Elite: Game talk

07 Nov 2016, 3:22pm
SonofMacPhistoI have a question regarding ammo synthesis. Do "Standard" and "Premium" reloads provide the damage boost to the first loaded magazine and entire reserve?

The whole reserve.
07 Nov 2016, 3:51pm
Marra Morgan
SonofMacPhistoI have a question regarding ammo synthesis. Do "Standard" and "Premium" reloads provide the damage boost to the first loaded magazine and entire reserve?

The whole reserve.

Wow. ...wow.

Thank you.
07 Nov 2016, 10:42pm
Never. mind I found it out on the website
09 Nov 2016, 1:39pm
is there a way of adding more hardpoints to your ship or are we stuck with whats attatched to ship?

Thanks Deano
09 Nov 2016, 2:05pm
Deanobadmanis there a way of adding more hardpoints to your ship or are we stuck with whats attatched to ship?

Thanks Deano

The number of hardpoints and module slots is fixed. Use them wisely by checking your power consumption.
09 Nov 2016, 3:34pm
They should be able to let us choose between module sizes ourselves tho. If what i've been reading from the
wiki and from the gameplay time i've spent sofar, the interior of the ship is more or less modular. That could
translate into larger sized modules of choice (the ones that matter ofc, don't get why do we need a 8 sized
sensor when a 7 size one would do just fine. with the extra compartment space we could make room for a
bigger dis, powerplant, w/e. also, i'm talking about core internals here ofc. optionals are a whole other story)

They should at least beta-implement a feature where you could split a large size compartment into smaller
ones. After all, it's your ship, do whatever the hell you want with her, right? Need a bigger thruster? Deal.
More power? No problem. That would make ship outfiting truly customizable, at least that's my opinion...
09 Nov 2016, 4:37pm
Septimus RavenThey should be able to let us choose between module sizes ourselves tho. If what i've been reading from the
wiki and from the gameplay time i've spent sofar, the interior of the ship is more or less modular. That could
translate into larger sized modules of choice (the ones that matter ofc, don't get why do we need a 8 sized
sensor when a 7 size one would do just fine. with the extra compartment space we could make room for a
bigger dis, powerplant, w/e. also, i'm talking about core internals here ofc. optionals are a whole other story)

They should at least beta-implement a feature where you could split a large size compartment into smaller
ones. After all, it's your ship, do whatever the hell you want with her, right? Need a bigger thruster? Deal.
More power? No problem. That would make ship outfiting truly customizable, at least that's my opinion...

It would be nice. But this idea has also been brought up before and the FDevs have emphatically said NO.
10 Nov 2016, 4:03pm
Bit of a basic question, but while I know that bounties are divided between wing members on a kill, is the combat rating experience split as well?
10 Nov 2016, 4:19pm
LiebsBit of a basic question, but while I know that bounties are divided between wing members on a kill, is the combat rating experience split as well?

I have no idea sorry, but that is a nice avatar pic
10 Nov 2016, 4:48pm
LiebsBit of a basic question, but while I know that bounties are divided between wing members on a kill, is the combat rating experience split as well?

Last I saw your combat rating was made up of the amount of credits you had made cashing in bounties. Therefore Yes. The 'experience' which affects your combat rating it essentially split between the wing members.
10 Nov 2016, 4:51pm
LiebsBit of a basic question, but while I know that bounties are divided between wing members on a kill, is the combat rating experience split as well?

Last I saw your combat rating was made up of the amount of credits you had made cashing in bounties. Therefore Yes. The 'experience' which affects your combat rating it essentially split between the wing members.

Don't know if it's changed, but last I saw it was based on the rating of the target relative to your own. So like you get one point for killing someone the same rank as you and then it goes up or down relative to that and you need a certain number of points to rank up.
10 Nov 2016, 5:20pm
Does anyone know how to get to the alien crash site in HIP 17403? The coordinates are supposed to be -34 / -141, but the second number only goes to -90 on the planet. Am I missing something? Or is this the space-Bermuda triangle?
10 Nov 2016, 5:23pm
LiebsBit of a basic question, but while I know that bounties are divided between wing members on a kill, is the combat rating experience split as well?

Last I saw your combat rating was made up of the amount of credits you had made cashing in bounties. Therefore Yes. The 'experience' which affects your combat rating it essentially split between the wing members.

Nah, there's an XP system which correlates with the NPC combat rating. As do the profits. The higher the NPC > the higher the profits. However you can kill Elite NPCs without bounties/combat bonds and still rank up.

@Liebs, I have no idea if it's split or not. I, for my part, never noticed a split when flying in a wing.
10 Nov 2016, 5:42pm
"Red" the PirateDoes anyone know how to get to the alien crash site in HIP 17403? The coordinates are supposed to be -34 / -141, but the second number only goes to -90 on the planet. Am I missing something? Or is this the space-Bermuda triangle?

Coordinates are backwards on Xbox
10 Nov 2016, 7:26pm
"Red" the PirateDoes anyone know how to get to the alien crash site in HIP 17403? The coordinates are supposed to be -34 / -141, but the second number only goes to -90 on the planet. Am I missing something? Or is this the space-Bermuda triangle?

Coordinates are backwards on Xbox

If that's the case, then how did I find the barnacles, ruins, etc... all in just a few minutes?

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