Elite: Game talk

14 Dec 2016, 8:28am
is there cloning in elite dangerous?
14 Dec 2016, 10:17am
tobiis there cloning in elite dangerous?

Disclaimer: Not a lore expert here.

Given that ED is based on an imagining of a real life future, with history in the game sharing the same history as real life (up until beyond the present day), it wouldn't be too hard to believe that cloning is well understood, (see Dolly the Sheep and current developments in cloning human organs) although despite modern day developments, perhaps cloning an entire human would still be riddled with problems. Both medical and ethical.

Personal Opinion:
If it is something that goes on in ED, it must surely be an underground thing. Not observed in the public eye as I have yet to see anything regarding human cloning in any ED writings. Personally, if I was going to have cloning in a story within ED, I'd steer clear of giant bubbling test tubes with full grown, but unconscious adults in the fetal position and tubes coming out of every orifice.

Hope that helps at least a little bit.
14 Dec 2016, 10:39am
I think the assumption in ED is not that you necessarily get killed when your ship is destroyed. You don't die and get cloned again as in EVE online.

Ever notice the computer yelling at you to eject when you take catastrophic damage?

I think you DO. And you are in a rescue/cryo pod with a distress signal pinging - (much like the ones that you sometimes come across in missions)

So you get rescued and make your way back to a station to recoup your ship from the insurance etc.
14 Dec 2016, 11:36am
tobiis there cloning in elite dangerous?

Yes, cloning is a thing in ED. It's practiced legally by the Empire, but totally illegal in the Federation and Alliance.
14 Dec 2016, 11:38am
Jemine Caesar
tobiis there cloning in elite dangerous?

Yes, cloning is a thing in ED. It's practiced legally by the Empire, but totally illegal in the Federation and Alliance.

Explains why I've never seen anything regarding it. I spend more time dealing with Federal stuff than Imperial.
14 Dec 2016, 12:55pm
Logan Darklighter So you get rescued and make your way back to a station to recoup your ship from the insurance etc.

This is why it really bothers me that we don't get taken to the closest station.
14 Dec 2016, 2:24pm
Eli Dawson
Logan Darklighter So you get rescued and make your way back to a station to recoup your ship from the insurance etc.

This is why it really bothers me that we don't get taken to the closest station.

Well I consider it one of those "Game-isms" that makes things (usually) more convenient for the player. Some ports don't have shipyards - how would it make sense to be dropped off there?

OR - If it bothers you - think of it as "the montage". As a matter of fact - you could sat that yes - you do get taken to the closest station. But the "film" cuts past all your meanderings and time as a passenger/hitchhiker to the moment when you board your replacement ship.

Mind you - that might not work if you do a tour to Colonia and back and then get jumped by a griefer before you get a chance to land at a port in Known Space.
15 Dec 2016, 12:05am
Logan DarklighterI think the assumption in ED is not that you necessarily get killed when your ship is destroyed. You don't die and get cloned again as in EVE online.

Ever notice the computer yelling at you to eject when you take catastrophic damage?

I think you DO. And you are in a rescue/cryo pod with a distress signal pinging - (much like the ones that you sometimes come across in missions)

So you get rescued and make your way back to a station to recoup your ship from the insurance etc.

This theory makes sense specialy since when we exploring planets in POI's we find "Ocupied Cryo Pod" or something like that... which would make sense for CMDR's to Eject (for a moment there i was gona say Capsuleers insted of CMDRs lol)
15 Dec 2016, 4:43am
Here's a question I have that is vaguely connected to the above few posts.

You - The pilot - are clearly wearing some form of pressure suit and helmet in the cockpit/bridge. Obviously that's why you don't immediately suffer explosive decompression and the like when/if the canopy gets "compromised" (shattered).

“It’s true, you know. In space, no one can hear you scream like a little girl.”

Why is your life support limited to minutes when that happens? Shouldn't your pilot suit be hooked directly into the ship's air supply? Your ship obviously has the capability to maintain a livable environment indefinitely - up to months or years.

“Everything went great right up to the explosion.”

So life support appears to be something bought as part of the ship. Yet it acts more like an emergency air supply on the suit not connected to the main environmental support at all.

What gives?

As a humorous aside - can I get a few rolls of duct tape I can clip to the pilots couch? Hey - It worked for Mark Watney in The Martian.

“Yes, of course duct tape works in a near-vacuum. Duct tape works anywhere. Duct tape is magic and should be worshiped.”
15 Dec 2016, 5:08am
I've probably wasted more time than is reasonable researching the life support in Elite ships, so please bear with me!

For starters, the common misconception seems to be that the Life Support module you buy for the ship in the Outfitters only comes into play when the canopy is shattered and your oxygen timer starts. This is logical to assume since the only important stat the Life Support module has is how much emergency O2 you get after the canopy is shattered.

In actuality, the life support is the thing that keeps the entire ship warm, breathable and comfortable while the canopy is intact. It's what allows you to (eventually) get up from your chair and walk around and go down to the SRV hangar to give it a good washing before strolling to the galley to eat some food that hasn't been flash dehydrated and frozen from exposure to the cold vacuum of space.

Now there's no such thing as a machine that can manufacture air. You can either store the gasses in tanks or you can scrub out the carbon and re-use the oxygen. Once the canopy shatters, you lose all that air. What's left is what's stored in the tanks.

Here's where it gets a little fuzzy because you can get up from your chair and move around even while your Remlok faceplate is on and your bridge is depressurized. If you were tethered to the chair with an air hose, you wouldn't be able to move around freely. If you're not tethered to the chair, then your emergency air is in your suit and not dependent on the Life Support module. But the life support module is what determines how much emergency air you have!

So, you can handwave some of it away by allowing for a more expensive life support system to also include an improved Remlok system for your suit. The life support makes the ship nice and habitable in normal conditions and the suit keeps you alive in adverse conditions.
15 Dec 2016, 10:06am
Very good explanation of the subject. It brings forth another question for me though.

The Pilot has all the necessary tools at hand to survive, even the destruction of his ship. But the NPC's you can currently hire to fly your attack fighters do not?

Shouldn't they be sitting next to you in the cockpit? And since they seemingly aren't: where the heck are they?
15 Dec 2016, 10:30am
Because videogame. That's legit the main reason for some of those things.

Sure, they don't often make sense from a story telling perspective, but you have to bend reality a bit to make a game fun and challenging.
15 Dec 2016, 3:26pm
Ryan MurdocVery good explanation of the subject. It brings forth another question for me though.

The Pilot has all the necessary tools at hand to survive, even the destruction of his ship. But the NPC's you can currently hire to fly your attack fighters do not?

Shouldn't they be sitting next to you in the cockpit? And since they seemingly aren't: where the heck are they?

The pilots you hire are NPCs just like the NPCs you run into in the game. If you kill an NPC pirate, you may run into them again in the same or another system. The NPCs you hire, if you provide them with a "near death experience", will want nothing further to do with you and will avoid you in the future.

They're hired help and are not allowed on the bridge. They live in a cupboard under the stairs.
16 Dec 2016, 1:04pm
viper mk 3 or mk 4
16 Dec 2016, 1:08pm
tobiviper mk 3 or mk 4

Mk 3 has more paintjobs.

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