Elite: Game talk

04 Jan 2017, 9:47am
NsiteCan't seem to find a support email here. Any ideas Commanders? Appreciate it in advance.

There isn't one afaik. Inara is run single handedly by Artie, and you can use the 'Updates, bug reports, feature requests' button to ask him anything. You can also PM him if you prefer.
04 Jan 2017, 9:56am
Although I'd avoid PMing him. He is our God King, and summoning him/communing with him is a task best suited to the high priests, lest ye be smote.
04 Jan 2017, 10:14pm
Last night, in Sol, I was looking at a star and though, "Gee, that's really bright. I wonder if it's Sirius." Sure enough, it was. Then I went there.

Been playing this game for so long and it still blows me away.
04 Jan 2017, 10:21pm
SonofMacPhistoLast night, in Sol, I was looking at a star and though, "Gee, that's really bright. I wonder if it's Sirius." Sure enough, it was. Then I went there.

Been playing this game for so long and it still blows me away.
Might I recommend visiting Betelguese then? Only about 500Ly beyond the bubble, give or take.
04 Jan 2017, 10:40pm
SonofMacPhistoLast night, in Sol, I was looking at a star and though, "Gee, that's really bright. I wonder if it's Sirius." Sure enough, it was. Then I went there.

Been playing this game for so long and it still blows me away.

That's awesome.
05 Jan 2017, 12:54pm
Hi to all. Found salvage not pointed here and at EDDB "ERTH RELICS". Who knows were to sell them better?


05 Jan 2017, 2:41pm
Good Morning/afternoon/evening folks....

Hows everybody today.???
05 Jan 2017, 4:05pm
Well im officially bummed. I just found out the discord for Privateers is primarily used for text chat. There is only the one voice channel listed as GENERAL. I am not a fan of having to tab out of the game to type something, talking is the purpose of a program like discord/ventrilo/teamspeak. But i digress... Its not the Alliances fault, it is my own shortcomings....
05 Jan 2017, 4:06pm
GrievousharmWell im officially bummed. I just found out the discord for Privateers is primarily used for text chat. There is only the one voice channel listed as GENERAL. I am not a fan of having to tab out of the game to type something, talking is the purpose of a program like discord/ventrilo/teamspeak. But i digress... Its not the Alliances fault, it is my own shortcomings....

Shouldn't this be discussed within your wing?
05 Jan 2017, 4:19pm
GrievousharmWell im officially bummed. I just found out the discord for Privateers is primarily used for text chat. There is only the one voice channel listed as GENERAL. I am not a fan of having to tab out of the game to type something, talking is the purpose of a program like discord/ventrilo/teamspeak. But i digress... Its not the Alliances fault, it is my own shortcomings....

Umm, you just asked about that in the Inara public channel... which is not the Privateer's Alliance channel!
05 Jan 2017, 10:41pm
Couple quick Q's for you all. 1. Any of you in Colonia? and Dos. why is everyone hunting earth likes? I've named about 50 I think on my way out that way, but I am not sure why it's such a topic of conversation.

Extra Credit:

- Looking for a wing of players, PC, solid participation- voice and or text, but mostly enjoy making their own adventures in Elite.

05 Jan 2017, 11:09pm
Guys did you see that? Something is about to happen soon...


Last edit: 05 Jan 2017, 11:35pm
05 Jan 2017, 11:34pm
It appears we are not alone.
05 Jan 2017, 11:41pm
CaduGuys did you see that? Something is about to happen soon...



Damn Thargoids.
05 Jan 2017, 11:47pm
CaduGuys did you see that? Something is about to happen soon...


Oh wow... just wow.

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