Elite: Game talk

29 Nov 2016, 8:22pm
Q1. Once I have accepted an upgrade, when I view & preview (or try again) on the upgraded module, are the new stats on the top left box the difference between my upgraded module and the new try or as if I had no existing upgrade on the module?

Last edit: 29 Nov 2016, 8:46pm
29 Nov 2016, 9:07pm
The stats you see are always in relation to the module currently installed on your ship. So if you kept the module and installed it, that would be what you see next time to try to craft a new one.
30 Nov 2016, 1:24am
is it possible to expand a minor faction into a system when the closest system 175ly away?
30 Nov 2016, 4:10am
Mister Poachis it possible to expand a minor faction into a system when the closest system 175ly away?

Maximum range of a Expansion is supposedly 50 ly according to FD. So no, it would not be possible. The MF in question would always fail to go into Expansion and create a Investment state all the time.
30 Nov 2016, 2:01pm
Mister Poachis it possible to expand a minor faction into a system when the closest system 175ly away?

How would/do you get to that other system?
30 Nov 2016, 2:02pm
James Hussar
Mister Poachis it possible to expand a minor faction into a system when the closest system 175ly away?

How would/do you get to that other system?

It's probably a colonized system out of the bubble. Lots of uninhabited systems around.
30 Nov 2016, 2:20pm
Rebecca Hail
James Hussar
Mister Poachis it possible to expand a minor faction into a system when the closest system 175ly away?

How would/do you get to that other system?

It's probably a colonized system out of the bubble. Lots of uninhabited systems around.

Yeah, but 175LY? HOW would one get there? Or is "colonized" implicit and there are uncolonized systems in the space between?
30 Nov 2016, 2:25pm
Uncolonized systems in between. I honestly don't know any system which is 175ly from the next without going to the outer fringe.
30 Nov 2016, 5:38pm
Rebecca HailUncolonized systems in between. I honestly don't know any system which is 175ly from the next without going to the outer fringe.

*Light dawns on Marblehead*
01 Dec 2016, 5:02am
How do I link my xbox profile up here?
01 Dec 2016, 7:37am
Edward ArsenicHow do I link my xbox profile up here?

You can't. Everything you enter here, has to be manual. There is no automated system that picks up data from the XBone account.

Last edit: 01 Dec 2016, 7:48am
02 Dec 2016, 2:04am
Morning or evening which ever?

im having trouble with something on here? i want to start passenger missions but can i find anywhere that sells cabins!!!!!! can i f*ck?
is there a main starports that sell them or do i need to visit certain ports???

thanks in advance
02 Dec 2016, 4:25am
GT THUGMorning or evening which ever?

im having trouble with something on here? i want to start passenger missions but can i find anywhere that sells cabins!!!!!! can i f*ck?
is there a main starports that sell them or do i need to visit certain ports???

thanks in advance

Link: https://eddb.io/station

Top right box, the one that reads "Station selling modules" Just enter in what type of cabin you want and where you are (bottom left box "referance station"). It'll tell you the nearest place where you can find one.

Last edit: 02 Dec 2016, 4:32am
02 Dec 2016, 5:36am
GT THUGMorning or evening which ever?

im having trouble with something on here? i want to start passenger missions but can i find anywhere that sells cabins!!!!!! can i f*ck?
is there a main starports that sell them or do i need to visit certain ports???

thanks in advance

Link: https://eddb.io/station

Top right box, the one that reads "Station selling modules" Just enter in what type of cabin you want and where you are (bottom left box "referance station". It'll tell you the nearest place where you can find one.

nice one thanks
02 Dec 2016, 5:39am
Rebecca HailUncolonized systems in between. I honestly don't know any system which is 175ly from the next without going to the outer fringe.

I do. It's out of the bubble. May be a CG for them one day

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