Elite: Game talk

26 Dec 2016, 4:26pm
Hi Commanders.
Is there anywhere I can find a list of the outposts between Colonia and the Bubble? I'm just about to start my return trip and it would be nice to visit them all.
26 Dec 2016, 5:04pm
26 Dec 2016, 5:32pm
Thank you very much for ansvering me so fast!! i almost went and bought anotherhorizons pass for 16eur. thinking its the only way ill get to "Guardians" and "MultiCrew"..

27 Dec 2016, 9:24pm
Hello to all lets rip Shit
27 Dec 2016, 9:34pm
Where are you? We can rip shit together
28 Dec 2016, 1:05am
i just got ripted off mission said 77k i only got 10k im trying to save for DIAMONDBACK EXPLORER and its damn hard to missions with a mouse lol
28 Dec 2016, 2:29am
Sintarai just got ripted off mission said 77k i only got 10k im trying to save for DIAMONDBACK EXPLORER and its damn hard to missions with a mouse lol

Ya, my mouse, Mr. Whiskers has a hard time playing this game too. He's trying to get a Anaconda. I bet the reason why the mission paid out only 10k was because the game hates the small fluffy furry types that go squeak.

Just kidding. I wonder if you failed a mission requirement?
28 Dec 2016, 10:46am
nope it was just a data drop from one place to another i did get attacked but escaped
28 Dec 2016, 12:36pm
As you might guess from my Cmdr's name (It's also my most common internet and fannish "handle" ) Star Wars was a formative part of my life. As such, recent events in real life have me a bit heartbroken.

RIP and be one with the Force, Carrie. And Kenny.

Last edit: 28 Dec 2016, 12:42pm
28 Dec 2016, 4:07pm
Felicity Farseer is supposed to have a base (Farseer Inc.) on moon, Deciat 6A. I have not yet gotten her invite or scanned the moon with a discovery or surface scanner, but I did not see the base in Navigation or Contacts nor did I see it from Orbit around the moon.

I have Horizons: Do i need to get an invite before the base appears or will I find it if I use a scanner? Is there something else going on? Maybe a bug?
28 Dec 2016, 4:22pm
Maestro_57Felicity Farseer is supposed to have a base (Farseer Inc.) on moon, Deciat 6A. I have not yet gotten her invite or scanned the moon with a discovery or surface scanner, but I did not see the base in Navigation or Contacts nor did I see it from Orbit around the moon.

I have Horizons: Do i need to get an invite before the base appears or will I find it if I use a scanner? Is there something else going on? Maybe a bug?


Public data sources.

Gain exploration rank Scout or higher.

Provide 1 unit of Meta Alloys.

Craft modules.
Sell exploration data at Farseer Inc.

Note: Station services won't be available immediately after the engineer is unlocked. Please re-log to make them available.

So, yes, you should just have an "invite", no introductions or preconditions needed. For me, the first-tier engineers just appeared as markers in the galactic map. Maybe you've got those turned off? Upon arrival in Deciat, scan the nav beacon and the base (surface base) should appear in your nav. In order for her to deal wth you, you will need to supply a ton of meta-alloy which you can either find, mine by blasting barnacles (if that still works, I heard it doesn't) or buy from Danielle's Progress (surface port) in the Maia system.

A bug is always a possibility. If you exhaust reasonable options of checking your settings and visiting the system, contact FD Suppot to rule out the bug. I'd start by getting the meta-alloy, then going to Deciat, scanning the nav beacon, maybe detail-scan the moon, and dock at the system's main station. Log out and back in, and Farseer should become available. If not, contact FD Support.
29 Dec 2016, 7:32pm
Isaiah EvansonThat was awesome.

But yeah, I mean I understand the nerfing of engineered weapons on NPCs. I just wish the difficulty was just a tick more than it is right now.

Then again, if they could adapt to the skill level of the player, that'd be great too. Though I don't know how difficult that'd be to pull off.

EDIT: Should we move to this to general / game talk?

You'll be happy to know that the skill of spawned NPCS does revolve around the skill level of the player. It was part of the reason why so many upper-ranked PvE players had such a rude shock when 2.1 dropped- they had spent two years fighting laughably easy opponents.
29 Dec 2016, 7:32pm
nope it was just a data drop from one place to another i did get attacked but escaped
29 Dec 2016, 7:56pm
M. Lehman
Isaiah EvansonThat was awesome.

But yeah, I mean I understand the nerfing of engineered weapons on NPCs. I just wish the difficulty was just a tick more than it is right now.

Then again, if they could adapt to the skill level of the player, that'd be great too. Though I don't know how difficult that'd be to pull off.

EDIT: Should we move to this to general / game talk?

You'll be happy to know that the skill of spawned NPCS does revolve around the skill level of the player. It was part of the reason why so many upper-ranked PvE players had such a rude shock when 2.1 dropped- they had spent two years fighting laughably easy opponents.

I know they scale based on your combat rank, but I don't know if their behavior scales proportionately to the player's flying. If it does, it needs some work... or I just need to use smaller ships.
30 Dec 2016, 4:06pm
Here is where I am at commanders. I like flying, I like ED, I like shooting stuff, I don't much like being a space hauler, or miner, and I feel lost. I have a well outfitted Imperial eagle and an adder thats built just to deliver stuff. I want to be more active in game so I am going to find a wing that will accept me as a relatively new player without a ton of funds.

What is my next step? What should my next ship be? I need to find something more than just grinding in resource areas.

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