Elite: Game talk

today, 3:16am
And if you see a giant line of bright yellow streaking toward a poor NPC, either make sure you quickly knock a heart off that Interceptor or that the bot which just got absolutely obliterated by an entire Thargon swarm was also the Interceptor’s target. Because that kamikaze mode (unlike the ordinary ‘15% of a swarm launches missiles when agitated’) means the big goid is enraged and will keep deploying new swarms - that also go completely into missiles when agitated - until it kills a target (while having it locked) or loses a heart.

And you do not want to eat an entire Medusa or Hydra Thargon swarm, because that will absolutely destroy your entire ship in a second, unless it’s like a Corvette or Cutter with a super beefed up prismatic shield.

For reference, swarm agitation occurs when it passes around a ship or a ship passes through it. Same mechanism should theoretically reset it but feels inconsistent when there are NPCs involved that care about avoiding swarms as much as a bull leaves a china shop intact.

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