Elite: Game talk

23 Apr 2017, 10:46am
Instancing seems to have improved immensely since 2.2 anyway. I've had very little issues, and I normally would have no chance of winging up with my buddies.
23 Apr 2017, 11:02am
That, and the fact that this event isn't restricted to a single system, and could span up to 1200LY's
23 Apr 2017, 11:54am
So there be no final end System where people will accumulate? Then ok, things might work out.
23 Apr 2017, 12:17pm
Ryan MurdocSo there be no final end System where people will accumulate? Then ok, things might work out.

I never said that
23 Apr 2017, 3:33pm
Pretty new here so I hope I'm asking in the right place. I understand that you need to punch in a good amount of your info yourself but I did notice that supposedly you can have flight logs update?

Is there somewhere with clear instructions on how to do this, Or what other info can be pulled straight from the game?
23 Apr 2017, 3:54pm
The flight logs are all you can add "automatically" on Inara. The Logs section of your profile page gives you some details, though I've never used the feature myself.

You have to enter everything else manually, as FD are unlikely to allow the level of access required for full downloads.
24 Apr 2017, 1:45pm
Hi Guys

Would you like to see a re engineered Type 7 with a fighter bay inside ?

Just for that extra deterrent against pirates and thieves.

24 Apr 2017, 2:02pm
A fighter bay is only useful if your ship actually lives long enough to deploy the fighter in a case of the fight.

Any halfway competent pirate would shred your powerplant before you're even able to get your fighter out.
24 Apr 2017, 2:36pm

Would you like to see a re engineered Type 7 with a fighter bay inside ?

Just for that extra deterrent against pirates and thieves.


Squeeeeee! *Hugs teddy bear tightly*

I just love the t7. My preferred cargo ship to knock ov.... I mean help liberate captive cargo from. And yours has a fighter! Hey, maybe your fighter pilot and mine can go out on a play date while we conduct our business?

Last edit: 24 Apr 2017, 8:11pm
24 Apr 2017, 10:06pm
I'd rather jump out of the mailslot without a space suit than be seen in a Type-7.
25 Apr 2017, 10:25am
Stryker Aune

Would you like to see a re engineered Type 7 with a fighter bay inside ?

Just for that extra deterrent against pirates and thieves.


Squeeeeee! *Hugs teddy bear tightly*

I just love the t7. My preferred cargo ship to knock ov.... I mean help liberate captive cargo from. And yours has a fighter! Hey, maybe your fighter pilot and mine can go out on a play date while we conduct our business?

Wow tough crowd

@Jake De Carteret... I am sure that the build you propose is quite interesting, but the general opinion is that a Cargo Transport ship is just that... a cargo ship and not fit for sustained combat. If you are interdicted by a pirate or worse yet a PvP ganker your first priority should be high waking out.  Sticking around and fighting with a ship launched fighter will likely get you ganked.  

MassiveD posted a pretty great video about how to engineer a nice type-7 which has some nice surprises for gankers and his strategy for a hasty exit will troll the many trolls in the black.  While his tactics don't scream bravado they almost certainly spell safety and a decent laugh at the expense of the pirate.

I respect the Type-7, it helped fund my fleet.

Last edit: 25 Apr 2017, 12:42pm
25 Apr 2017, 10:43am
I wish I could like the type-7, or any other dedicated cargo ship... Honestly do!

But we all know that multi-purpose ships like the anaconda and the python are superior in every aspect. (except price)

As someone who frequently trades, I'm putting my money on the panther!
25 Apr 2017, 10:50am
type 9 heavy is the best no superpower rank trade ship
25 Apr 2017, 11:19am
Conda > Type 9 any day for anything. Even trading.
25 Apr 2017, 11:57am
It may seem like the type-7 or type-9 is better than the python and the anaconda, because they both have slightly higher cargo caps.

But in the end, the python's ability to land on medium pads, and both the ship's improved jumprange and vastly superior manouvrability allows you to complete more runs / hour, wich in the act severely outweighs the type-7 and -9's extra few tonnes of cargo.

And then additionally, trading in a ship soo lumberingly slow and ill-manouvrable as the type-9 (yes, I've flown in it person) makes the act simply unbearable...

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