Elite: Game talk

04 Nov 2016, 5:00am
I have a question: even if you didn't get a confirmation email, you're still using the site, right? So what does it matter?

So calm down, be patient, and Artie will get to you when he gets to you.
04 Nov 2016, 5:00am
Well I wouldn't worry too much about it. I never got a confirmation email either, and you're not going to get your account disabled if you don't respond to one. You'll be fine mate.
04 Nov 2016, 5:01am
it would of been nice when i chaged the email the the site would resend the verification link
04 Nov 2016, 5:02am
I don't even think this site sends verification links.

Anyway, this is the wrong place for this.
04 Nov 2016, 5:04am
simon datura ty thats all i needed to know what you just said just answered all my questions
04 Nov 2016, 5:05am
Just ease up on the spamming next time, yeah? Someone will respond at some point. It may not be Artie himself, but likely someone who does know how to answer your question. That's part of what makes this site awesome.
04 Nov 2016, 5:08am
sorry i just did not want my account to be turned off from a fopa on my part
04 Nov 2016, 5:13am
question i cant find a cobra m4 when i go to the place this site tells me where its at when i do its allways a mk3
04 Nov 2016, 5:14am
http://eddb.io is your friend for that one.

However if you didn't pre-purchase Horizons, I don't think it's available. I'm not too clear on that though so don't quote me.
04 Nov 2016, 5:15am
ah thats what i thought other places said the same thing well that sucks
04 Nov 2016, 5:16am
Eh, I'll be honest, you're not really missing out. The MKIV was a bit of a let down. I feel like it lacks everything that made the MKIII great in the first place.
04 Nov 2016, 5:21am
whats that link thats in your last message?
04 Nov 2016, 5:25am
Helps you find where to buy stuff like commodities, ships, modules etc.
04 Nov 2016, 5:31am
this site dose that to or is the other one better
04 Nov 2016, 5:41am
Personal preference I guess. I use Inara for other purposes like storytelling and didn't even really know it had a similar function.

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