Elite: Game talk

05 Nov 2016, 7:00pm
Ryan MurdocI think he ment to be wary of persons because they might be out to kill you.

If that were the case, he would have said. "Trust no one in game." But he didn't. He said, trust no one, which means everybody. And there are an awful lot of everbodies.....

Last edit: 05 Nov 2016, 7:16pm
05 Nov 2016, 8:05pm
I've been informed by many that I am no one. So I think he actually meant to trust me.
05 Nov 2016, 8:40pm
Luke3107I've been informed by many that I am no one. So I think he actually meant to trust me.

You're logic is completely sound. I think from now on I should really only trust you. Screw the nay-sayers and non-believers.

And also, this is to everyone: I've got the choice of a few ships to buy a ship now that I know sort of what I'm doing in the game and have 163000 or so credits. I also want to do more fighting in the game than anything else so is it worth getting the Falcon mark III now since I'll only be left with 20000?
05 Nov 2016, 8:48pm
Stryker Aune
Ryan MurdocI think he ment to be wary of persons because they might be out to kill you.

If that were the case, he would have said. "Trust no one in game." But he didn't. He said, trust no one, which means everybody. And there are an awful lot of everbodies.....

Interpret it how you want. I may have been suggesting that he not trust his parents, partners or close friends. I may have been suggesting that he also include pedants who, in an attempt to be funny, make pointless critical observations. Then again, maybe not.
05 Nov 2016, 9:00pm
Luke3107I've been informed by many that I am no one. So I think he actually meant to trust me.

You're logic is completely sound. I think from now on I should really only trust you. Screw the nay-sayers and non-believers.

And also, this is to everyone: I've got the choice of a few ships to buy a ship now that I know sort of what I'm doing in the game and have 163000 or so credits. I also want to do more fighting in the game than anything else so is it worth getting the Falcon mark III now since I'll only be left with 20000?
Uhh.. The Falcon?? I think you are looking at the Make of the ship rather than the Model. I'm sure plenty of people will know what you mean, but sadly I don't. I do know that you must be referring to the Cobra or the Viper though.

If that doesn't make sense, put it like this. You just asked if you should buy a Ford. We need to know if you mean the Mondeo or the Pickup Truck.

Regardless. The number one rule in Elite is to NEVER FLY WHAT YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO REBUY. With that bank balance, I'd leave it until you will have around 100K leftover AFTER outfitting. Otherwise one wrong move and it's hello Sidewinder again.
05 Nov 2016, 10:11pm

Just get an Eagle.
Then fly to the closest ordinary or hi RES, join cops fighting wanted ships there.
If you will be accurate and will do only last shots before criminals die, you`ll be safe. And`ll get millions for couple of hours.

Oh, and dont forget to get back and dock to the station to sell bounty vouchers alive.

Last edit: 05 Nov 2016, 10:16pm
05 Nov 2016, 10:42pm
Let's talk cabin sizes.
Is there a semi-complete listing of available sizes and fits developing?
Am I wasting my time looking for a size 4B, (or A for that matter) 1st class cabin to seat more than 3?
05 Nov 2016, 11:06pm
Thanks for everyone's help. I've got the blunty hunting down now (that's how I got the first 163000) but it's just advice on buying stuff. I appreciate the idea of buying all my crap again because I've already died twice and had to re-buy a turret that I got when I re-spawned, so no worries there. I'll work on grabbing more bounties and I'll just skip to having the Viper mkIII which is what I meant to say rather than Faulcon. Thanks again!
05 Nov 2016, 11:18pm
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Stryker Aune
Ryan MurdocI think he ment to be wary of persons because they might be out to kill you.

If that were the case, he would have said. "Trust no one in game." But he didn't. He said, trust no one, which means everybody. And there are an awful lot of everbodies.....

Interpret it how you want. I may have been suggesting that he not trust his parents, partners or close friends. I may have been suggesting that he also include pedants who, in an attempt to be funny, make pointless critical observations. Then again, maybe not.

Aww, how adorable. "I'm allowed to be a flippant snarker, but I hate anyone who tries to do it after me!
06 Nov 2016, 11:47am
Ozmundo Vasqualez
Stryker Aune
Ryan MurdocI think he ment to be wary of persons because they might be out to kill you.

If that were the case, he would have said. "Trust no one in game." But he didn't. He said, trust no one, which means everybody. And there are an awful lot of everbodies.....

Interpret it how you want. I may have been suggesting that he not trust his parents, partners or close friends. I may have been suggesting that he also include pedants who, in an attempt to be funny, make pointless critical observations. Then again, maybe not.

Aww, how adorable. "I'm allowed to be a flippant snarker, but I hate anyone who tries to do it after me!

Not at all, but I reserve the right to respond to banter and if someone wants to chat, I'll chat back. Is that OK with you beardy?
06 Nov 2016, 2:03pm
You'll get no argument from me. I just think it's hilarious when people like to dish it out but then start to freak out when someone's snarky back at them.
06 Nov 2016, 2:35pm
XeknosYou'll get no argument from me. I just think it's hilarious when people like to dish it out but then start to freak out when someone's snarky back at them.

I'm sure how I gave you the impression I was freaking out, but I will reevaluate the cheap aftershave I bought in Colonia.
06 Nov 2016, 3:13pm
I don't remember how to change my allengince and power
06 Nov 2016, 4:09pm
Kurama10I don't remember how to change my allengince and power

Are you referring to on here or in game?
07 Nov 2016, 2:45pm
I have a question regarding ammo synthesis. Do "Standard" and "Premium" reloads provide the damage boost to the first loaded magazine and entire reserve?

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