Elite: Game talk

today, 2:18am
I killed thousands of thargoids and now I regret it.


So where are you now shitting?
today, 2:27am
Kasumi GotoAh, yes. The famous "You collided with a ship that got blown up moments later, so you obviously meant to murder them"... you may also remind said pilot to turn off their damned crime reports in a war zone.

It was a reward though; the bounty wasn't on me.

I always adhere to speed restrictions while inside stations.
today, 2:38am
SalmoneaWhy did the megaships start moving days ago? How could they have known the Thargoids would attack? They made that decision based on something.

Remember that person, the one called Seo Jin-ae? Yeah, she could have.

But if that is the case this should not have been a surprise to anybody when the Thargoid attack came. And some advance warning from Aegis to the public would have been appreciated.

... personally, I am not completely convinced that the megaships broadcasting their move ahead of time is anything more than "This is how the game works", because all dockable megaships have a big obvious message telling everybody when they are going to move. Which always occurs on/during the weekly maintenance window.


Admit it, you never liked that stinkhole of a system anyway. Unfortunately, there seem to be many eager heroes joining in to bash a massive Thargoid fleet.

(And I mean that because the effort which has gone into it so far could have cleared several ordinary invasions already... and not even 15% progress. Of course, it won't make the week unless the gods intervene, but I feel like they want to run a one week AX stuff and then boring repair hauling, rather than something 'spicy' like the system falling... at least send the Thargoids into the superpower capitals, and Mbooni. Also Sirius while they're at it.)
today, 2:39am
By the way, the Galnet report mentioned two other "megamarkets": I Sola Prospect in Brestla, and Attilius Orbital in CD-43 11917. Does that mean those stations also have all the ship modules? I thought Jameson was unique in that regard. It would be good to have alternatives.
today, 2:47am
SakashiroIt was a reward though; the bounty wasn't on me.

I always adhere to speed restrictions while inside stations.

Well, then, I guess they were just flying in while caustic was (probably) melting their hull and they hit some other [expletive] that didn't turn off their crime reports by accident, before that. Or accidentally targeted and shot one of the NPCs, maybe? Not sure if they ever did fix those giving bounties for accidental friendly fire before a Medusa murdered them.

Some people really ought to invest in a caustic sink, especially flying something with a comparatively fragile hull as a PMKII. Free negation of caustic damage except for Medusa and Hydra missile volleys (and barely worth caring for if hit by two Basi missiles).

SakashiroBy the way, the Galnet report mentioned two other "megamarkets": I Sola Prospect in Brestla, and Attilius Orbital in CD-43 11917. Does that mean those stations also have all the ship modules? I thought Jameson was unique in that regard. It would be good to have alternatives.

Apparently both of those stations do have everything too, yes. The Brestla stations sells everything at a +20% markup though, I think... and Attilius Orbital is locked behind some kinda CQC permit so I'm not sure more than a few hundred players have ever even seen the interior of that station.
today, 6:52am
Whoa, does anyone still play CQC? Last time I tried, the game couldn't find enough players for a match.
today, 7:08am
I see deathmatch mode requires only two players. Anyone want to play with me for that system permit? They seem to have nice discounts!
today, 8:10am
SakashiroI see deathmatch mode requires only two players. Anyone want to play with me for that system permit? They seem to have nice discounts!

Never tried this, so if you want to beat my backside, let's gooo! I just have to do some stuff rn but am online later. CMDR Rawnu at your service o7
today, 9:27am
Kasumi GotoAdmit it, you never liked that stinkhole of a system anyway. Unfortunately, there seem to be many eager heroes joining in to bash a massive Thargoid fleet.
I'd really like to bash them bugs wherever I can, if not for the stupid, inhumane amounts of work I have to do.
today, 9:45am
SalmoneaThargoids aren’t inherently aggressive or territorial, as they say. They attack us because they have no choice. They are the victims, and humanity is the aggressor. At least those in power. The rest are fools. Something stinks here. Why did the megaships start moving days ago? How could they have known the Thargoids would attack? They made that decision based on something. THEY ARE LYING TO US! And I refuse to play this false game.
We all know what Salvation was capable of. How Black Flight operated, how he wiped out the entire crew of the Alexandria. He’s a madman with no limits. In HIP 22460, he must have used bait. Something that powers the Proteus Wave. Something that turned the Proteus Wave into something that ultimately harmed us. Azimuth is holding the Queen captive. She sabotated the proteus wave. Thargoids want her back and now they have chance when people are moving their queen into Shin Dezhra.

I mean nothing you said here is wrong though
You forgot to mention the part where the over all purpose the protues wave was the draw the thargoids into a war as a distraction from the fact that the real goal was putting Wych's brain in the Guardian cloud
today, 9:52am
SakashiroApparently I was somehow involved in the destruction of CMDR thomasquwack.

Thank you
today, 12:19pm
IndyAlmost finished with my AX Chieftain build. Just a few more stops for some Exp Effects. (I *wish* we could apply those elsewhere than with the Engies.)

Any advice on my fire groups?

Hard points (and other devices) are:
2x 2B Guardian Gauss Cannons
2x 1D Guardian Gauss Cannons
1x 2B Remote Release Flak Launcher [Fixed] (Should I have done turret?)
1x 1E Beam Laser (for thermal vent)
As well as heat sinks and repair limpets

I would replace 2 heat sinks for Caustic Sink Launcher and Shutdown Field Neutralizer, also you have no storage for limpets
today, 12:57pm
I go away for a week or two and the goids invade Shin Dez.
That's where my ships are.
Who pays if I lose them?:
today, 1:06pm
Yourself, they can be transferred out even if a system falls to Thargoids (I made the experience when Taranis arrived and I had some of my stuff a little too close to its arrival zone).

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