Elite: Game talk

27 Oct 2016, 9:29pm
This will probably cause arguments but what do u think is the best ship in game for fighting? Just fighting and moving across galaxy. I need to have a plan to aim for instead of aimlessly flying about.
27 Oct 2016, 9:47pm
TheDutchycan we use inara to see if there are any playerfactions nearby? Or do we have to do it all manually?

Galaxy / Minor Factions / Player Factions
- there is a list of the nearest player factions to your location (providing you've inputted your location!)

27 Oct 2016, 10:19pm
Palmer1888This will probably cause arguments but what do u think is the best ship in game for fighting? Just fighting and moving across galaxy. I need to have a plan to aim for instead of aimlessly flying about.

Lots of Pilots like the Fer-De-Lance for combat, speed, maneuverability and with good space for some cargo.
Jump range, not so good. Ok with a good spin on mods.

Maybe a Python as a good medium as a good combat and deep traveler.

Larger ships get into a whole range of other things to consider starting with the landing pad requirements.
27 Oct 2016, 10:53pm
Where's the fighter bay near Nanomam
27 Oct 2016, 11:11pm
Palmer1888This will probably cause arguments but what do u think is the best ship in game for fighting? Just fighting and moving across galaxy. I need to have a plan to aim for instead of aimlessly flying about.

Not really arguments, just debates. There is no one answer to this question. Combat at the higher levels of this game comes more down to piloting than it does ships and builds.

There are ships that help you in certain scenarios, but everything is basically preference. For example, the Vulture remains extremely popular because of its maneuverability and two large hardpoints. You can strike slower moving ships with ease using high DPS fixed weapons. But this is purely a combat ship; trading and exploring aren't really options.

Bigger ships such as the Python and Anaconda are entirely different when it comes to combat. You have to rely more on your ability to tank damage and wear down your opponents with turreted weapons since you won't be able to bear your nose down on smaller, faster ships to hit them with fixed (or something even gimballed) weapons.

So basically, there is no 100% objectively true answer to your question. Now, if you get more specific there might be an answer. Anecdotally, I've found the Anaconda to be perfect for my long-range trading and exploring needs. Thanks to engineered modules I can power all 8 of my hardpoints with effectiveness even though I only have D modules (aside from FSD). With the addition of my fighter bay my 'Conda is now a one-ship wrecking crew against Wanted Wings in the extraction sites for bounty hunting. I would never be capable of PvP combat, but my jump range is high, my cargo space is excellent (and passenger space), and I can hold my own in combat.

If you don't have a lot of money the Asp Explorer can be a good multi-purpose self-defense trading ship while you earn up to a python or conda. I had a really fun build with that ship that had two strong lasers and FOUR small missile pods. Those things did a lot of fast work on anyone who interdicted me. For bounty hunting I switched those to multicannons. Cargo space isn't amazing, but you can fit first class or business cabins now and get some really good long distance missions that make use of the Asp's awesome jump range.
28 Oct 2016, 12:50am
Economy cabins make more money than first or business class. Bulk tourist transports from stations you got good rep in.
28 Oct 2016, 6:16am
DeRaneEconomy cabins make more money than first or business class. Bulk tourist transports from stations you got good rep in.

I am not sure this is a true statement. The allied missions I get from my home system are usually 5,000,000-12,000,000CR just to take a first class person 80-220LY or so. Stacking multiple economies doesn't touch that in most cases. The day the update came out I stacked two First Class missions and made 21.6mil in 45 minutes.

Economy missions are definitely more common, but I would have to be shown proof to believe they make more than first class missions.

Quick question as well: What is the current base price of the Beluga?

Last edit: 28 Oct 2016, 7:31am
28 Oct 2016, 8:22am
Lord HexiasBigger ships such as the Python and Anaconda are entirely different when it comes to combat. You have to rely more on your ability to tank damage and wear down your opponents with turreted weapons since you won't be able to bear your nose down on smaller, faster ships to hit them with fixed (or something even gimballed) weapons.

It goes for any ship which you're piloting that the FA off / on feature along with using your thrusters / boosts wisely dramatically increases the likelihood of you getting your target in front of you and dealing DMG.

It also helps to have a good enough Joystick / Throttle combo, for playing only with Mouse & Keyboard is limiting your abilities quite severely. As how it is with Controllers I cannot comment on that. I personally use a Joystick & Keyboard setup.

Gimballed weapons are the sensible choice as long as you don't plan to do heaps of PvP. Turrets are too unreliable from my personal experience.
28 Oct 2016, 9:21am
Ryan Murdoc
Lord HexiasBigger ships such as the Python and Anaconda are entirely different when it comes to combat. You have to rely more on your ability to tank damage and wear down your opponents with turreted weapons since you won't be able to bear your nose down on smaller, faster ships to hit them with fixed (or something even gimballed) weapons.

It goes for any ship which you're piloting that the FA off / on feature along with using your thrusters / boosts wisely dramatically increases the likelihood of you getting your target in front of you and dealing DMG.

It also helps to have a good enough Joystick / Throttle combo, for playing only with Mouse & Keyboard is limiting your abilities quite severely. As how it is with Controllers I cannot comment on that. I personally use a Joystick & Keyboard setup.

Gimballed weapons are the sensible choice as long as you don't plan to do heaps of PvP. Turrets are too unreliable from my personal experience.

Sure, being able to pull off a "boost flip" with FA off gives you a chance, but that isn't something I am personally skilled at with an xbox controller. Lacking that, the turrets have yet to fail me. Especially now that I can run interference as a fighter pilot.
28 Oct 2016, 9:33am
Lord Hexias
DeRaneEconomy cabins make more money than first or business class. Bulk tourist transports from stations you got good rep in.

I am not sure this is a true statement. The allied missions I get from my home system are usually 5,000,000-12,000,000CR just to take a first class person 80-220LY or so. Stacking multiple economies doesn't touch that in most cases. The day the update came out I stacked two First Class missions and made 21.6mil in 45 minutes.

Economy missions are definitely more common, but I would have to be shown proof to believe they make more than first class missions.

Quick question as well: What is the current base price of the Beluga?

I can fill T7 with average 20-40 economy class bulk passengers, sometimes even topping the ship with 80 seats. Single jump, 8-16 ly. No specials.

Top price from allied minor faction has been 1 mil/14 bulk tourists, about 500k from friendly factions and 200k from cordial factions all from same station and destined to same system. Neutral factions seem to pay 50k or less for bulk transports.

Plan now is increase the reputation to at least friendly with as many of them as possible to increase the pay for these jobs and then do the same with all the systems in the area. I suspect that if I get it done, I can get at least 2 mil/jump or about 10-12 mil an hour and that is pretty much one or 2 jobs/jump when I have had 6 stacked once.

Advantage is that bulk, no-name passengers do not take entire cabin by themselves like named ones and prices of named ones are not that far above the cattle.

So, Ryanair plan is a go. I admit that it is early days and a lot of this is speculation, but thus far everything seems to point that most money can be made flying cheap seats.
28 Oct 2016, 11:49am
Thanks for advice guys, got a lot to do now.
28 Oct 2016, 1:18pm
Palmer1888Thanks for advice guys, got a lot to do now.

*tosses flight suit helmet into ring*

As others have said, there's no one right answer. All I have to add is regarding wings. Tactical options scale up in a quite satisfying way when you have different ships for different roles. In my opinion, the perfect 1v1 ship is an illusion. You can get a ship that does a lot, but the real victory comes in the strength, intelligence, and discipline of those flying with you.
28 Oct 2016, 1:22pm
Palmer1888Thanks for advice guys, got a lot to do now.

*tosses flight suit helmet into ring*

As others have said, there's no one right answer. All I have to add is regarding wings. Tactical options scale up in a quite satisfying way when you have different ships for different roles. In my opinion, the perfect 1v1 ship is an illusion. You can get a ship that does a lot, but the real victory comes in the strength, intelligence, and discipline of those flying with you.

True this. And in picking your battles and where you fight them.
28 Oct 2016, 1:26pm
James Hussar
Palmer1888Thanks for advice guys, got a lot to do now.

*tosses flight suit helmet into ring*

As others have said, there's no one right answer. All I have to add is regarding wings. Tactical options scale up in a quite satisfying way when you have different ships for different roles. In my opinion, the perfect 1v1 ship is an illusion. You can get a ship that does a lot, but the real victory comes in the strength, intelligence, and discipline of those flying with you.

True this. And in picking your battles and where you fight them.

Hear hear!

Forgot to add: I use an XBOX controller, with a few options tweaked there's no disconnect between myself and what my ship does. Very fun.
28 Oct 2016, 1:56pm
Palmer1888Thanks for advice guys, got a lot to do now.

*tosses flight suit helmet into ring*

As others have said, there's no one right answer. All I have to add is regarding wings. Tactical options scale up in a quite satisfying way when you have different ships for different roles. In my opinion, the perfect 1v1 ship is an illusion. You can get a ship that does a lot, but the real victory comes in the strength, intelligence, and discipline of those flying with you.

This is very true. One of the best times I've had in ED was when I winged up with 2 others and went to tear up a combat zone. Each ship had its specialized role. I was the shield smasher in my Python with all beam and pulse lasers. I could drop even an Anaconda's shields in pretty short order. The other 2 were the hull shredders using all kinetic weaponry. I would drop a target's shields then fly off to the next one while my wing mates finished off the previous. We were deadly efficient.

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