. Which I am totally up for 200K anyone...?
10 Dec 2016, 2:06am
James Hussar
Kyla EmmerichWhen you've got what, though? You going to shove a Farragut in our faces too, to show how glorious you are?

Makes me wonder what we've done to you ?

Step 1: Cut a hole in the station
Step 2: Put your Corvette in the station
Step 3: Make them open the station!

It's a Corvette in a station!

Heck, why don't we just let FD introduce a sandbox mode into the game, spawn a bunch of Farruguts inside an Orbis, and see what happens?

Why, you ask? For lulz, that's why!
10 Dec 2016, 2:20am
James Hussar
XeknosThese are all of the worst applications of unrelated memes by non-English speakers that I have ever seen.

So burn... Very hurt... Wow.

And there's another one.
10 Dec 2016, 10:40am
James Hussar
XeknosThese are all of the worst applications of unrelated memes by non-English speakers that I have ever seen.

So burn... Very hurt... Wow.

And there's another one.

With those horrendous scores from the Meme Judges, it's going to be difficult to secure a medal.
10 Dec 2016, 3:36pm
EDIT: Needlessly incendiary.

Last edit: 10 Dec 2016, 9:24pm
10 Dec 2016, 6:52pm
This message has been cloaked.

End of message.
11 Dec 2016, 6:58am
Ok. I've been meaning to jump back into the cockpit for a while now but I have two main questions before I do, plus a third minor concern.

I have roughly 250 million Credits, give or take a few 10 mill.

1. Would that be considered enough to buy and outfit a Beluga Liner with the abiity to transport VIPs? (Preferably with some small shieding too, given the fact it takes up 99% of the Mail Slot)

2. Do those passenger missions still help advance your Fed/Imp rankings?

And the minor concern:

3. Are they still paying out Tens of Millions or did they get nerfed to buggery?
11 Dec 2016, 7:45am
Luke3107Ok. I've been meaning to jump back into the cockpit for a while now but I have two main questions before I do, plus a third minor concern.

I have roughly 250 million Credits, give or take a few 10 mill.

1. Would that be considered enough to buy and outfit a Beluga Liner with the abiity to transport VIPs? (Preferably with some small shieding too, given the fact it takes up 99% of the Mail Slot)

2. Do those passenger missions still help advance your Fed/Imp rankings?

And the minor concern:

3. Are they still paying out Tens of Millions or did they get nerfed to buggery?

You'd be looking at around 200 million for the ship and decent internals alone, so your rebuy would be around 10 million. I think you'd be running it tight with 250 million.

Have a play about with fittings on Coriolis to help you decide

I can't help you with the other two questions, sorry - I have no business with the superpowers and I don't really look at cash rewards when doing missions!

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