Elite: Game talk

05 Jan 2017, 11:49pm
CaduGuys did you see that? Something is about to happen soon...


Oh wow... just wow.

You know it's legit because there's a NPC shooting him the whole time.
05 Jan 2017, 11:49pm
Good thing Im only about 20k Ly away from there. MAAAAAN!!! That's in the bubble too. Why did I leave the bubble.
06 Jan 2017, 12:13am
Yo wtf that's terrifying..
06 Jan 2017, 12:17am
Let's hope that once we're able to interact when they're near, no moron tries to shoot them down. Then again, knowing us, yeap, that's what's going to happen.
06 Jan 2017, 12:20am
The video I saw the poor sods ship was disabled. Similar to what happened to the experimentalist that honked the Unknown Probe.

Never mind shooting first, it might be we don't get the opportunity :/
06 Jan 2017, 12:21am
You could shoot at it as it's leaving... if you can keep up.

06 Jan 2017, 12:27am
The Developers said that initial first contact would determine their hostility towards us- yet to be seen if first contact meant the barnacles or something like this. Absolutely wild though. Super terrifying.

Feels like Thargoids...
06 Jan 2017, 12:33am
For easier acces for tablet users I've made it into a clickable link

Alien Encounter

Credit to Cadu for posting here though
06 Jan 2017, 12:36am
I'm thrilled. That was incredibly cool.
06 Jan 2017, 12:45am
I'm fangirling so hard right now. Why am I away from home? Why now?!?!
06 Jan 2017, 12:47am
06 Jan 2017, 12:58am
Just a speculation, but I believe anyone wanting to have some interactions with Thargoid's best haul ass to Colonia.

I don't find it a coincidence now that I think about it, that Jacque's had a big ship 'failure' out there, that he was an integral part of the original lore, that FDev and crew have been hankering to get people to make the trek, and now this.

I have a feeling the players in Colonia are going to be really lucky (unlucky?) they stuck around. If the Alien's were going to be slowly introduced, it would make sense they start with the smaller colony first.

This... just... got... interesting.
06 Jan 2017, 1:08am
Sorry, bad Thargoid information. Post removed.
06 Jan 2017, 1:16am

(Sound of jaw hitting deck percussively...)
06 Jan 2017, 1:19am

I'm equally excited and terrified.

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