Elite: Game talk

01 Jan 2017, 5:54am
Or try a standard hot chocolate with a shot or two of Baileys or Kalhua. That'd be quite nice.

Last edit: 01 Jan 2017, 6:04am
01 Jan 2017, 7:55am
Anna ReidNever trust someone who wont get blackout drunk at holidays and embarrass them self in front of friends and family.

And the resulting tragedies and breakups in tow
01 Jan 2017, 8:13am
With how boring you are, I shouldn't be surprised you'd say that, but somehow I still am.
01 Jan 2017, 8:13am
The only tragedy was that I didn't get started on the good stuff sooner.

I should probably have kept a water bottle beside my bunk but hey... Shit happens.
01 Jan 2017, 8:52am
Simon DaturaOr try a standard hot chocolate with a shot or two of Baileys or Kalhua. That'd be quite nice.

01 Jan 2017, 8:55am
Looking at colder weather later this week so maybe I'll give it a try.  Bit under the weather right now and alcohol and medicine don't tend to agree on things too much.
01 Jan 2017, 8:59am
What are you talking about? The hot chcolate + Baileys or Kahlua is medicine.
01 Jan 2017, 9:17am
Fair point.
01 Jan 2017, 11:21am
M. Lehman
Kyla EmmerichWhat kind of snacks?

Jalepeno poppers, hot wings, cashews, Pringles, Gardetto's rye chips...

The following day is going to be a blur of acid reflux.
01 Jan 2017, 11:29am
Anna ReidWith how boring you are, I shouldn't be surprised you'd say that, but somehow I still am.

And yes, I know your comment wasn't aimed at me. But just see it as a answer to the one you aimed at me earlier
01 Jan 2017, 11:40am
Ozmundo Vasqualez
M. Lehman
Kyla EmmerichWhat kind of snacks?

Jalepeno poppers, hot wings, cashews, Pringles, Gardetto's rye chips...

The following day is going to be a blur of acid reflux.

Worth it. So worth it. Absolutely worth it.
01 Jan 2017, 11:57am
Simon Datura
Ozmundo Vasqualez
M. Lehman
Kyla EmmerichWhat kind of snacks?

Jalepeno poppers, hot wings, cashews, Pringles, Gardetto's rye chips...

The following day is going to be a blur of acid reflux.

Worth it. So worth it. Absolutely worth it.

01 Jan 2017, 12:04pm
I could eat jalapeño poppers for days.
01 Jan 2017, 2:45pm
Ryan Murdoc
Anna ReidWith how boring you are, I shouldn't be surprised you'd say that, but somehow I still am.


And yes, I know your comment wasn't aimed at me. But just see it as a answer to the one you aimed at me earlier

Some people are unhappy with their life and detest their own weakness when they seek solace in substance abuse, so they often want to shame you into joining them. Yes I'm boring, but I'm very happy being boring.
01 Jan 2017, 2:49pm
Wow, ya'll are so boring you couldn't recognize a joke if it danced naked on your table with a shot of jaegermeister in its hand.

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