Elite: Game talk

26 Jan 2017, 11:52am

This is the build I made for long range Passenger missions in a Beluga Liner. However, taking it for a test run 1,500Ly outside the bubble, I'm already regretting the build.

The fuel scooping is far too slow, I was unaware that each cabin was only good for one set of passengers each (rather than being able to fill a 12 capacity cabin with 3 seperate missions each containing 4 passengers, that same 12 capacity cabin turns out to only be good for one mission regardless of the number of passengers...), and while I reckon 18.35Ly is a fairly respectable Jump Range given the nature of the vessel, anywhere I can add to that would definitely be a bonus.

Can anyone, or rather, IS anyone willing to show me a more efficiently built Beluga as the journey time to travel a mere 1,500Ly is already far too much. And I Buckyballed to Sag A* in 14 hours....


fooling around a lil not too in depth but slightly cheaper and more efficient

shield cell bank but no shield generator

it wouldnt bring one up. not familiar with liners.... so went with that option..
26 Jan 2017, 12:17pm
How's a SCB supposed to work without a shield generator?
26 Jan 2017, 1:16pm
the liner can only support a class 6 generator
26 Jan 2017, 1:35pm
tobithe liner can only support a class 6 generator

26 Jan 2017, 2:05pm
We should all petition FD to change that ship. It runs way too hot, and that lone class 4 slot needs to be buffed to class 5. With some lucky engineering you could then fit a class 5 shield.
26 Jan 2017, 3:09pm
NumaWe should all petition FD to change that ship. It runs way too hot, and that lone class 4 slot needs to be buffed to class 5. With some lucky engineering you could then fit a class 5 shield.

How else can we cause the people to burn alive? Jettison them in to the star?
26 Jan 2017, 8:26pm
anyone else finding that there are way too many police at Low extraction sites?

i get into one and its impossible to take anything out as the AI have already blown the target up.

i have report crimes against me turned off.
26 Jan 2017, 8:34pm
Wyvern sieyesanyone else finding that there are way too many police at Low extraction sites?

i get into one and its impossible to take anything out as the AI have already blown the target up.

i have report crimes against me turned off.

Keep report crimes turned on, it only reports crimes committed against you. So if a NPC Pirate ship shoots you and you are clean, the bounty on it increases by 200-800 cr.
26 Jan 2017, 8:38pm
Wyvern sieyesanyone else finding that there are way too many police at Low extraction sites?

i get into one and its impossible to take anything out as the AI have already blown the target up.

i have report crimes against me turned off.

Also, are you new to Bounty Hunting or do you have a decent hunting rig set up?
27 Jan 2017, 12:15am
Wyvern sieyesanyone else finding that there are way too many police at Low extraction sites?
i get into one and its impossible to take anything out as the AI have already blown the target up.
I have report crimes against me turned off.

Systems have varying security levels. Finding a HazRes in a lower security system may be an option.
28 Jan 2017, 8:58pm
Does anyone have a SUREFIRE method for "Irregular Emissions"?
I have been getting a very low count, but i direly need them for modding.
28 Jan 2017, 10:54pm
@ Julio Montega -

Irregular Emissions Data - "encoded emissions" signal sources, usually by scanning the "private data beacon."
Also scan other ships while in super-cruise - listed as a common material - should not be too hard to get into.
28 Jan 2017, 11:17pm
Irregular Emissions Data - "encoded emissions" signal sources, usually by scanning the "private data beacon."
Also scan other ships while in super-cruise - listed as a common material - should not be too hard to get into.

50 encoded and degraded emission.... multiple ships scanned. Nothing.
This morning i had a single EE and got twice the irregulars from the beacon.

I just can't make any rhyme on it.

.... Just took some missions now... still weird spawn behaviour.

Last edit: 29 Jan 2017, 12:54am
29 Jan 2017, 10:32am
Julio MontegaIrregular Emissions Data - "encoded emissions" signal sources, usually by scanning the "private data beacon."
Also scan other ships while in super-cruise - listed as a common material - should not be too hard to get into.

50 encoded and degraded emission.... multiple ships scanned. Nothing.
This morning i had a single EE and got twice the irregulars from the beacon.

I just can't make any rhyme on it.

.... Just took some missions now... still weird spawn behaviour.

I used a wake scanner and got everything i needed from data mined to irregular and aberrant to decoded emission which you need 50 of each for the engineers
29 Jan 2017, 1:12pm
has anyone else gone to the 2nd alien ruins site, I have so far had no correct results and it keeps crashing at the end of my scanning run saying it cannot connect to adjacent server

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