Elite: Game talk

yesterday, 10:33am
Well, they did go ahead and replace gankers with Thargoids (maybe). Check your in-game news feed when you log in or just one of the various places where this will quickly be relayed.

… or just the CG page. It says the whole thing has an 8 trillion credits maximum goal and runs two weeks so it’ll be interesting to see how long it lasts. Somehow, however, I don’t… really expect one attack on one location will do a whole lot to change the course of events.
yesterday, 12:07pm
AH Assuming this (7 years old data) is even valid (and not some sick joke), those areas are EDIT: 1000+ ly away. That's a lot of "friendship drive"'s. Also, sounds like I need a SRV + not sure what other equipment.

I guess it's time to rebuild my boat and take a trip.

EDIT: Forget it. 1000 Ly is absurdly far and would take me forever 33+ jumps.

Indeed. Taking a 1000 Ly trip for Niobium wouldn't be advisable. As Episparh mentioned, it's Grade 1, so it can be obtained from a lot of sources (many closer to the bubble). Laser mining is an option, but you may find it easier/fun to use your SRV and collect it (or any other raw mat) on a planet's surface.

Personally, I used to use some of the more popular farming locations (i.e. "Anaconda crash site") to collect raw mats. Now, I just collect materials from mission rewards when doing other things in game. Regardless, using a materials trader, to dump one thing that you have a lot of for something else you want, is a lot more time-efficient.
yesterday, 1:17pm
Shinrarta Dezhra unplayable as hell. Surely the entire current playerbase is there. AXI private group unplayable too.
yesterday, 2:03pm
Rayman.Shinrarta Dezhra unplayable as hell. Surely the entire current playerbase is there. AXI private group unplayable too.

The Thargoids apparently attacked FD's headquarters and shot some drag munitions at their servers. I mean I wouldn't know if that's true because the game doesn't run stable for 30sec straight anyway today.
yesterday, 2:25pm
AH Assuming this (7 years old data) is even valid (and not some sick joke), those areas are EDIT: 1000+ ly away. That's a lot of "friendship drive"'s. Also, sounds like I need a SRV + not sure what other equipment.

I guess it's time to rebuild my boat and take a trip.

EDIT: Forget it. 1000 Ly is absurdly far and would take me forever 33+ jumps.

Indeed. Taking a 1000 Ly trip for Niobium wouldn't be advisable. As Episparh mentioned, it's Grade 1, so it can be obtained from a lot of sources (many closer to the bubble). Laser mining is an option, but you may find it easier/fun to use your SRV and collect it (or any other raw mat) on a planet's surface.

Personally, I used to use some of the more popular farming locations (i.e. "Anaconda crash site") to collect raw mats. Now, I just collect materials from mission rewards when doing other things in game. Regardless, using a materials trader, to dump one thing that you have a lot of for something else you want, is a lot more time-efficient.

Good point.
I found a location in Q Velorum and it's 200 LY away but guess what, we have 2 Q Velorum's in this galaxy. canonn . tech site point to the one closer one. I think I'll try that and see what happens. Riding a SRV is something I have not done before and 10 jumps is not that bad.
yesterday, 4:02pm
yesterday, 4:16pm
AH.... Riding a SRV is something I have not done before and 10 jumps is not that bad.

SRVs can be really fun. Just be warned: They are touchy. One little bump at speed and you'll go flying. I've literally gone into orbit in one accidentally. I recommend setting your pips to 2.5-3 SYS 0-1 ENG and 2.5-3 WEP. Basically, light on the ENG.

Also, be sure not to completely destroy the node you're trying to harvest from. Some videos online might help with how-to. Essentially: target node, fire (only enough to dislodge), then pick it up with cargo scoop. (Make sure your scoop is open beforehand. It doesn't interfere with driving.)
yesterday, 5:04pm
Whoever designed the SRV suspension definitely knows how to make people suffer.
yesterday, 5:47pm
AH.... Riding a SRV is something I have not done before and 10 jumps is not that bad.

SRVs can be really fun. Just be warned: They are touchy. One little bump at speed and you'll go flying. I've literally gone into orbit in one accidentally.

LOL. Good one!

Sadly, the Q Velorum had 1 body with volcanic activity and there was nothing. I could jump another 300 Ly to next one (HIP 51131) and try again.
I watched this vid yo utube. com/watch?v=fZZJcsZSl9k but I have never seen those settings he was adjusting.
WAIT! Maybe I have a wrong scanner?
yesterday, 6:12pm
AHSadly, the Q Velorum had 1 body with volcanic activity and there was nothing. I could jump another 300 Ly to next one (HIP 51131) and try again.
I watched this vid yo utube. com/watch?v=fZZJcsZSl9k but I have never seen those settings he was adjusting.
WAIT! Maybe I have a wrong scanner?

Are you using Search Nearest/ Bodies / Niobium, there are plenty of systems with above 2% for Niobium close to Q Velorum? I would avoid planets with GEO.
yesterday, 6:34pm
AHNiobium, where are you ...

Outotz LS-K d8-3, B 5 a - Yttrium source -1.8836 -145.7096 1,714.08 Ly from Sol

If you have any Yttrium go to a raw materials trader and trade down for lots of Niobium and lower stuff as you don't want to have any left to maximise your trip.

Take an SRV and zap the Yttrium nodules. You'll have 150 in no time and then head back to the material trader to do the same. Then do a final trip to fill up your Yttrium stocks. There are sites that you can do the same for the other raw materials.

They are all a fair distance out, but it wouldn't make much of a trip if the source was on our doorstep. Treat it as a mission.

I see you have an Asp Explorer, even with no engineering you can get there in 50 jumps. Here is a simple build that would do the job. Engineer the FSD and you can do it in 33 jumps.
yesterday, 7:03pm
I'm excited about the bit of AX coming close to "home" (ShinDez) in the game. It's just in time for my own dabbling in AX combat (see previous posts).

As I'm getting excited about the new nearby opportunity, could someone mind glancing at my target build for my AX chieftain and tell me if it's good to go? (It's based on build suggestions from other sites, which could be out-dated in the current meta. I just don't know.)
yesterday, 7:41pm
MeowersWhoever designed the SRV suspension definitely knows how to make people suffer.

hint: it is not meant for driving
yesterday, 7:44pm
Then it is not a surface vehicle, and just because some "racer" complained enough that the Scarab was turned into a slippery machine of complete disregard to traction or friction does not mean it is actually good.

I basically never use a Scarab at this point. The Scorpion is just far more enjoyable to actually use as a surface vehicle, not pretending to be a skimmer or something.
yesterday, 7:45pm
AHSadly, the Q Velorum had 1 body with volcanic activity and there was nothing. I could jump another 300 Ly to next one (HIP 51131) and try again.
I watched this vid yo utube. com/watch?v=fZZJcsZSl9k but I have never seen those settings he was adjusting.
WAIT! Maybe I have a wrong scanner?

What's your opinion on trying the mat farm option I suggested? For raw materials, you could try the Anaconda Crash Site in Koli Discii. There's a great video by Hawkes Gaming which goes over some decent farming methods/sites.

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