Elite: Game talk

20 Dec 2016, 10:10am
Can anyone tell me what the best upgrade for beam lasers is from the engineers please? Not sure what to go for.
20 Dec 2016, 10:34am
Logan DarklighterJust my own personal bias - but I would see if you can switch over to a Cobra III. Longer Range FSD in a Grade 4 slot will get you further per jump even with 4D-C drives. If you can get a 4A FSD - even better.

Sounds like good advice.  Cobra is more Cred than I have so look out scumbags, I'm going out hunting again!  Actually it should be quick to get the 1/2 mil I'll need to buy and mod up the cobra for long haul.

One other consideration for long range on the relatively cheap. Go with the "D" rated modules as much as possible. They always weigh the least. For example a 4D Powerplant, 4D Thrusters, 4A FSD, 3D Life Support, 3D Power Distributor and sensors on your Core systems and ditching the weapons hardpoints will get you near 25LY Unladen jump range.

If you want to figure out builds before spending the money on them, try out Elite Shipyard or Coriolis Shipyard to figure out the best possible bang for your buck.
20 Dec 2016, 10:44am
Dragon DarkoCan anyone tell me what the best upgrade for beam lasers is from the engineers please? Not sure what to go for.

Seems that you have a choice between long range, short range and sturdy for damage modifiers. Long range doesn't add or subtract anything from the damage, 4th level upgrades would nearly double the range at which you could do damage though. Short range can be almost half the standard range, but up to a little over 30% more damage with some luck from the RNG gods.

Sturdy doesn't do anything for the overall damage or range, but makes the guns more durable and can modify the armor-piercing stat - but only on level 3 and above upgrades.

EDIT: Er.... I just realized belatedly that I didn't have a recommendation for "best" in here. But then again - it depends on what you're looking for. I assumed you were looking for more damage, so that's what I concentrated on giving info for. If that's NOT the priority, then I'm not sure where to go from there unless you can be more specific?

Last edit: 20 Dec 2016, 12:35pm
20 Dec 2016, 3:52pm
Logan Darklighter(Imitating John Cleese "Announcer" character)

"And now for something completely different!"

I am amusing myself by playing some classic rock while doing some interstellar trucking finishing off the CG, and I was reminded that there's actually a "B" sci-fi movie called Space Truckers that my friend Lee turned me on to several years back.

It's a comedy Sci-Fi. With Dennis Hopper as the lead "trucker" character. And yes - they do the whole "space trucker" thing almost literally. Cab-over designs. Towing trailer modules behind the main ship etc.

One of the early gags in the movie is that his cargo in the opening scene is a bunch of genetic engineered pigs. How are they engineered?

To fit the box.

No really. TO. FIT. THE. BOX.

"A square pig for a square meal!" Is the slogan.

Did I mention they were live pigs? Living box shaped pigs.

So think about THAT the next time you're hauling some "Food Cartridges" if you want to either amuse yourself. Or give yourself nightmares. Or both.

You laugh, but: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square_watermelon and http://ding.net/bonsaikitten/
20 Dec 2016, 4:03pm
James Hussar
You laugh, but: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square_watermelon and http://ding.net/bonsaikitten/

Okay - the first one I remember hearing of now.

The second one's got to be a joke site. My "bullshit" detector is doing that crazy thing that Egon's Ecto detector did in Ghostbusters when he was getting a high reading.
20 Dec 2016, 7:02pm
I've got a daunting question I've been meaning to ask for a while. I have tried my second exploration trip (1st was without destination) as per requested, destination Glorious Nebula. With a dozen famous explorers we plot our journey through this ruthless sea of stars. But as I ponder over the final few jumps it will require to make our final jump to the designated system, my jump range is only 23.53 LY and I fear I wont have the distance to clear the space less gaps. Do these famous explorers require the specific system co-ordinates for there data collection or does it just have to be within the nebula? System dest. is HEN 2-23 and I can not find a connecting system less than 40ly. Any help would be detrimental.
I am currently 2,400ly deep and have only 5,600ly to go. But tell me it was not all in vain, for I am doubtful of this expeditions success.
Thank you CMDR's
20 Dec 2016, 7:12pm
JLuke, I'm not sure what you're asking. All I can say is that you don't need to visit a system to get its coordinates so I'm not convinced those are necessary. Hopefully that answers the question.

JLuke 801Any help would be detrimental.

Detrimental is the negative, Advantageous is maybe the word you were looking for.
20 Dec 2016, 7:38pm
JLuke 801I've got a daunting question I've been meaning to ask for a while. I have tried my second exploration trip (1st was without destination) as per requested, destination Glorious Nebula. With a dozen famous explorers we plot our journey through this ruthless sea of stars. But as I ponder over the final few jumps it will require to make our final jump to the designated system, my jump range is only 23.53 LY and I fear I wont have the distance to clear the space less gaps. Do these famous explorers require the specific system co-ordinates for there data collection or does it just have to be within the nebula? System dest. is HEN 2-23 and I can not find a connecting system less than 40ly. Any help would be detrimental.
I am currently 2,400ly deep and have only 5,600ly to go. But tell me it was not all in vain, for I am doubtful of this expeditions success.
Thank you CMDR's
I think you just need to find a different route. Try coming at it from another angle. Or, if you have the materials for a round trip, use FSD injections. And if you don't you can mine them on planets. Hope you brought a srv. There's always a way. It doesn't have to end in vain. trek on cmdr o7
20 Dec 2016, 8:07pm
Dragon DarkoCan anyone tell me what the best upgrade for beam lasers is from the engineers please? Not sure what to go for.

Whatever you choose, consider seeking out the healing upgrade (especially if you're in a larger ship).  It'll make you the prettiest girl at the dance.
20 Dec 2016, 8:09pm
Logan Darklighter
James Hussar
You laugh, but: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square_watermelon and http://ding.net/bonsaikitten/

Okay - the first one I remember hearing of now.

The second one's got to be a joke site. My "bullshit" detector is doing that crazy thing that Egon's Ecto detector did in Ghostbusters when he was getting a high reading.

Step 1: Cut a hole in the box.
Step 2: Put the cat in the box...

Yeah, it's a joke, absolutely. And old one at that. I remember some gullible animal rights people getting all bent out of shape over it some years ago. And, seriously, if they hadn't, square pigs wold not be too far off.
20 Dec 2016, 8:10pm
Dragon DarkoCan anyone tell me what the best upgrade for beam lasers is from the engineers please? Not sure what to go for.

Whatever you choose, consider seeking out the healing upgrade (especially I'd you're in a larger ship). It'll make you the prettiest girl at the dance.

If you do, make sure you have good heat management. That setup cooks fast.
20 Dec 2016, 8:11pm
James Hussar
Logan Darklighter
James Hussar
You laugh, but: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Square_watermelon and http://ding.net/bonsaikitten/

Okay - the first one I remember hearing of now.

The second one's got to be a joke site. My "bullshit" detector is doing that crazy thing that Egon's Ecto detector did in Ghostbusters when he was getting a high reading.

Step 1: Cut a hole in the box.
Step 2: Put the cat in the box...

Yeah, it's a joke, absolutely. And old one at that. I remember some gullible animal rights people getting all bent out of shape over it some years ago. And, seriously, if they hadn't, square pigs wold not be too far off.

Takes Schrodinger's cat to a whole new level...
20 Dec 2016, 8:44pm
Logan Darklighter
Dragon DarkoCan anyone tell me what the best upgrade for beam lasers is from the engineers please? Not sure what to go for.

Seems that you have a choice between long range, short range and sturdy for damage modifiers. Long range doesn't add or subtract anything from the damage, 4th level upgrades would nearly double the range at which you could do damage though. Short range can be almost half the standard range, but up to a little over 30% more damage with some luck from the RNG gods.

Sturdy doesn't do anything for the overall damage or range, but makes the guns more durable and can modify the armor-piercing stat - but only on level 3 and above upgrades.

EDIT: Er.... I just realized belatedly that I didn't have a recommendation for "best" in here. But then again - it depends on what you're looking for. I assumed you were looking for more damage, so that's what I concentrated on giving info for. If that's NOT the priority, then I'm not sure where to go from there unless you can be more specific?

Thank you for the input, and yes I was after what does more damage. Cheers man.
21 Dec 2016, 5:05am
BTW - related to that whole "Space Trucking" thing I mentioned. I ran across the following by accident, and it's too cool/funny not to share! Definitely relevant to our interests here. XD

22 Dec 2016, 1:23pm
Today I reached Jaques for the first time. 40ly range stripped-down conda.

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