Elite: Game talk

today, 8:03pm
Like Napoleon Dynamite, I enjoy making sweet jumps in the scarab.
today, 11:31pm
Well, it's a "normal" Thargoid attack, so no damage to the Guardian SRPs in my Adder.

But the entire rest of my fleet is in that burning station.
today, 11:33pm
Better not hang around for Glaives to show up around the station (they do) if you're trying to play bait despite the momentary service interruption.

And if you're so inclined the game will let you transfer ships to a nearby safe station. I think.
today, 11:39pm
My Adder is quite fast, but I think only my Courier can outrun Glaives.

I went to Jameson Memorial to take a look but didn't stay long.

Question to the AX pilots out there: Who's causing more trouble in ShinDez now, goids or gankers?
today, 11:56pm
Almost finished with my AX Chieftain build. Just a few more stops for some Exp Effects. (I *wish* we could apply those elsewhere than with the Engies.)

Any advice on my fire groups?

Hard points (and other devices) are:
2x 2B Guardian Gauss Cannons
2x 1D Guardian Gauss Cannons
1x 2B Remote Release Flak Launcher [Fixed] (Should I have done turret?)
1x 1E Beam Laser (for thermal vent)
As well as heat sinks and repair limpets
today, 11:56pm
Muhahaha, look who interdicted me.

My hat is off, fellow Adder pilot. o7

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